Category: Government


Agents of Socialization: Full List

Definition of Socialization Socialization can be defined as the process of teaching and learning of the various norms, values, issues and activities of the society through which an individual is made a normal human...


Principles of the Rule of Law

In any civilized society, Laws are made to protect the interests of the citizens such as their lives and properties and not to oppress them. If these laws that guide the rights and dictate...


ECOWAS: Vision, Member Nations, Aims & Objectives

The Economic Community Of West African States, ECOWAS is a sub-regional organization formed by West African Countries mainly to promote cooperation and development in all economic fields and of contributing to the progress and...


Decentralisation: Meaning & Types

Decentralisation can be defined as the process by which governmental duties and functions are delegated from a central government to such subordinate units of government as regions, states and local governments. Types of decentralisation...


Features of Lyttleton Constitution 1954

The Lyttleton Constitution emerged from the decisions taken at the 1953 London and 1954 Lagos constitutional conferences. These decisions made up most of the new constitution which came into effect in March 1954. Features...


Features of Macpherson Constitution (1951)

John Macpherson succeeded Arthur Richards in 1948 as governor of Nigeria and soon saw the need for constitutional reforms in the country. He established a select committee of the legislative council to review the...