How To Become a Pepsi Distributor in Nigeria

Starting a business in Nigeria might prove tedious due to limited information about the business. Well if you want to become a Pepsi distributor in Nigeria, then this article is for you. Pepsi is one of the major soft drink brands in Nigeria. There is a lot of financial advantage that can be accrued by working with this renowned brand.

Pepsi distributor in Nigeria

From the start-up, you can be facing a lot of stiff challenges. If you have a lot of perseverance like me, you would have a lot of great rewards in the end. The bottling company is known as seven-up (7up) is the producers of the Pepsi brand.  To become a distributor, you would have to contact the company and inform them of your business interest.

The ownership process can be challenging at the onset, but if you persevere, chances are that the rewards will be great. 7Up Bottling Company are the makers of the Pepsi soft drink. Becoming their distributor implies that you contact and inform the company of your interests. Now let’s go through the application process.

Application Procedure To Apply As A Pepsi Distributor in Nigeria

As a Nigerian, you can become a Pepsi distributor of products that are popular amongst Nigerians. If you want to accomplish your aim of becoming a Pepsi distributor, you have to visit the company as stated earlier and request information on the actual process involved.

Another fast, yet reliable procedure would be to visit the company’s contact us page and use the online contact form to reach out to them.

How it Works

There are a lot to distributorship with the Pepsi company. Here, 7up supplies its products to you at a discounted rate. The amount of supplies you get depends on the initial financial commitment you made. In this case, your fiscal power speaks for you. 7up places a cap on the selling price of the Pepsi products.

This entails that when you are making sells of Pepsi products, your profits are made mainly from the margins that they allow. The margin here is enough to return on investments. Being a Pepsi distributor also entails that most of your customers will be retailers. These retailers would, in turn, sell to consumers.

How Much You Make As Pepsi Distributor

The profit margin as a Pepsi distributor is very high and really rewarding. This is because of consumer behaviour. In Nigeria, 7up products are widely accepted by the populace. Since it is a self selling product, the market niche is very broad. There is also room for everyone who wants to be part of success in the business. Why not become a distributor today?

Because of the high demand for Pepsi products, there is a proportionally high-profit yield.

Market To Distribute Pepsi Products

As stated earlier, there is a broad market niche for Pepsi products. Be it a naming ceremony, a meeting, party, marriage etc, there is a very high demand for the product.

Whether it is a party, a naming ceremony, meeting, marriage etc, there is always a high demand for these products. It is on this note that I would infer that owning Pepsi distributorship rights has gross financial rewards.

Taking Your Time to Understand the Business

Being a distributor of one of the biggest brands in Nigeria entails that you take out a lot of time to understand the business. Anything less, would or might lead to the loss of your investments. So far a start, endeavour to make a lot of inquiries about the ins and out of your business. You can ask any friends of yours that have started the business. Better still, visit a consultancy and tire yourself out with questions.

In so doing, you are getting yourself ready for whatever comes your way after establishing the business.

The best option in this scenario would be to make inquiries from the company directly.

The scale of the Business

You need to have a clear picture of what you want. In fact, a clear mental picture of how you want the business to turn out is more important than any other thing.

As a plus to having a good plan for your distributorship, the company has lots of distributorship offerings. This information is very important to the planning process.

Big distributorship would attract high commission fees.

The opportunity provided by festive seasons

During festive seasons, the demand for Pepsi soft drinks by consumers is bound to be very high. We all would agree that at a lot of homes, relaxation centres and organizations spend their money on Pepsi drinks for relatives, guests, individuals, and friends.

This opportunity cannot be exploited as a distributor in Nigeria. In the festive seasons in Nigeria, there is a lot of wealth to be share as a distributor.

Frequently asked questions

What was Pepsi originally made for?

As of March 28, 1898, Bradham gave his drink the name “Pepsi-Cola.” He had a predisposition that the drink was more than a drink for refreshment. He saw it as a“healthy” cola that aids digestion. The word Pepsi has its root from the word dyspepsia which means indigestion.

What soft drinks are Pepsi products?

Here is a list of soft drink owned by Pepsi;

Pepsi, Pepsi One, Pepsi Max, Pepsi Throwback,  Diet Pepsi, Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi, Diet Pepsi Wild Cherry, Pepsi Wild Cherry, Pepsi Natural, Caffeine Free Pepsi, Diet Pepsi Lime and Diet Pepsi Vanilla.

How does the Pepsi company distribute their soft drinks?

There are three channels through which their products reach the market. The channels are namely; direct store delivery (or DSD), third-party distributor networks and customer warehouse. PepsiCo makes a choice on any relevant distribution network that would serve their customers well.

What does the 7 in 7 Up Stand For?

The most logical explanation is that seven stands for seven ingredients.  While the “UP” is related to the rising bubbles we see with soda. This inference is supported by an early 7UP tagline: “Seven natural flavours blended into a savoury, flavour drink with a real wallop.”

Is Pepsi good for health?

Taking drinks with very high amounts of sugar is not good for health. It can have various adverse effects on your health. This could range from the increase in the possibility of tooth decay, metabolic disorders and who knows, a heart disease.

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Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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