Bakery Business in Nigeria: Guide on How To Start (2024)

Only a few know that choosing bread bakery business is profitable, the rest might not be sure of how lucrative bread bakery business in Nigeria is, and for this reason, they relent on venturing into it.

bakery business in nigeria

Bakery Business in Nigeria: Image By

Starting a bakery business isn’t as expensive as some may presume, that’s why we provided the guide to a hitch-free process in commencing a bakery. This writeup also includes how to begin this business anywhere in the country. However, before we proceed, let us first give a short outline of the bakery business.

Bread bakery is a business which involves three major things: capital, equipment and the materials. We will explain these factors further in the article. The business isn’t hard to start once you have the money and are ready to meet the necessities. With the needed materials and a suitable location that favors high demand, you are already into the bakery business proper.

How To Setup A Bread Bakery in Nigeria (2024)

We’ve outlined the steps to start the bakery business to help you draw customers and earn money below:

Step 1: Business Funding and Capital

Having a business fund or source of capital is what to first consider because this business requires much capital to run it. If you wish to deliver quality bread that will pull in great support and attract customers, then you should start your bakery business with much and sufficient funding.

Much as the bakery business requires some great measure of cash, consequently, when you have the necessary money to put resources into this business, then you are heading to succeed.

A tip by some in this field is that you should work with the working costs; proper timing in managing the daily costs and assessing the preference by prioritising the priorities, all this before the profits begins streaming in.

Step 2: Prepare Your Business Plan

Business plan is the structural layout and analysis of the business. It is thus important in any enterprise with bakery inclusive, because it gives the view of what you aim at; the productuvity and the product you will give out.

Going by this popular adage that “anyone who fails to plan, plans to fall” in his/her engaging, there is a full need to draw your business plan. A business plan can be set up personally or by an expert to do it for you.

Don’t simply accept you have everything in your mind, the absence of proper business plan with worked out profit-oriented strategy can cause a business to disintegrate within a twinkle of the eye. Its better to plan not to fail.

Step 3: Get Acquainted With Bakery

Training on what bakery involves and how to go about it is one of the essential things to consider in the business. A few people get their preparation by getting necessary training online on bread bakery and they turn into specialist on the field, having the knownledge of it and the handling involved.

A balance will be made in training if you have worked in Bread Bakery, that will give you the indept skills, making things go progressively simpler as you had the abilities which was earned while working.

To get the training in this, you can go for some guide by professionals in the business or search for an expert student who will prepare you in the training.

Step 4: Factory Location

Getting a suitable location for your bakery business is significant. There are quite a number of things to consider in the environment you wish to work on. They are: closeness to the targeted market; a factory location that is environmental friendly and should be accessible to buyers. If your product is of good standard, very much liked, no doubt, people will discover you regardless of where your location is.

Nevertheless, when looking for the business location, note that, raw materials like flour, sugars, etc. cost higher in urban area yet it is certainly justified regardless of your business by the much patronage and demand there. Along these lines, gauge the circumstance cautiously and search for appropriate area that you think will be useful for your bakery business.

Step 5: Start Factory Setup

This is where most of the business capital you budgeted will be utilized. It involved building the factory. But the criticality here is that you have to be screen by the regulatory agencies, both the structures and the product.

Step 6: Get NAFDAC Approval

Before you produce any food or drug consumable product, you should get NAFDAC endorsement and authorization to start production. Sadly, even as bakery in Nigeria is very much regulated, it is extremely dismal that most bread produced here passes international standard as indicated by reports.

To dwell well in the bakery business, rule out cash first; make the best decision by producing quality products and afterward money will come and even outmuch your desire. Thats all the guide to setup a bread bakery factory in Nigeria.

Now, lets look at the facilities, equipments and machines required in the bakery.

Bakery Equipment Required To Start

1. Heating Oven

This is a very consequential equipment you must purchase for the business. The modern heating oven is preferred due to its functions, if you can manage the cost of it.
The cost of machineries like this often discourage some, but of you manage and acquire it for the business, it will increase the yield.

2. Preparing Pans

You have to purchase the heating containers as per your size and the quantity you will produce. You should buy pans that will fit in right the shape of the breads.

3. Blenders

This is the gadget that blend the flour and other materials by preparing them for heating. When buying this one, go for the one that is appropriate as indicated by the standard of bakery you are setting up as there are fair blenders and also standard electronic blenders.

4. Cutting Machine

When you eat a sliced bread, know that it through the cutting machine that its possible. Cut bread is very popular and regarded in the country’s market, prompting cutting machines to be necessary.

5. Bread Wrapper Supply

Venturing into the bakery business, you should have very much marked bread wrappers in consistent stock. Make a proper plan for this ahead of time before even commence production.

6. Supply Truck

This is a carrier vehicle to help in supplying to buyers and also promoting the business. There no chance you will have the option to showcase your bakery if you don’t have a vehicle for the purpose.

7. KVA Generator

You’d generally need a backup generator, extremely enormous one besides. This is what will power the whole factory, most essentially the electronic machines which are only operational with electricity.

After knowing the equipment needed for bread bakery, its safe to say we’d made you know what is involved in bakery business in Nigeria and how to actualize by setting up a bread factory.

Cost Of Starting A Bakery in Nigeria (2024)

How much will it cost to start a bakery business in Nigeria?

To start a bakery in Nigeria, you would need a minimum of ₦500, 000 to ₦700, 000, if you want a medium sized bakery and its equipment. You can even spend up to ₦7 million if its a large scale bakery.

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Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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