The Salary of a Sub Lieutenant in Nigerian Navy Per Month (2024)

The rank of a sub lieutenant in Nigerian Navy is the first rank given to those who entered the Navy through DSSC (Direct short Service Course) as commissioned officers.

What then is the monthly salary of a sub lieutenant like?

Sub Lieutenant in Nigerian Navy

An Image of A Sub Lieutenant in The Nigerian Navy

Its not surprising to see that each year thousands of candidates apply for a work as a personnel in the Nigerian Navy. This makes competition fierce.

Most applicants are not aware of the Nigerian Navy salary range or even what they are getting into as they think that joining the Navy is an easy fix to riches.

Joining the Nigerian navy as a Sub Lieutenant is the first stage of starting a career in the military via the Navy.

The benefits attached to this rank apart from the take home pay is enormous. This is because you are a commissioned officer and would receive the salary of a senior officer in the Nigerian navy.


In the Nigerian Navy, Sub-Lieutenant (Sub Lt) is the most junior commissioned officer rank, equivalent to Second Lieutenant in the Nigerian Army and Pilot Officer in the Nigerian Air Force.

It is the first rank given to officers who enter the Navy through the Direct Short Service Course (DSSC) or the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA).

Here are some key points about the rank of Sub-Lieutenant in the Nigerian Navy:

  • It is the entry-level rank for commissioned officers
  • Equivalent to O-2 in NATO rank codes
  • Typically held by officers fresh out of training
  • Responsible for leading small teams or units
  • Reports to more senior officers, such as Lieutenants and Commanders
  • Has a shoulder badge with one gold bar (or ” stripe”)
  • Receives a monthly salary within the range of ₦150,625 to ₦200,000

Lets take a look at the ranks of commissioned officers in the Nigerian navy and see the where that of a Sub-Lieutenant falls.

Ranks and Salaries of Senior Officers in Nigerian Navy

These set of naval officers make the decisions for the junior officers and they mostly occupy the leading positions.

They are well respected in the military.

While junior officers have their hierarchy, the non-commissioned naval officers are still subject to the commands, orders and rules of the commissioned officers.

To become a senior officer in the Navy, you must join as a fresh graduate through the direct short service (DSSC) or through the Nigerian Defence Academy.

Those who join the Nigerian navy through the NDA are made Lieutenants, who are seen as the most senior of the junior officers.

The same is applied at the equivalent ranks in the Nigerian army and Air force since order, discipline and hierarchy are three key things that the Nigerian military thrive on. SEE HOW TO RISE FAST IN RANK IN THE NIGERIAN MILITARY.

The 12 ranks of senior officers are highlighted below with the rank of Sub-Lieutenant position shown

  • Admiral of the Fleet
  • Admiral
  • Vice-Admiral
  • Rear Admiral
  • Commodore
  • Captain
  • Commander
  • Lieutenant Commander
  • Lieutenant
  • Sub-Lieutenant
  • Acting Sub-Lieutenant
  • Mid-Shipman

From the above, you would understand that there are chains of commands in the Navy in a hierarchical order. Salaries are paid according to ranks as the salary of a sub lieutenant in Nigerian navy monthly would be different from that of a mid-shipman or even a commander.

See the range of yearly salaries of senior officers below:

  •  An Admiral salary figure is N16,303,140
  • Vice Admiral salary is ₦13,363,229
  • Real-Admiral salary is ₦12,038,945
  • Commodore earns a salary figure of ₦7,385,856
  • Captain salary is N3,715,859
  • Commander earns a salary figure of ₦3,380,086


A Sub Lieutenant is paid the sum of N200, 000 per month as earning minus other allowances accrued to his rank.

The monthly salary for a Sub Lieutenant in the Nigerian Navy is estimated at ₦150,625 to ₦250,000 minus other allowances accrued to his rank.

As a senior officer, the Sub Lieutenant earns a total of ₦2.4 million yearly.

This rank is assigned to various ship or shore-based duties, typically as watch or divisional officers, and is equivalent to a lieutenant in the Nigerian Army.

It’s important to note that salaries may vary and additional allowances could be part of the compensation package

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Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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