How to Book Appointment in German Embassy in Nigeria (2024)

Germany is one of the countries every Nigerian wants to visit. A lot of tourists around the world visit this European country too. This is not a thing of a surprise because as a nation, Germany have a lot of rich history. As a plus, they have a very thriving economy, little wonder, everybody wants to go there. They have the largest landmass in the world of Europe, and debutants of a lot of great technological advancements we are enjoying today.

Book Appointment in German Embassy in Nigeria

In Nigeria, there is a rough estimate of over 200 million people, with a majority of them being so youthful. As the days go by, a lot of Nigerians are busy seeking for better ways to survive. For some individuals, the best resolve they make is to migrate to other countries to seek greener pastures. At all the corners of the earth, you would always see Nigerians, especially the Igbo tribe. In fact, one can infer that if you don’t find a Nigerian in a particular country, then that country is uninhabitable.  Nigerians are very resilient in nature, so much so that they can adapt anywhere, even in a country that does not have English as its first language.

Getting German Visa appointment: Things To Note

There are so many reasons, why Nigerians travel abroad. Some of these reasons range from study, businesses, tourism, and the list are endless.  In the course of this article, we would be walking through a guide on how to book a Visa appointment in the Germany Embassy in Nigeria.

Every foreign embassy in Nigeria, have their own requirements and rules for people who want to apply for a visa. It is of utmost importance, that you understand some of these rules beforehand.

To book an appointment with the German embassy can be demanding. Some of the demands include diplomacy and accuracy. So, in the light of these, you have to ensure that you fill all required documents with accuracy.

The German embassy in Nigeria has two office locations in Nigeria. We have one at the Abuja German Consulate and the one in Lagos.  In other to book an appointment, you have to do the booking, some months earlier. Your German visa interviews have to be booked online. As an applicant, you have to apply for a personal appointment and arrive for your interviews on time, and in person.

Without the German visa, you cannot travel to Germany. And no matter than visa type, you have to book an appointment early on. This is so that you would be eligible for consultation. So, anyone that visits Germany should make his application in Lagos. It is only on rare occasions, that you would be issued a visa in Abuja.

Reasons Why People Travel To Germany

If you put into consideration, why most Nigerians travel out, it is because they feel that there is something better outside their homelands.

According to statistical poll garnered by the German high commission, here are some of the reasons why Nigerians want to make a move to Germany

  1. Study-related purposes.
  2. Research and conferences.
  3. Health-related purposes
  4. Family reunions and visits
  5. Work-related purposes
  6. Voluntary work
  7. Tourism-related purposes

It is also important to note that each of these purposes has a visa that is attached to it. For example, the visa that is given for study purposes is known as a student visa.

How To Book An Appointment For Your German Visa At The German Embassy

Step 1: Go to the internet and visit the website of the German embassy in Nigeria. Here is there official Url:

Step 2: If you take a look at the right column of the site, you would see contacts for the Abuja centre.

Step 3: You would also see further important information like the Email option.

Step 4: You would see a link for “Click on the ‘Contact the German Missions Nigeria”’ , when you click this link, you would be forwarded to the page where you would book your appointment.

Step 5: Now, you would see an online appointment form, here, you can either choose the Lagos section or the Abuja section.

Step 6: Take care not to make any mistakes, while typing in your name, phone number, physical address and working email address.

Step 7: In the final step, you would see a text field, where you would state the reasons for your intended travel to Germany. Also make sure that before applying, that you are eligible for your visa application.

Step 8: Last but not the least; go through all the data that you have keyed in, and click the send button.


Kindly note that you can only book for your appointments after you have your documents ready.  At least, you have to have your personal documents, your completed visa form and other documents ready. If all the documents that you need are not ready at hand, your application would be rejected.

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Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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