Most Lucrative Professions in Nigeria: Top 11

In settling for great professions in life, it is of great importance that you carefully ponder on the course you want to study if you are a prospective student of a tertiary institution as this will most likely determine the course of your career in the future. The best professions in Nigeria pay really well and it will not be foolish of you to target them in the long run. 

It is not totally bad to dream of a good profession with a high pay as this helps give you financial stability and the money to venture into other businesses if you’ll like to have more than one source of income.

most lucrative careers in nigeria

Even if the economy of the country is not as strong as it used to be, there are still people who earn really enviable salaries at month end and should you be lucky to land any of these high paying jobs in the professional field, you will rest assured that you are on your way to living really comfortably.

Below, Nigerian Infopedia presents to you in no particular order, the top 11 highest paying professions in Nigeria.

1. Healthcare

The healthcare industry has some of the best paying professions In Nigeria today. The respect that comes with being a medical doctor, a pharmacist, a nurse or any other professional in the media field is second to none. This profession has come to stay in Nigeria and its relevance can never be underestimated.

2. Law

The Nigerian legal profession has always been one of the best paying professions in the country. Most Nigerian parents wouldn’t mind any of their children being a lawyer as the legal profession is highly respected in Nigeria. Being a lawyer requires serious academic commitments on the part of the students studying law.

3. Petroleum engineering

Whether it’s onshore or offshore, the Petroleum engineering profession is a highly lucrative one. Landing a job in this field can go a long way to secure one financially for a very long time.

This job is a dream job of many Nigerians as they get to live well compared to other salaries being paid to people in other professions.

4. Airline operation

The airline profession is indeed a high paying profession. This is because the skilled personnel (pilots) who fly airplanes risk their lives to convey people from one place to another by air. Pilots are treated like expatriates and enjoy some prileges exclusive to that profession alone.

5. Lecturing

Lecturing is a very good profession and has the pay to match it. Apart from being well paid, lecturers have the time to do other businesses and grow their brands compared to those who work other jobs. Their profession gives them the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life.

6. Politics

Politics in Nigeria has evolved over the years into a very lucrative profession. In Nigeria today, being a politician is a job. While they are serving the nation in the best way possible, they are highly paid individuals who get paid and rake in other allowances to increase their earnings.

7. Engineering

Engineers are highly paid because they have access to the major projects that are being done. They bid for major contracts sponsored by the government and make a fortune from the projects.

8. Pastoring

Pastoring in Nigeria has evolved into a great profession with the proceeds from it being mouthwatering. This is not to demean the noble profession in any way but to emphasise its growth as a lucrative profession over the years. There has been an increase in churches over the years in Nigeria and the profession once thought of as being a poor man’s job has seen a considerable change in fortune in recent years.

9. Consultancy and ICT

Being a consultant for a multinational company is a high paying job any Nigerian would jump at. Companies make use of trained individuals who are skilled in certain areas to help boost the performances of their companies.

Consultants are well paid individuals who can afford the luxuries of a good life. They add value to the companies who employ their services by training their staff.

With the world going into an era that supports technological advancement, the positions of ICT operatives in the society cannot be overlooked.

Major companies need the expertise of these people in order to move their establishments forward. They are highly paid in order to put those companies in global view.

10. Entertainment

The entertainment industry has become something of a profession for most people in Nigeria. It is also a very high paying profession that gives financial security. It was never this good in Nigeria but over the years, music artistes as well as movie stars have seen their stocks rise considerably well and becoming the envy of others.

11. Business

The richest people in the world today are those in business. They are the Dangotes, the Bill Gates, the Mark Zuckerbergs of this world. These business men have turned Entrepreneurship into a big profession and have transformed it, raking in serious money in the process.

The above are the highest paying professions in Nigeria currently.

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Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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