Top 10 Poorest States in Nigeria (2024)

In Nigeria, there are several states that face immense economic challenges and have high poverty rates. These states, often referred to as the poorest states in Nigeria, struggle with issues such as inadequate infrastructure, limited investment opportunities, and governance challenges. Understanding the economic disparity within the country is crucial for identifying areas that require more attention and targeted interventions.

Poorest states in Nigeria

According to the latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the top 10 poorest states in Nigeria in 2024 are Sokoto, Kastina, Adamawa, Gombe, Jigawa, Plateau, Ebonyi, Bauchi, Kebbi, and Zamfara. These states have poverty rates ranging from 61.53% to 81.2%, making them Nigeria’s most economically deprived states.

Join us as we delve into the socioeconomic factors contributing to the poverty rates of these states, exploring their unique challenges and potential solutions. Discover the impact of security issues, tribal conflicts, limited revenue sources, and more. Gain insights into the struggles faced by the residents and the way forward in addressing these pressing issues.


Sokoto state holds the unfortunate distinction of being the poorest state in Nigeria, with a staggering poverty level of 81.2%. This dire situation is attributed to a combination of factors, including the harsh climate conditions and security challenges that have hindered foreign investment and economic development in the state.

Despite its historical significance as the seat of the Caliphate, Sokoto state has struggled to overcome its economic challenges. The state’s high poverty rate highlights the urgent need for investment and development initiatives that can address the socio-economic needs of its population.

In order to lift Sokoto state out of poverty, it is crucial to focus on attracting both local and foreign investments. By creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive, the state can generate employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth. Additionally, investment in key sectors such as agriculture, education, healthcare, and infrastructure can contribute to poverty alleviation and improve the overall well-being of the people.

Investment Opportunities in Sokoto State Investment Potential
Agriculture Sokoto state has vast arable land and is suitable for crop cultivation and livestock rearing.
Tourism The state boasts historical sites, cultural festivals, and natural attractions that can attract tourists.
Renewable Energy With abundant sunshine, Sokoto state has the potential to harness solar energy for power generation.
Manufacturing The establishment of manufacturing industries can stimulate job creation and economic growth.

Efforts should also be made to improve the security situation in Sokoto state. Adequate measures must be put in place to protect lives and property, as this will instill confidence in potential investors and create a conducive environment for economic activities to thrive.


Kastina state is listed among the poorest states in Nigeria, primarily due to its limited revenue sources. The state faces significant challenges in generating substantial income and attracting investments that can drive economic growth and development. This lack of revenue hinders the state’s ability to address poverty and improve the living conditions of its residents.

In terms of economic sectors, Kastina state heavily relies on agriculture, particularly subsistence farming, which may not generate sufficient income to uplift the population out of poverty. The state has not been able to diversify its economy and tap into other potential sectors that could contribute to revenue generation.

Furthermore, Kastina state lacks the necessary infrastructure and amenities that are crucial for attracting investments. The absence of proper roads, reliable electricity, and access to basic services deter potential investors and limit the state’s ability to create new job opportunities and improve the standard of living for its people.

Challenges Faced by Kastina State Impact on Revenue Generation
Limited economic diversification Restricts the state’s ability to tap into various sectors and generate revenue
Inadequate infrastructure Hinders the attraction of investments and economic growth
Reliance on subsistence agriculture Limits income generation and economic development

To alleviate the poverty rate in Kastina state, it is imperative to address these challenges and create an enabling environment for investment and economic growth. The state government should focus on diversifying the economy by promoting industries beyond agriculture, such as manufacturing, tourism, and services. This can be achieved by providing incentives and creating a favorable business environment to attract both local and foreign investors.

Investments in infrastructure development, including road networks, electricity, and healthcare facilities, are crucial for enhancing the state’s capacity to attract businesses and improve the overall quality of life for its residents. Additionally, initiatives that promote skill development and education can help empower the workforce and create opportunities for higher-paying jobs, ultimately reducing the poverty rate in Kastina state.


Adamawa State, located in northeastern Nigeria, has been heavily impacted by the activities of Boko Haram terrorists. The persistent insecurity in the state has had profound effects on its economy and overall development. With a poverty rate of 74.2%, Adamawa State faces significant challenges in addressing the needs of its population.

The activities of Boko Haram, including frequent attacks and kidnappings, have created a state of fear and instability, causing many residents to flee their homes. This mass displacement has disrupted agricultural activities, which are a significant source of income for the state. Farmers are unable to cultivate their lands due to the constant threat posed by the insurgents, leading to a decline in agricultural output and subsequent economic decline.

The insecurity in Adamawa State has also severely impacted local businesses. The constant threat of Boko Haram attacks has discouraged investments and hampered economic growth. Many businesses have been forced to shut down or operate at a reduced capacity, resulting in job losses and further exacerbating the poverty situation in the state.

The persistent insecurity also hinders the development of vital infrastructure, such as roads and schools. The lack of basic amenities and educational opportunities further perpetuates the cycle of poverty and underdevelopment in Adamawa State.

Impact of Insecurity on Adamawa State Statistics
Overall Poverty Rate 74.2%
Disruption of Agricultural Activities Decreased agricultural output, leading to economic decline
Job Losses Local businesses forced to shut down, resulting in unemployment
Impact on Infrastructure Development Lack of basic amenities and educational opportunities

The situation in Adamawa State highlights the urgent need for enhanced security measures and sustainable economic development initiatives. Efforts should be focused on combating the activities of Boko Haram and creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive. Additionally, investments in infrastructure and education are crucial for breaking the cycle of poverty and improving the quality of life for the people of Adamawa State.


Gombe State, located in the northeastern part of Nigeria, faces significant security challenges and economic struggles. With a poverty rate of 73.2%, the state’s development has been hindered by the ongoing security situation in the region. The prevalence of insurgency and frequent clashes between communities have created a volatile environment that affects both the safety of the residents and the economic stability of the state.

The insecurity in Gombe State has discouraged investment and impeded the growth of industries and businesses. The fear of attacks and the constant disruption of peace have deterred local and foreign investors from establishing operations in the state. This lack of investment opportunities contributes to the high poverty rate, as it limits job creation and economic growth.

One of the key sectors affected by the security challenges in Gombe State is agriculture. Agriculture plays an essential role in the state’s economy, contributing to income generation and food security. However, the insecurity has disrupted farming activities, leading to reduced agricultural productivity. Farmers are unable to cultivate their lands and harvest their crops due to safety concerns, resulting in food shortages and economic setbacks.

It is crucial for the government and relevant authorities to prioritize the restoration of peace and security in Gombe State. By addressing the security challenges, the state can create a conducive environment for economic activities to thrive. Additionally, investment in infrastructure development, education, and healthcare can help uplift the standard of living in the state and alleviate the poverty levels.


Indicator Value
Population 3.2 million
Poverty Rate 73.2%
Unemployment Rate 18.5%
Major Industries Agriculture, Trade, Services
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Low

Source: National Bureau of Statistics


Jigawa state, located in northern Nigeria, grapples with a low literacy level and limited economic growth, contributing to its high poverty rate of 72.1%. The state’s educational infrastructure remains underdeveloped, with inadequate school facilities and a shortage of qualified teachers. As a result, many children in Jigawa state are unable to access quality education, leading to a perpetuation of the cycle of poverty.

The low literacy level in Jigawa state has a direct impact on economic growth. Without a well-educated workforce, the state struggles to attract investments and create sustainable job opportunities. The lack of diversification in the economy further exacerbates the poverty situation, as the state heavily relies on agriculture, which is susceptible to climate change and other external factors. Without a thriving private sector and a knowledge-based economy, Jigawa state faces significant challenges in achieving sustainable development and reducing poverty levels.


  • Inadequate educational infrastructure: The government should prioritize investment in education by improving school facilities and providing training and support to teachers. This will help enhance the quality of education in the state and increase literacy rates.
  • Economic diversification: Jigawa state should explore opportunities to diversify its economy beyond agriculture. This can be done by attracting investments in sectors such as manufacturing, technology, and services, which have the potential to create more job opportunities and stimulate economic growth.
  • Social welfare programs: Implementing social welfare programs targeted at vulnerable populations can help alleviate poverty in Jigawa state. These programs can include cash transfers, healthcare initiatives, and skills development training to empower individuals and families to break free from the cycle of poverty.

By addressing these challenges and implementing targeted interventions, Jigawa state has the potential to improve its literacy levels, be among the richest states in Nigeria, stimulate economic growth, and ultimately reduce poverty rates. It is crucial for the government, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to collaborate and prioritize the development of Jigawa state, ensuring that all its residents have access to quality education, sustainable livelihoods, and a brighter future.


Plateau State, located in central Nigeria, has been plagued by long-standing tribal conflicts that have had a devastating impact on the state’s economy. The conflicts, primarily between the indigenous Berom and Fulani communities, have resulted in frequent outbreaks of violence, loss of lives, and destruction of properties. As a result, the poverty rate in Plateau State stands at a staggering 71%, reflecting the severe economic deprivation experienced by its residents.

The tribal conflicts in Plateau State have hindered economic development and investment in key sectors such as agriculture and tourism. The state, known for its fertile lands and beautiful landscapes, has seen a decline in agricultural productivity due to the displacement of farmers and the destruction of farmlands. Additionally, the violence has scared away investors, limiting opportunities for job creation and economic growth.

The consequences of the tribal conflicts extend beyond the economic realm. They have created deep divisions among communities, fostering distrust and animosity. The cycle of violence and reprisals continues to perpetuate a cycle of poverty and underdevelopment. Resolving these conflicts and promoting peaceful coexistence among different ethnic groups is crucial for Plateau State’s social and economic progress.


  • Loss of lives and destruction of properties
  • Decline in agricultural productivity and displacement of farmers
  • Scarcity of investment opportunities and limited economic growth
  • Deep divisions and mistrust among ethnic communities
Tribal Conflict Economic Consequences
Violence between Berom and Fulani communities Loss of lives and displacement of residents
Destroyed farmlands and decline in agricultural output Food insecurity and reduced income for farmers
Lack of investment and limited job opportunities Poverty and economic deprivation

Addressing the tribal conflicts in Plateau State requires a multi-faceted approach that involves conflict resolution, peacebuilding initiatives, and economic diversification. Restoring peace and fostering reconciliation among communities will create a conducive environment for investment and economic development. Additionally, investing in education and skills development programs can help break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to contribute to the state’s growth and prosperity.


Ebonyi state, located in the South-East region of Nigeria, is known for its high poverty rate and numerous challenges in terms of governance, poverty, and illiteracy. These factors have contributed to the state’s overall economic underdevelopment and hindered the well-being of its residents.

With a poverty rate of 70.6%, Ebonyi state faces significant struggles in addressing the basic needs of its population. Limited access to quality education and healthcare facilities further exacerbates the poverty situation, leading to a cycle of economic deprivation.

The illiteracy rate in Ebonyi state is alarming, with a significant portion of the population lacking basic literacy skills. This hampers the state’s progress in various sectors, including agriculture, commerce, and industry. The lack of skilled human capital limits the state’s potential for economic growth and development.

Ebonyi state has also faced significant governance challenges, which contribute to its economic struggles. Issues such as corruption, lack of transparency, and inefficient resource allocation have hampered the proper utilization of funds and hindered the implementation of developmental projects in the state.

The state government’s efforts to alleviate poverty have been marred by mismanagement and a lack of sustainable strategies. This has resulted in limited job opportunities, inadequate infrastructure, and a general lack of economic empowerment for the residents of Ebonyi state.

Challenges Key Effects
Poverty High poverty rate of 70.6%
Illiteracy Limited access to quality education
Governance Corruption, lack of transparency, and mismanagement

The combination of these challenges has created a complex situation in Ebonyi state, where poverty, illiteracy, and governance issues reinforce each other. It is crucial for the state government and relevant stakeholders to address these challenges holistically, focusing on improving education, promoting good governance, and implementing sustainable development strategies.


Bauchi State, located in northeastern Nigeria, is one of the poorest states in the country. The state has been plagued by insurgent attacks, which have had a devastating impact on its economy and led to an alarming mortality rate. These challenges have contributed to the high poverty struggles faced by the residents of Bauchi State.

The insurgent attacks in Bauchi State have resulted in widespread destruction of infrastructure, loss of lives, and displacement of communities. These attacks have disrupted economic activities, making it difficult for the state to attract investors and create sustainable livelihoods for its residents. The constant threat of violence has also hindered the development of basic amenities and services, further exacerbating the poverty struggles in the state.

Additionally, the mortality rate in Bauchi State has increased significantly due to the impact of insurgent attacks. The loss of lives has not only caused immense grief and pain to families and communities but has also further deepened the poverty struggles. This grim situation highlights the urgent need for comprehensive measures to address the root causes of insecurity and poverty in Bauchi State.

Key Challenges in Bauchi State Impact
Insurgent Attacks Widespread destruction of infrastructure, loss of lives, and displacement of communities
Economic Disruption Limited investment, difficulty attracting investors, and disruption of economic activities
Lack of Basic Amenities Inadequate access to essential services and amenities
High Mortality Rate Increased loss of lives, causing immense grief and further deepening poverty struggles

Efforts must be made at both the state and federal levels to address the challenges faced by Bauchi State. This includes prioritizing security measures to contain insurgent attacks and restore peace to the region. Investments in infrastructure, healthcare, education, and agriculture are also crucial to uplift the living standards of the residents and promote sustainable economic growth. By addressing these issues, Bauchi State can overcome its poverty struggles and create a better future for its people.


In Nigeria, Kebbi state stands out as a region heavily reliant on agriculture as its main economic activity. With its vast fertile lands and suitable climate, the state has embraced agriculture as a means of livelihood for its residents. However, this heavy dependency on agriculture also comes with its limitations and challenges, contributing to a poverty rate of 72% in the state.

Due to its focus on agriculture, Kebbi state often faces economic limitations, particularly in terms of diversifying its economy. While agriculture brings in some revenue, the lack of investment in other sectors has limited the state’s economic growth. This narrow economic base makes it difficult to create alternative sources of income and employment opportunities for the population, further exacerbating the poverty situation.

Additionally, Kebbi state’s agricultural sector is vulnerable to the effects of climate change and other environmental factors. Droughts, flooding, and pest infestations can significantly impact agricultural productivity, leading to decreased yields and income for farmers. These challenges further contribute to the economic limitations faced by the state, making it difficult to break the cycle of poverty.

Efforts are being made to address these economic limitations and uplift the living standards in Kebbi state. Initiatives such as promoting value addition in agriculture, investing in infrastructure, and providing support to small-scale farmers are being implemented to improve the economic situation. However, it will require sustained efforts and strategic planning to overcome the challenges and create a more diverse and resilient economy in Kebbi state.

Despite the limitations faced by Kebbi state, it is essential to recognize the significance of agriculture in providing livelihoods for the population. By leveraging its agricultural resources and exploring opportunities for value addition, the state has the potential to transform its economy and reduce poverty levels. With the right investments and support, Kebbi state can overcome its economic limitations and create a more prosperous future for its residents.


Zamfara state, located in northwestern Nigeria, is one of the top 10 poorest states in the country. It faces numerous challenges that contribute to its high poverty rate of 70.8%. One of the main issues in Zamfara state is the prevalence of strife and conflicts, which have had a devastating impact on the state’s economy and development. The constant clashes between different groups, such as farmers and herders, have caused widespread displacement, destruction of property, and loss of lives.

Furthermore, Zamfara state has also been affected by the outbreak of diseases. The lack of adequate healthcare facilities and resources has made it difficult for the state to effectively combat diseases such as malaria, cholera, and meningitis. The high incidence of these diseases has further exacerbated the poverty situation in the state, as people struggle with healthcare costs and the loss of productivity due to sickness.

In addition to conflicts and disease, hunger is a significant challenge in Zamfara state. Limited access to fertile land, unfavorable weather conditions, and inadequate agricultural infrastructure have hindered food production in the state. As a result, many residents face food insecurity and malnutrition, particularly vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly. The lack of adequate nutrition further perpetuates the cycle of poverty and hampers the overall development of the state.

Challenges in Zamfara State Impact
Strife and conflicts Displacement, loss of lives, destruction of property
Disease outbreak Increased healthcare costs, loss of productivity
Hunger and food insecurity Malnutrition, hindered development


The top 10 poorest states in Nigeria, including Sokoto, Kastina, Adamawa, Gombe, Jigawa, Plateau, Ebonyi, Bauchi, Kebbi, and Zamfara, face significant challenges that contribute to their high poverty rates and economic disparities. These challenges range from bad governance and security issues to limited infrastructure and economic opportunities.

One of the main factors contributing to the high poverty levels in these states is the lack of solid investments and sectors that can generate significant revenue. Limited revenue sources and economic struggles further exacerbate the poverty situation in Kastina, Gombe, Jigawa, Plateau, Ebonyi, Bauchi, Kebbi, and Zamfara.

Additionally, the impact of insecurity, such as frequent attacks from Boko Haram terrorists in Adamawa state, has crippled the local economies, forcing residents to flee and hindering overall economic development. Tribal conflicts in Plateau state have similarly destroyed the economy, while strife, disease, and hunger contribute to the economic deprivation in Zamfara state.

Addressing these challenges requires focused efforts to improve governance, enhance security, and invest in infrastructure and economic diversification. By doing so, it is possible to uplift the living standards of these states and reduce the economic disparity prevalent in Nigeria today.

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