How To Join Nigerian Army As A Graduate

A lot of people believe that the best way to serve your nation is to join its military force. That way, you sacrificially represent your country in matters that relate to national security. You might as well have a different ambition for joining the Nigerian Army. All the same, this act is the highest service you can do for your country. In the course of this post, we would be reviewing how you can join the Nigerian Army as a graduate easily.

nigerian army

To join the Nigerian army as a university graduate, you have to apply through the DSSC or SSC. The DSSC stands for Direct Short Service Course while SSC stands for Short Service Combatant Course. These 6 month programs that are designed to take in a Nigerian graduates and train them so that they would be fit to be admitted into the Nigerian Army.

Requirements To Join The Nigerian Army As A Graduate

The following are the requirements or perquisites for joining the Nigerian Army as a graduate from the university.

#1. You must be a Nigerian

For you to join the army, you have to be of Nigerian origin. You have to be a Nigerian as defined in the constitution. What this implies is that you have to be born in the country from Nigerian parents. If per adventure you hail from another nation by birth, then, you are not qualified to join the Nigerian Military.

#2. You must be within the applicable age limit

At the time of your application to join the Nigerian army, you must be within the age bracket of 18 to 26 years. So, this implies that if you have not yet turned 18, you would have to wait a little longer. It also implies that if you are past a certain age, you would be ineligible to join the Nigerian Army.

#3. You must be physically fit

The Army is no place for physically retarded applicants. You have to be physically and mentally fit in other to be admitted into the Nigerian army. You cannot have persistent health issues and still be aspiring to be an officer. It just a futile cause!

#4. You must reach the height requirements

Still adjacent to the fitness requirements, you have to be at least 1.65 metres in height. The aforementioned metric applies to males. If you are a lady, then you have to be a least 1.56 meters tall. So, if you have aspirations of joining the Nigerian army, check your height now.

#5. You must have a crime free record

To be admitted by the Nigerian army, you do not need to have any criminal records of any sort. Whether major or minor, you do not have to be convicted of any crime under Nigerian law. What this implies is that been charged and convicted for a crime in the past can truncate your Nigerian  army dreams.

#6. Attend screening exercises

This one is a must do, you need to attend zonal screening exercises in other to be admitted into the Nigerian Army. In most states in Nigeria, there are designated centers for applicant screening to take place. If there is none in your state, then you can go to one that is closest to your state.

#7. Write your entrance exams

From here on, you would have to complete all required forms and submit them at the venue for exam.

Documents Needed in Nigerian Army Application As A Graduate

If you met all the requirements that were elucidated above, then stick with us as we review the documents that are required. There is not much paper work that is required in your Nigerian Army application, just a few documentation and you are set fair.  Without much mouthing, let us delve into them.

  • You would need photocopies of your birth certificate.  This would be used to affirm that you fall into the required age bracket (18-22). If you do not have a birth certificate, then would need to get an “Age declaration affidavit”.
  • Since you are applying for the Nigerian army as a graduate, you would need documentation to prove your academic qualification. You would be needing photocopies of your professional certificates (University degree certificate, SSCE, NECO, and GCE). You might also need you are the transcript issued to you by your university.
  • You would need documentation from a court and a police station to prove that you are not a convict of any major or minor crime.
  • Finally, you would need a letter of identification that is signed by the identifying officer in “Section F” of the completed form (this form would be printed from the Nigerian Army online application portal).

How To Apply For Nigerian Army Recruitment Online

Step 1: Visit the Nigerian Army recruitment portal at

Step 2: Register on the online portal by choosing your desired username and password.

Step 3:  After registration at the portal, now proceed by logging in with your details.

Step 4: Fill the online application form with the necessary details and submit your Nigerian army application.  Also, do not forget to print out your form.

How To Succeed in Your Nigerian Army Screening Exercise

The most important part of the application for the Nigerian Army is the screening exercise. In subsequent paragraphs, I would be sharing some tips on how to scale through your Nigerian army screening exercise.

  • Prepare well ahead of the screening examination

After you are done with your online application, be on the lookout for information regarding the date and venue of the screening exercise. In other to succeed in the examination, practice a lot of verbal aptitude and quantitative tests. Also, engross yourself with questions on current affairs and general knowledge.

If you prepare harder for the screening examination, you would have a better chance of landing an admission into the Nigerian Army. If the centre for your examination is far away from where you live, travel to the city of the exam venue, at least a day before the exam.

  • Be very composed

You have to dress well to the examination venue and be well relaxed.  Follow all the instructions that are given in the examination venue and make sure that you have all the necessary documents with you.

  • Expect the results

Check the recruitment portal regularly so that you would be notified when the results are out.

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Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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