Top 10 Best Partnership Businesses in Nigeria (2024)

Partnership business is the type of business that involves two or more parties joining together for the purpose of profit making. In this business, there are many opportunities and ideas to venture on. This will be our theme here as we will highlight the top ten partnership business ideas from small, medium to large scale.


What To Consider First In Partnership Business

All too often many business tyros ill-prepared with the partnership business ideas fall a victim of unsucessful business plan. Here is what to know before going into the partnership business.

A lot of businesses are obstructed to the costs, which is what it takes and the overall expenses in running the business from inception. But that doesn’t need to be the case. Due to the uncapability of some entrepreneurs, they opt for a high cost business. To get all on the path, we have put together an option of business ventures/ ideas in Nigeria with little start up capital.

Business Partners

In partnership business, colleagues are a support and also contributors, and for the reason, they has an equivalent stake in your organization’s prosperity. In the first place, it is critical to discover a colleague who shares your enthusiasm and targets for your business.

You can possibly get the right business partner if you are sourcing for one that fits in all round even outside the business. It is significant to note that your business parner increases the value of your business, hence, the initial move towards getting a colleague is having a business idea that is fit for all and sundry.

Nevertheless, whichever business you choose to go into decides the business partner you work with. Since the colleague is intended to work hand in hand with you, they must have the essential aptitudes, experiences and information required in that specific line of business.

List of Top Ten Business Ideas In The Country

This article accumulates a list of 10 top partnership business ideas in Nigeria which are also supportive for low income earners:

1. Internet Blogging

As the world is getting advanced in this 21st century, online businesses has been on the rise and the services of internet bloggers cannot be looked off. This business idea is one of the fastest and rewarding approach to bring in cash on the internet.

The task of bloggers in blogging involves communicating your emotions, ability and experiences, publishing online journals and articles, all through using a website.

Despite the fact that blogging requires full commitment before you can begin gaining large, if you execute the correct technique required in undergoing the business, you will get the best outcome from it.

Some highlighted prerequisites to set up a blogging partnership business includes having the zeal for it, writing gadgets and the enabled environment.

2. Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning involves doing laundry works as a business. Though many see this kind of work as inconsequential, the business is gainful if you can adjust things up well by doing the right. This involves maintaining neatness, good standards and cost, to improve your business.

3. Sale of Building Materials

Many wealthy Nigerians are building new houses. This implies an interest for building materials. With the demand for the materials, it makes the business a gainful one to do business.

4. Restaurant and Canteen

As we all know food is an essential need of the body. In this way the interest for it is exceptionally high prompting businesses. A lot of businessmen doing this work have no issue with making profits as long as they are involved fully.

What that is required in this business is that it may require less capital to set up, but requires proper management of the enterprise. This type of business requires collective efforts of the partners to see to profit generation of it and how to move it forward.

5. Setting up School

This is another business venture in the country to go in, as seen common in many towns and urban areas in Nigeria. Starting the school (building primary or secondary) business needs legitimate organization, financing, and associations essentially.

The large start capital it requires is what that sometimes discourage some people. But its very lucrative if your school is on standard and in a good location.

6. Transport Business

This business setup involves having vehicle(s) to transport people. Though the business may require huge funds to purchase the motors, but that aside it has potentials for benefit. If you put resources into this business and have a good working management of the enterprise, then you will do fine and make gains.

7. Sachet Water Production

The production of sachet water which is known as ‘pure water’ business is an extraordinary set up that is good for both sole proprietor and partnership. The pure water business as a whole also requires some capital before start and flourishes if appropriately run and managed.

8. Poultry Farming

The rearing of birds is a critical business that needs good management but it results to much profits from it. Like other businesses, poultry farming need capital and involves difficult work to groom the chickens.

9. Car Wash

The car wash business is a vital set up, but it is limited to certain areas. For example, popular urban communities, towns and cities where people or car drivers are too occupied to even think about washing their vehicles and they will opt to the service of a car wash.

Over the years, this business set up has been augmented, as car washing companies now uses machines to fasten their work. As all businesses requires great subsidizing, proper management, and great associations, the car wash business line is not an exception as it requires all of it.

10. Hotel Business

Hotel business is a lucrative business in Nigeria. It involves setting up rest rooms for visitor, tourist and people to lodge in temparorily. This type of business idea is active in a remote area, as there will be many patronage. It requires a large expense in starting the business but will need optimum publicity in keeping the enterprise going.

This has been the various partnership business ideas to venture in Nigeria. We were inclusive of all variety of businesses from the small, large scale to the ones that requires less and much capital in managing it. To take it to an end, all businesses requires brains for it to be successful and profit making.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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