List of Natural Mineral Resources Found in Borno State

Borno state has a lot of ethnic compositions coupled with very rich historical and cultural heritage. This beautiful centre of tourist attraction borders the Republic of Niger, Chad and Cameroun. It is one of the major trading hubs for goods in Nigeria. Borno also borders the following Nigerian states: Yobe, Gombe and Adamawa state. Nicknamed “Home of Peace”, Borno state has very large deposits of mineral resources.


In this article, we would be looking at a review of all the mineral resources that can be found in Borno state.


There is a wide variety of mineral resources in Borno State. You can spot some of these natural resources in the various local government areas of Borno State. Below is a complete list of mineral deposits that can be found in Borno state, both mined and untapped.

  • Limestone
  • Kaolin
  • Clay
  • Iron ore
  • Quartz
  • Uranium
  • Magnesite
  • Mica
  • Granite


The majority of the populace in Borno indulge in all sorts of farming. We are looking at livestock farming, fishing etc. The mainstay of the economy of Borno state is Agriculture. There a lot of corporate bodies in the state that control the development and research that goes on in the agric sector of the state. Some of these corporate bodies include; the Chad Basin and Rural Development Authority, the Lake Chad Research Institute and the Borno State Agricultural Development Programme.

This state has over 1,312,200 hectares of land that is reserved for agricultural purposes. They also boast of over three consolidated forest reserves that are distributed all over the state. These reserves make up to 3,540 Although, desertification and infestation by birds and insects are grossly affecting the productivity that is accrued from the agric reserved lands. Without further ado, let us look at a list of agricultural products that can be found in Borno State.

  • Cowpeas
  • Groundnuts
  • Tomatoes
  • Local wheat
  • Maize
  • Millet
  • Sorghum
  • Corn
  • Okra
  • Onions
  • Vegetables
  • Beans
  • Cassava
  • Guinea Corn


The most dominant ethnic group in Borno state is the Kanuri ethnic group. They account for more than three-quarters of the population of the state. The Kanuri people majorly inhabit areas such as the marte, Ngala, Kala Balga, Dikwa, Maiduguri, Bama  LGAs. Another important ethnic group to take note of is the chibok ethnic group. They are a minority ethnic group in Nigeria. The Hausas also occupy Borno state in large numbers. They can be mainly found in Maiduguri and Asikra.


The wonderful people that inhabit Borno share 30 different tongues.  Due to a factor mostly known by Borno faithfuls as “kanurization”, the language of the original inhabitants of the state is now extinct. Arabic is a very predominant language in Borno state but is not as popular as the most spoken tongue, which is Kanuri. Other minority languages include Mandara, Marghi, Fulfulde etc.


The cultural standards of the Arabs are the major influence of the traditional life of the Borno people. In some ways, Arab culture has replaced the original culture of the main inhabitants of the Borno people. Islamic laws, even their customs and dress patterns have majorly supplanted native customs, laws, beliefs and dress code.

Urban & Rural Development

Aside the various natural resources  in Borno state, there is a very rapid increase in urbanization. The constant growth of old urban centres and the swift emergence of new ones proves that development is on the rise. Rural development in the state is mostly based on agriculture which as I reiterated earlier, is the mainstay of their economy.

Concerning settlements, there is a little bit of segregation in the Kanuri-shuwa settlements. The major form of settlement in this ethnic group minorities and majorities is the linear settlement type. This is mostly because relief and roads are major influencers of the morphology and location of settlements.

Investment Opportunities in Borno State

Borno state is one of the Nigerian states that have a lot of industrialization opportunities. We are talking about agro-based industries that can add value to the Nigerian economy and some other medium and light industries. Most of the mineral resources listed haven’t been mined in commercial  quantities. In subsequent paragraphs, let us at see the various industries that can be invested by foreign business groups or the Nigerian government.

Canning industry

Borno state is a major producer of tomatoes, watermelon, cattle sheep, goat and fish. A canning industry that can make canned products that are related to livestock like canned beef would be a very good venture. Also fish canning, tomatoes canning would be another nice venture that a Nigerian based or foreign-based investment group can take up.

Leather Industry

As they are a state with high yields in livestock, they proportionally have hides and skin in abundant quantity in the state. Industries can be established for the production of bags, shoes, clothing etc. In essence, if a leather industry is established in Borno state, there would be enough raw materials that can meet up with production demands.

Metal Industry

In most of the LGA’s in Borno State, there is ever sufficient amount of iron ore that can be used to kick start a metal industry in Borno state.

Agro-based Industries

Medium and light-based industries can be established In other to help curb the problems of post-harvest losses. This would aid in helping in reducing the amount of food imported in the country.

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Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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