Best Method to Get Rid of Rats at Home in Nigeria

Rats are known to carry a number of diseases that can cause significant illness and even death. Lassa fever is one of these illnesses that has killed a lot of people in Nigeria. Pests like rats can invade your home and create an annoyance while you are unable to stop them. Rats need a place to live, food to eat, and water to drink, and because they can find these things in a house, they stay.

Rats are unwelcome guests in any home. They not only pose health risks but also damage property. In Nigeria, where the climate is conducive to their proliferation, rat infestations are a common problem. If you’re wondering how to get rid of rats at home in Nigeria effectively, this comprehensive guide will provide you with practical solutions and tips.

You may learn how to get rid of rats in your homes in Nigeria by reading this post. Many dangerous remedies available on the market might be harmful to your health and the health of your family. The natural home cures listed here are a variety of low-cost options you can apply to get rid of mice in your residences. The easiest approach to get rid of rats is to go get a cat, if you have the money to invest in such animals that can catch and kill rats.


Getting rid of rats can often be difficult which is why you must watch out for rat infestations in your homes. Rats reproduce rapidly, which explains why in 4 to 5 weeks, these rats reach sexual maturity. They also have litters that range in size from 6 to 12 pubs. After 21 days, the pubs are starting to be weaned. This means that you will have an additional 6 to 12 rats invading your area and scurrying about your house in around 3 weeks. From there, the situation will only get worse.

Detecting a rat infestation in Nigerian homes requires vigilance and attention to specific signs. Rats are common pests that can carry diseases and cause property damage. Here are some signs of rat infestation to look out for in your houses if you stay in Nigeria:

  1. Droppings: Rat droppings are one of the most obvious signs of an infestation. They are typically small, dark, and pellet-shaped. You may find them in areas where rats are active, such as in the kitchen, pantry, or near food storage.
  2. Gnaw Marks: Rats have strong teeth that grow continuously, so they gnaw on various objects to keep them at a manageable length. Look for chewed wires, wooden structures, or packaging materials, which can indicate their presence.
  3. Nesting Materials: Rats create nests using materials like paper, fabric, and insulation. If you discover shredded materials or small nests in hidden corners, it’s a strong indicator of a rat infestation.
  4. Scratching Sounds: Rats are nocturnal creatures, and you may hear scratching or scurrying noises in the walls, ceilings, or under the floorboards during the night. This is a clear sign of their activity.
  5. Unusual Pet Behavior: If you have pets, they may react to the presence of rats. Dogs may bark or sniff around areas where rats are active, and cats may become more vigilant in their hunting behaviour.
  6. Visible Rats: In some cases, you may actually see rats during the day, especially if the infestation is severe. Rats tend to hide from humans, so spotting them in plain sight is a significant red flag.
  7. Tracks and Smudge Marks: Rats leave behind footprints and smudge marks as they travel along walls and baseboards. These marks can be seen more easily on dusty or dirty surfaces.
  8. Grease Marks: Rats have greasy fur, and they often leave greasy marks on walls and surfaces they frequently touch. These marks can accumulate over time and become noticeable.
  9. Food Damage: Rats are attracted to food sources. Check for partially eaten or contaminated food items, as well as gnawed packaging in your kitchen or pantry.
  10. Foul Odors: A strong, unpleasant odor may develop as a result of rat urine and feces. If you notice a persistent, musky smell in certain areas of your home, it could be due to an infestation.
  11. Dirt and Dust Piles: Rats may dig burrows or create tunnels, leading to the accumulation of dirt and dust in certain areas. Look for unusual mounds of dirt near your home’s foundation or in the garden.


Here are the natural ways by which you can get rid of rats in your homes.


When keeping clothing and other items vulnerable to mould damage, mothballs, which are tiny balls of chemical insecticide and deodorant, are employed. Rats are usually deterred by mothballs. In Nigeria, mothballs are widely available. They are available in markets and don’t require any preparation before usage. A few should be placed in secret locations to deter rats. Take caution not to contact mothballs with bare hands.


This is the peppermint leaf-derived essential oil. Rats cannot bear the fragrance of peppermint oil, thus it can be used to keep them away. Simply cover some cotton wool or balls with peppermint oil and set them in rat-prone areas of your home, where you typically see rodents. This is quite effective. To scare off rats, you can also plant mint plants all about your home.


Rats are frightened and driven away by an owl’s feather. Place some owl feathers in rat holes if you can.


The rodents struggle to breathe due to the peppery odour. All you have to do is scatter some crushed pepper in your home’s cracks and other problem areas to deter rats. Repeat this until you start to see results.


In Nigeria, bay leaf is widely used and simple to locate. Rats eat bay leaf because they believe it to be food. However, it actually kills them because it is harmful to them. In the rat holes and other rat-prone areas, scatter some bay leaves. Repeat the procedure until you see that all of the rats have vanished.


This is an extremely efficient natural method of getting rid of rats. Onions have a pungent smell that repels rats and works as a deterrent. Simply cut up an onion and keep it in or close proximity to the rat holes.


One of the easiest ways to quickly get rid of rats is to set up traps. Simply placing a bait in the trap will be enough to draw it in. The preferred food of rats, dried fish and cheese, might be used as bait. The rat will get caught in the trap when it tries to devour this. You can move the trap far from the house after the rat has been trapped in it, ensuring that it won’t be used again. When setting a trap, wear gloves.


Purchase some dried snake litter, then scatter it in locations where rats are likely to congregate. The rats’ dread of snakes will lead them to flee. Some people also use cat litter, although cat litter can attract diseased rats. Please use extra caution and keep out of children’s reach when using this method.

Additionally, you must exercise extreme caution when utilising this strategy to avoid luring snakes to your region. The Snake Catchers Brisbane are the best to call for quick response times if you see a snake or believe snakes have visited your property.


Rats find the sight of human hair intolerable. This has the potential to be a powerful rat deterrent. Throw a few hair strands into rat tunnels or other places where rats are likely to be found. The rats will perish if they consume the hair.


Some people use cow manure to keep rats away. Spread some cakes of cow dung on your garden or backyard. Rats will get an upset stomach and die if they consume cow excrement.


This gentle treatment will get rid of rats. Although this approach might not be very effective, you can still give it a shot. In places of your home where rats are likely to congregate, scatter some baby powder. The rats become intoxicated by this powder, which may help you get rid of them in part.


In Nigeria, this is frequently referred to as iron sponge. Steel wool can be used to make barriers. Steel wool is challenging for rats to gnaw on. You can eliminate them when you use this to prevent their access into your house.


Make sure your surroundings are always tidy. Rats are drawn to filthy surroundings. Make it a habit to maintain a clean environment by emptying all trash cans completely and disposing of dump waste. Furthermore, periodically check for signs of rat activity, even after successfully removing them. By removing any potential rat nests and roosts, you may have a home free of rats with in this method.


Rat infestations are a prevalent and concerning issue in many Nigerian homes. These pesky rodents not only cause property damage but also pose significant health risks to residents. While there are various DIY methods for dealing with rats, there comes a point where it’s essential to consider professional rat extermination services.

One of the primary indicators that it’s time to use rat extermination services is the severity of the infestation. If you notice a few rats or evidence of their presence, such as droppings or chewed items, you might be tempted to try DIY methods first. However, when the infestation becomes extensive, with multiple rats seen regularly, it’s a sign that the problem is beyond what you can handle on your own.

Rats breed rapidly, and a small infestation can quickly escalate into a major problem if not addressed promptly. A professional pest control service can assess the extent of the infestation and implement effective measures to eradicate the rats.


Rat infestations can be a nuisance, but with the right approach, you can effectively get rid of them from your home in Nigeria. By following preventive measures, using traps, exploring natural remedies, and maintaining vigilance, you can create a rat-free environment that ensures the health and safety of your family.

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