How To Prepare For A Job Interview in Nigeria (2024)

To prepare for a job interview, you must have the right tools, mindset and know-how if you must get that dream job. We have listed some sure tips that would enable you prepare yourself for a job interview in Nigeria in 2024.


Tips On How to Prepare For a Job Interview in Nigeria

Prepare your offensive

Going into an interview is not different from going into battle. You have to be prepared. From the minute you applied for the job until you are being called, you must prepare yourself as the end result is to come out the winner of the job interview, which should be your objective.

How are you going to do this? Well you need to know where you are going and how you are going to get there. You need to know what traps or pitfalls are along the way and so the best practice is to plan ahead of time. Once you are in the venue facing the interviewer, whatever you say should convince him or her that you are the man or woman for the job.

You are going to do this by showing the interviewer that you know about their organization, know about the job, and how to do the job and how you would be the best person for the job. The only way you are going to do this is by preparation so that you can present yourself as cool and confident.

Research on the organization/employer

It’s really simple to do research on company by getting hold of the company sales brochures, report and accounts, looking at the company website, or by visiting the library and searching the newspapers archives for the company’s press release.

If u want a copy of the reports and accounts the easiest thing to do is ring up the receptionist and ask for ask for a copy. You could say something like “I’ve got an interview with your company and I would like to find out a bit more about the firm so could you send me some information. Most secretary are helpful if they see you as one with potential

Be prepared for the job interview

There are several areas that you must ensure you have covered when you want to prepare for a job interview, the first fundamental thing is to keep to the time of the meeting. Before the interview date, plan your route, if you are going by car, have a trail run and see how long it would take you to get to the venue. The same goes for if you are going by a bus or train.

Take a phone with you, just in case something happens. It is very discourteous to be late as it would annoy the interviewer and would cost you the job. Also take your pen, note and necessary documents with you.

Answering questions thrown at you by the interviewer

When answering questions thrown you by the interviewer, try to be precise in your answers. If you are asked a specific question that require you to provide an example of how you have dealt with a situation or closed a sale, give an example that makes your achievement stand out. When asked a question that you do not know the answer, don’t be tempted to lie as answering a question with a lie can cost you the job.

Body Language

Body language is an area that many interviewers do take seriously. What we do and how we do it can show underlying areas that do not have to be spoken. Do you know that your interviewer can sense a lie through your body language? Body language is an area that has been analyzed for many, many years by professionals and interviewers and has been a criterion for conducting interviews.

Do’s and Dont’s in preparing for a job interview


  • Crossing your Arms as it makes you look defensive.
  • Sit on the edge of your seat.
  • Mess with your or poly with your jewelry of hair.
  • Rock on the seat.
  • Interrupt your interviewer when asked a question.
  • Give one word answers.


  • Keep calm and don’t panic.
  • Keep your hands in your lap.
  • Listen carefully to each question before giving your answer.
  • Smile as frequently as possible but don’t overdo it.
  • Keep eye contact at all times (I don’t mean stare out the interviewer).If there is more than one interview flick from person to person.

Finally note that the interviewer or employer is always looking for a candidate that can do the job and will fit into the organization, a good team player and a person who can listen and give enthusiastic and positive input into the organization. Try as much as possible to prepare for a job interview if you want to be successful. Remember, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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