NYSC: Best Northern States To Serve As A Youth Corper (2025)

As one who served in the north, I know most prospective NYSC corpers would be searching for the best northern states to serve as a youth corper. No one should blame any one who chooses to redeploy to the south west or south east because information and events filtering everywhere suggest that the north is not safe.

NYSC-nigerian queries

If you intend to pick a northern state to do your NYSC, then you have to read this post because I will be writing on those safe states in the Northern part of Nigeria where you won’t find Boko Haram or even Fulani herdsmen or experience any security threat.

Why Serve In North (Advantages)

While its a known fact that the Northern part of Nigeria is the deadliest region to live, settle or do business in, it is not all places that are unsafe or insecure to serve in. From my experience when I did my youth service in Niger state, I didn’t witness any clash with the dreaded sect.

While the practice of sharia law is very strong in the north due to their Islamic religion which is the most prevalent religion in that area of the country. I lived in peace as a National Youth Service Corp member because I am not a law breaker. I obeyed all rules and didn’t go or enter a place I was not invited.

Here are two main advantages of serving in the north:

  1. Cost of Living: Without mincing words, the North is far cheaper to live or serve in than the south. During my time in Kainji, Borgu local government in Niger state, I spent less and earned more as a NYSC corper.
  2. Business Opportunities: If you think Lagos is the only place where you can do business or make money as a corper, then you are wrong. I can proudly tell you that there are businesses you can start as a youth corper in the north and make cool cash that won’t be possible in other regions in the country.

Before I list out those peaceful northern states to serve in Nigeria as a corp member, I would list the the factors on how I arrived at these states.

  • Good security
  • Business opportunities
  • Availability of jobs
  • Manageable state allowance (allawee)
  • Cheap cost of living
  • Good basic amenities

Top 5 Best Northern States for NYSC

#1. Niger State

Niger state to me is the best place you can serve and do you NYSC in the north. I personally served there and did not regret my stay. I did not experience any security challenge while i was there and during the NYSC orientation camping at paikoro, I was elected as the OBS president when I was a corp member.

The best place to serve in Niger state is in Kianji, Borgu Local Government. Apart from the fact that you won’t experience darkness or electricity outage in terms of NEPA, things are sold cheap at the market. You should also be aware that the popular Kainji dam is located in Niger state and it is the largest state in Nigeria in terms of land mass. While I did my service there, the state pay us N6,000 as allawee.

#2. Abuja (FCT)

Abuja is another north central state that can be considered safe for corp members to do their youth service. As we all know that it is the capital of the country and the seat of the president, so the security in Abuja would make it difficult for the threat of Boko Haram or even Herdsmen to thrive.

The only disadvantage of serving in Abuja is the high cost of living. To get an apartment or even a self-contain flat is very expensive unless your place of primary assignment (PPA) provides it for you. In the FCT, you get more exposure, security and basic amenities. During my time serving, I heard that Abuja paid corp members #10,000 as allawee.

#3. Kano State

Kano is located in the North west geo-political zone and it is the most developed state in that region. While we put Kano on this list is because it is one of the cheapest cities to start your business or make money as a corper. Those who lived and served there attest to that.

From what we gathered, old corp members do base in the state after their NYSC due to the fact that they like the conditions of Kano or gained employment there. The only disadvantage of serving in Kano is that they don’t pay corpers. Apart from this, Kano state remains one of the most peaceful states in the north that corpers should do their service in.

#4. Kaduna State

Apart from Lagos and the other good states to do NYSC, Kaduna stands out too. The chances of getting a job after service is high if you are posted to this state. You should also note that some federal parastatals are located there just in case you want to submit your CV’s. It is rumored that the state government pay their corp members #5,000 as state allawee, but I couldn’t verify this.

#5. Bauchi State

This state is located in the north east and can also be considered a bit safe. The reason I say this is that you never can tell if in the future Bauchi might experience such crisis since other Boko Haram prone states are from the North eastern region. Most youth corpers often redeploy anytime they are posted to this state. Nevertheless, Bauchi isn’t a bad place to serve.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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