Federal Fire Service Salary Structure in Nigeria (2025)
What salaries and benefits do Nigeria’s federal firefighters receive? This is an important question as we examine if the current federal fire service salary structure provides adequate remuneration and incentives to these brave personnel protecting lives and properties nationwide.
Nigeria has been experiencing more damaging fires, putting great pressure on firemen. Yet, many feel firemen salaries are too low for the danger they face daily.
This article will outline the key components of Nigeria’s federal fire service pay structure this 2025 including base pay rates, allowances, and other welfare benefits across different ranks – from fireman to Controller General.
We compare their hazardous occupations to what they currently earn.
The salary structure of the Federal Fire Service consists of consolidated paramilitary salary structure (CONPASS) grades levels for different cadres of officers and firemen.
The CONPASS salary table was approved by the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission in 2019 to unify and improve salaries and allowances for federal government paramilitary agencies in Nigeria.
This section of the article examines the specific monthly salaries drawn by key officers across various ranks in the Federal Fire Service of Nigeria as of 2025.
Leading the Federal Fire Service is the Controller General, who earns a monthly basic pay of ₦2,053,592 in 2025, followed by the Deputy Controller General on ₦1,515,483 per month.
Next in the senior leadership cadre are 7 zonal Commanders, who are placed on Grade Level 16 and paid ₦1,363,279 monthly. The over 30 State Controllers heading each state fire service command receive ₦1,242,308 as basic monthly salaries.
Heading departments and units at the national headquarters and zonal commands are Chief Inspectors, who receive gross pay of ₦1,405,497 per month. Working under them are Deputy Chief Inspectors, earning ₦1,225,237 monthly. And supporting both ranks in administrative charge of specific divisions are Assistant Chief Inspectors, with basic pay of ₦1,152,037 per month.
These salary grades allow top Federal Fire Service hierarchy to maintain standards of living befitting their status and experience gathered over decades of exemplary service.
The rank of Principal Marshal Inspector is earned through internal promotion by officers who joined the service as graduates. Their current basic pay is set at ₦943,537 per month to attract and retain educated talent. Working alongside university graduate entrants are experienced officers promoted internally to Senior Marshal Inspector, earning ₦758,417 monthly.
Together, these higher experienced cadres provide policy, operational, investigation and enforcement services aided by rank and file Marshal Inspectors divided into three salary grades based on skills attained and years served.
Marshal Inspectors Grade I earn ₦350,847 monthly, followed by Grade II Inspectors on ₦280,387 and Grade III Marshals at the lower experience band who receive ₦230,447 per month as basic pay.
Assisting Inspector ranks are Chief Fire Marshal Assistants graded as senior hands with monthly pay of ₦200,767. They lead teams of Deputy Assistants earning ₦180,047 and Senior Assistants at ₦120,427 basic monthly salary.
At entry points are junior Fire Marshal Assistants graded from level III who start at ₦70,577 per month. They graduate to higher pay of ₦85,747 per month as Assistants Grade II after 2 years. Thereafter, Assistants Grade I draw ₦100,587 monthly upon meeting performance criteria.
In addition to gross salaries stated, all Federal Fire Service personnel also benefit from annual transport and housing allowances plus hazard pay for dangerous work. Officers stationed outside their home state receive additional duty tour allowances for each day spent on assignment.
Here is the view of the Federal Fire Service allowances:
- Transport Allowance: Paid at 10% of basic salary per annum for officers on Grade Levels 01-06 and 25% for those on Grade Level 07 and above.
- Housing Allowance: Ranges from ₦40,995 per annum for GL01 to ₦344,196 per annum for controllers on GL 17/18. Updated annually.
- Hazard Allowance: All cadres get a uniform hazard allowance of ₦40,000 per month for exposure to physical, chemical and environmental hazards.
- Duty Tour Allowance: Paid per night for approved official trips outside normal station. Ranges from ₦20,000 for firemen to ₦50,000 for Asst. Controller General.
- Overtime Allowances: Paid for extra hours worked based on rank – between ₦15,000 and ₦20,000 per month.
- Leave Grant: Annual basic salary paid to all personnel as leave allowance after each year served.
- Medical Allowance: All officers and firemen get free medical care for self, spouse and 4 children below 18 years.
There are also provisions for free healthcare for families and scholarships for children among other welfare initiatives aimed at boosting staff morale. Officers contributing exceptionally to the service also earn special promotion and cash rewards.
Overall, the graded salary system allows for transparent progression while attracting the right competencies at both senior and junior cadres in alignment with Federal Fire Service workforce planning needs.
However, stakeholders note that more adjustments are still required to the pay structure to account for risks faced by fire service personnel daily.
The current regime of allowances and benefits also need to be expanded to adequately cover effects of inflation and currency devaluation over time.
We suggest the Federal Fire Service to implement enhancements like these. This will assure personnel of financial security to match the physical risks posed, thereby retaining experienced talent for the Service.
So are Nigeria’s federal firefighters well paid and motivated enough to protect the nation from fire catastrophes? The answer is clearly no.
Firemen risking their lives on daily basis deserve better pay to cope with harsh economic realities. Unions plead that salaries still fall behind similar high-risk jobs. Allowances also lag rising living costs for personnel and families.
Government must prioritize major salary and benefit upgrades to retain talented fire service staff. Promptly paid, improved federal firefighter salaries will boost staff morale, productivity and emergency response readiness against fires. This can save potential losses of precious investments and Nigerian lives/properties running into billions.
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