10 Popular Nigerian Comedians on YouTube & Instagram (2025)

It is no surprise that comedians in Nigeria that are on Instagram have uploaded their funny videos on YouTube and other social media platforms to gain more exposure. YouTube is currently a well known place to watch any sort of video. From comedy to entertainment to educative, there is always a video for each search and numerous videos are being uploaded each and every day.


skit makers in Nigeria

When you see the number of followers and subscribers on their YouTube channels, you would marvel at what these celebrities can achieve with the power of the social media. While not all popular, it still show that these upcoming stars still know how to humour their audience while boosting their brand to the public.

Nigerian skit makers have taken what they do best to social medias particularly YouTube. Many of these comedians use it to acquire exposure and boost their followers. This article highlights top 10 famous Nigerian skit makers and comedians on YouTube:

Here are top 10 Nigerian Comedians on YouTube & Instagram today

Broda Shaggi

Also known as Nigeria’s finest area boy, Broda shaggi is a rising star whose comedy skit videos on YouTube has risen to more than 500 thousand views. You can also see that he is an instagram star and is also active on Facebook.

As at the time of writing this post, Broda Shaggi has more than 8,000 active followers and lots of short funny videos. You can subscribe to official BRODA SHAGGI on YouTube or follow him on instagram @brodashaggi_fanpage.

Commonly referred to as Nigeria’s number one fine boy agbero and his usual slang “Oya Hit Me”, Broda Shaggi has found his way into being among the list of popular Nigerian comedians. His channel has over 782,000 subscribers on YouTube. He is known for his crazy videos and also he has produced some music videos.

Lasisi Elenu

He is another popular Nigerian skit maker on Instagram whose funny videos has attracted more than 20,000 followers on his instagram page.

Lasisi Elenu’s instagram handle is @lasisielenu while you can subscribe to his YouTube fan page or see his videos HERE.

Real House Of Comedy

These are a group of young promising act who use their talents wisely to make people laugh. If you are the type that like Warri or Edo kind of funny acts mixed with street actions, then the real house of comedy videos will keep you entertained.

They have about 15 thousand followers on their Instagram page and about 60 thousand YouTube subscribers. To see their latest videos, check the official realhouseofcomedy while their instagram link is @thespain_nozy.


He is among the pioneers of short comedy skit and Klintton videos are very funny and hilarious that you would forget your pain and stress while you watch it.

His popular signature in his videos “Ooonkayyn” in trying to mimick the British accent would make you laugh. You can follow Kilntoncod on snapchat: klintoncod or IG: @klintonCod. To watch his latest YouTube videos see here. He has about 9,000 subscribers on his channel and up to 30k followers on Instagram page.


This is by far the most popular Nigerian comedian on Youtube made up of young Mark Angel, Emanuella and Dennilson. These three have risen to celebrity stardom and would be considered among the richest comedians in the nearest future.

MarkAngelComedy Videos on YouTube has surpassed 13 million views each. You can follow this link to watch the latest MarkAngelcomedy Videos.

This channel’s primary character is Emmanuella who is additionally joined by other characters such as Chukwuemeka, Denilson Igwe and Success. They have been in the comedy business since 2013. With over 7 million subscribers on YouTube, they have made their way into becoming successful and popular for their contents. Their comedy revolves around day to day life and the ridiculous events that come across their ways.

AY Comedy Show

Ayodeji Richard Makun is one of Nigerian’s top comedians. He is popularly known for his hilarious shows like AY skits, AY shows, AY crib and many more. He currently has 734,000 people subscribed to his YouTube channel.

Yawa Skits

The main character in this comedy, Kalistus played by Sifon Okoi, exhibits his everyday battle to make money. This hilarious comedy videos are based on survival. The channel has 413,000 subscribers on YouTube


With 280,000 subscribers, this female comedian whose real name is Gloria Oloruntobi has become popular through her content. She is well known for creating random comedy skits that are hilarious. Even brands patronize her to help advertise for them because of her large followers.

Twyse Ereme

The comedy skits are played by a single guy who is Tywse as well as the other family characters. He has different outfits in different scenes, which allows him to act different characters, characters which include a father, mother, brother and an Aunt. The comedy spins around the lives of typical Nigerian homes. This channel has over 265,000 subscribers on YouTube.

Woli Agba

This channel, at present, has 245,000 subscribers. The real name of the popular comedian is Ayo Ajewole. He plays the role of a pastor who is the founder of IPM (Instagram Parish Ministry) and YPM (YouTube Parish Ministry), alongside his son who causes mischief around. He is a Yoruba gospel comedian and singer.

There are others too not mentioned in this write-up, but we promise to update it with more names of Nigeria’s best skit makers as we deem fit.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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