Current Prices of Sewing Machines in Nigeria (February, 2025)

Are you a fashion designer who recently completed his/her training and you’re set to stand on your own?

Are you someone who has a great urge to becoming a well-known fashion designer/tailor in this country and beyond?

Are you someone who is about enrolling into a fashion-designing training course? Whichever category you find yourself, you have to get one important equipment — a sewing machine.

Sewing machine is the most important equipment among the tools needed by any fashion designer because nothing tangible would be achieved without using a sewing machine.

What is a sewing machine?

This question might sound funny as you would expect everyone to know what a sewing machine is. Nonetheless, for the sake of those who don’t really know what a sewing machine is, here is the definition below and some pictorial samples.

A sewing machine is a device or an equipment used in stitching two or more clothing materials together with the use of thread which will eventually produce beautiful wears of any pattern.

See pictorial samples below:



Apart from its primary assignment which is to join two or more pieces of cloths together, sewing machine equally performs some unfamiliar functions which can only be done by experts or by experienced tailors.

It is also mandatory we tell you that not every sewing machines can perform these unfamiliar functions because there are some machines that are specially designed for multiple functions.

To unveil some of these ‘unpopular functions’ of a sewing machine, we can’t but talk about the different types of sewing machines in Nigeria.

Let’s take a look at  different types of sewing machines presently in the country and the extra functions they perform apart from their primary sewing assignment.

Types of Sewing Machines in Nigeria

There are many types of sewing machines in Nigeria as result of an increase number of people, especially youths who want to become professional fashion designer.

As much as there are diverse types of sewing machines in the country, we have just three major types of sewing machines in our country. This means that the remaining kinds could be classified under any of the types — hope you get my explanation? If no, feel free to comment in the commentary box below and we’ll reply as soon as possible.

The three major type of sewing machines include: Hand sewing machine, electric sewing machine and computer-based sewing machines.

  • Hand sewing machine

These are type of sewing machines which are manually operated by tailors and other related fashion designers. They don’t require electricity (NEPA light as it is fondly called by many Nigerians) for them to function effectively.

All you need do is to prepare your legs and hands for intense work because they serve as fuel to power the machine. Hand sewing machines are the most common sewing machines in Nigeria, as at the time of this write-up.

  • Electric sewing machine

As the name implies, this type of machines can’t function without electricity. Many fashion designers prefer not to go for this type of machine because they will end up disappointing their customers due to epileptic power supply in almost every states of the federation.

Irrespective of the electricity problems, some wealthy and established tailors and fashion designers still prefer the electric sewing machine to hand sewing machines because they believe it makes work more easier, neater and faster.

  • Computer-based sewing machine

This is the last major type of sewing machines in Nigeria, though, only few tailors can boast of having it in their shops.

These type of sewing machines are monitored and controlled by an in-built computer system, so, anyone who owns a computer-based sewing machine must be a highly-talented computer literate.

To this effect, many tailors, especially the ones in remote villages didn’t even have a plan of going for this type of machine because it’s of no use to them.

Other types of sewing machines (base on functions) includes  the following below:

Over-stitching Sewing machine

Fast Seam Sewing Machine

Furriery Sewing Machine

Industrial Sewing Machine

Portable Sewing Machine

Current Prices of sewing machines in Nigeria

Now that you know the types of sewing machines in the country, you should know the least cost of a sewing machine in any part of the country.

We’ve moved from one tailor and market to another so as to get accurate prices of some sewing machines in Nigeria. Here is the outcome of our findings below:

Prices of Domestic Sewing Machines in Nigeria

  • Butterfly Domestic Sewing Machine (Big Table)    =    ₦37,000 – ₦40,000
  • Butterfly Domestic Sewing Machine (Small Table)   =   ₦34,000 – ₦37,000
  • Two lion Domestic Sewing Machine (Big Table )    =    ₦34,000 –  ₦37,000
  • Two lion Domestic Sewing Machine (small table)    =   ₦32,000 – ₦35,000
  • Butterfly Multi-stitch Portable Sewing Machine (8190)    =   ₦32,000 – ₦35,000

Prices of Industrial Sewing Machines in Nigeria

  • Two lion Industrial Straight Sewing Machine  =   ₦75,000 –  ₦80,000
  • Hudong Industrial Straight Sewing Machine  =  ₦80,000 – ₦85,000
  • Sumo Premium Industrial Straight Machine  =   ₦75,000 – ₦80,000
  • Emel Industrial Straight Sewing Machine    =   ₦85,000 – ₦90,000
  • Brother Industrial Straight Sewing (Used)    =   ₦60,000 – ₦65,000

Prices of Overlock Sewing Machines in Nigeria

  • Two lion 3-thread Overlock Sewing Machine   =    ₦95,000 – ₦100,000
  • Hudong 3-thread Overlock Sewing Machine   =    ₦95,000 – ₦100,000
  • Emel 3-thread Overlock Sewing Machine      =    ₦100,000 –  ₦110,000
  • Two lion 4-thread Overlock Sewing Machine   =    ₦98,000 – ₦105,000
  • Hudong 4-thread Overlock Sewing Machine   =    ₦98,000 – ₦105,000
  • Emel 4-thread Overlock Sewing Machine     =    ₦105,000 –  ₦110,000
  • Twolion 5-thread Overlock Sewing Machine   =   ₦100,000 – ₦110,000.

Having known the types and prices of sewing machines in Nigeria, we believe your next step is to go get your own personal sewing machine and begin your journey to becoming one of the best fashion designers of this generation.

Meanwhile, it is mandatory we share important tips with you so as to prevent you from going for substandard and ineffective products.

Top Three Helpful Tips You Must Know Before Buying A Sewing Machine

* The higher the price, the better the quality (but be 100% sure  of what you’re going for)

* it’s advisable you go for a vertical shuttle instead of horizontal shuttle. This is because vertical shuttle tends to last longer and it’s cheaper than horizontal shuttle.

* Brands is key, hence, take your time to study each manufacturing company and see which one produce the best sewing machines that suits your purpose.

Goodluck on your mission to becoming the best fashion designer in Nigeria. Mind you, determination is the key behind any successful business or job.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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