How To Write A Professional CV in Nigeria (2024)

A Curriculum Vitae, commonly known as a CV, is a comprehensive summary of your academic and professional achievements. In Nigeria, creating an impressive CV can increase your chances of securing a desirable job. This post will provide you with the knowledge to craft an outstanding and professional curriculum vitae in Nigeria that will make you eligible for an interview.

The question is, how can you create a professional CV that stands out among the thousands of CVs that recruiters receive on a daily basis for job openings? To discover the answers to all of your inquiries regarding professional CV writing, continue reading.

The most important requirement for writing an exceptional resume is to make it unique and highlight your unique selling points. It is critical to realize that there is no single formula for creating a curriculum vitae.

However, one rule that should always be followed is that your curriculum vitae should highlight your strengths for the position you are applying for. This will assist the human resources manager or recruiter in determining whether or not to invite you for an interview.

It is essential to remember that the world we live in is changing rapidly, especially in the job market. People are developing new skillsets that can enhance their CVs on a daily basis. When it comes to remote hiring, the competition is increasing, professionals are acquiring more skills, and recruiters are paying closer attention to the finer points.

Despite the fact that things are not as straightforward as they once were, you can still overcome these employment obstacles. Let me show you how to make your CV stand out and entice a call for an interview. Are you prepared? Let us embark on this journey together.


To create a professional CV that catches the attention of recruiters, you must follow a specific format. The following sections should be included in your curriculum vitae:

  • Contact Information: This section should include your full official name (no nicknames), home address, phone number, working email address, and social media handles.
  • Personal Statement: In this section, you should summarize your professional experience in no more than 100 words. Outline your highest level of achievements and explain why you are the best candidate for the position. Focus on what you can offer the company, rather than what you stand to gain.
  • Work Experience: This section should outline your past work experience, starting with your most recent position and working backwards in reverse chronological order. Use short sentences and bullet points to make it easy to read.
  • Educational Qualifications: List your academic qualifications in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent. Include the name of the institution, the course studied, and the grade obtained.
  • Personal Interests and Hobbies: Writing about your likes and hobbies in your resume, can help recruiters get a better understanding of you and will support your job application. Keep in mind that firms invest much on their employees. Therefore, hobbies like sporting activities let them know that you are physically capable, healthy, and fit and that you can handle any assignment, no matter how difficult it may be.

It is important to note that personal data such as your place of birth, age, or photograph should not be included to avoid any hiring discrimination. Some companies may require this information, so it is essential to research the job requirements before sending your CV.

Tailoring your curriculum vitae to match the job posting’s wording and keywords is recommended by industry specialists and career counselors. This increases your chances of catching the recruiter’s attention and securing an interview.


In order to make your curriculum vitae stand out, you need to write it with confidence and boldness. Here are some tips to help you:


The first thing a recruiter will see when they open your resume, is the top of the page. Make sure to grab their attention with a short and memorable profile. This should offer them a good sense of who you are and what you can offer. Look to examples of successful CVs in your field for inspiration. SEE A FREE SAMPLE HERE


The language and tone you use in your CV can make a big difference in whether it stands out or not. Use confident language and highlight your achievements and past successes. Your profile should communicate what you can offer, so use it to grab the recruiter’s attention.


Powerful language can help draw attention to your accomplishments and give your curriculum vitae more impact. Use words like adaptive, innovative, implemented, and attained to describe your responsibilities and then follow up with specific achievements that demonstrate what you’ve accomplished. Failing to do this can significantly reduce your chances of getting an interview.


While flashy formatting and unique designs might seem like a good way to stand out, they can actually be distracting and take away from the content of your CV. Instead, keep it simple and easy to read. Use clear and concise language and avoid using too much jargon. This will help your CV stand out for the right reasons.


When it comes to crafting a compelling curriculum vitae (CV), good formatting is key. The way your CV is presented is often the first thing a potential employer or recruiter will notice, so it’s important to make a strong first impression. However, there are many conflicting opinions about how to style your resume, making it difficult to know which approach is best. Ultimately, the goal is to choose a format that is clear, easy to read, and professional.


Including your most recent experience and achievements is also crucial. Be sure to highlight your current position and role as this is likely the most significant update to your CV since you last applied for a job. When describing your daily tasks and accomplishments, it’s important to focus on the big picture and use data and statistics to demonstrate your value to potential employers.


One effective way to stand out from other candidates is to present your CV in a creative and innovative way. Employers often seek out candidates who bring fresh perspectives and unique approaches to problem-solving. By showcasing your creativity and originality, you can demonstrate to hiring managers that you have what it takes to excel in a dynamic work environment.


However, it’s important to be selective about the information you include in your CV. While you may be eager to showcase your skills and expertise, be careful not to overload your CV with irrelevant or unnecessary details. Doing so can be a disadvantage as recruiters may not have the time or interest to sift through all the extra information.


Crafting an effective CV is crucial in securing your dream job. The skills you list on your CV are a deciding factor that can either land you the job or not. These skills can be categorized into two main types: soft skills and hard skills.


These are the personal characteristics and qualities that affect the way you conduct yourself in the workplace. They are essential interpersonal qualities that enable you to navigate relationships with your colleagues, handle situations adeptly, and perform optimally. In some occupations such as sales and marketing, soft skills are highly prized. Examples of soft skills include time management, motivation, leadership, critical thinking, attention to detail, clear communication, strong listening ability, and problem-solving capabilities.


These are fundamental skill sets that are specific to the job you are applying for. They are also referred to as technical skills because they are quantifiable and can be acquired through formal courses, online training, and practical experience. Hard skills are vital for completing job-related tasks efficiently. Examples of hard skills include data visualization, proficiency in Microsoft Office, data management, software development, programming, design tools, and analytics.

To craft an effective curriculum vitae (CV), you should ensure that you highlight both your soft and hard skills, as they demonstrate your potential to perform effectively in the workplace. By showcasing these skills, you increase your chances of getting hired for your dream job.


Creating a professional curriculum vitae (CV) can be daunting, especially when you’re unsure of how many pages it should be. While there are no set rules for the length of a CV, it’s recommended that it falls between two to three pages. This allows the hiring manager to get a clear understanding of your experience and skills for the specific role they are looking to fill. Ultimately, your CV is what decides whether you’ll be invited for an interview.

If you’re a recent graduate or have limited work experience, you may be able to fit all your credentials on a single page. However, it’s important to ensure that you’re aligning your experience with the company’s recruitment criteria by carefully examining the job description before applying.

On the other hand, if you’re applying for an academic position, your curriculum vitae (CV) should include all your accomplishments and pertinent information. In this case, there’s no specific page limit, but it’s important to follow the proper structure and format to make your CV easily readable and engaging.

Remember, your CV is your opportunity to make a great first impression and showcase your qualifications for the role. Make sure to highlight your relevant experience and skills in a clear and concise way to help recruiters quickly assess your candidacy.


Crafting a professional CV is the crucial step towards landing your dream job. Making a great first impression can be the deciding factor in whether or not you’re invited for an interview. By following the tips mentioned above and tailoring your curriculum vitae to the specific role you’re applying for, you’ll increase your chances of success in a competitive job market.

It’s important to remember that getting your CV right the first time can save you valuable time and lead to a faster job search process. Don’t be afraid to be creative and highlight your unique skills and experiences. A well-crafted resume can set you apart from other applicants and help you stand out to potential employers.

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