Safety Procedures In Catering Establishment: Kitchen Accident

Students should be able to:

  • Define safety and kitchen accident.
  • Know the various types of accidents that occurs in the kitchen.
  • Identify causes, prevention of kitchen accidents.

kitchen nigerian infopedia


The word Safety is derived from French word, (sauf), meaning the state of being “safe” the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable.

Safety can also be defined as the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economic losses. it includes protection of people or of possessions.

A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that helps you to avoid dangerous situations and know the best way to react when you are in danger.

Safety In The Kitchen

Safety in the kitchen is making the kitchen and its environment secured, free from harm and safe to work without sustaining any injury.

Kitchen Accident

Accident means unpleasant occurrence that happened unexpectedly causing injury or damage to lives and properties.

Types Of Kitchen Accident

1. FALLS: caused by spit of oil or water, slippery floor, stepping on potatoes of banana peels or wearing of high heel shoes or shoes without firm grip on the foot etc.


  • Lift up the victim.
  • Check for any head injury
  • Victim should be taken to any nearby hospital if necessary.

2. CUTS: These are fresh opening on body/skin caused by any sharp objects such as knives, blades, broken bottles, glass, cans and graters etc.


  • Hold down the point to prevent excessive loss of blood.
  • Clean the surface with antiseptic or disinfectant water.
  • Apply iodine/methylated spirit and plaster.

3. BURNS: Burns are injuries to the skin or body caused by dry heat such as hot pots, hot Iron, hot plate etc.


  • Do not burst the blisters
  • Apply on the surface of the buns with petroleum jelly or vaseline.
  • Seek medical help if need be.

4. SCALDS: A scald is an injury to the skin caused by wet or moist heat, e.g. a steam heat coming out of boiled water.


  • Do not burst the blisters.
  • Apply cold water on the surface.
  • Apply on the surface of the scald with petroleum jelly or vaseline.
  • Seek medical assistance if necessary.

5. SUFFOCATION: When kitchen is too choked up or tight or not ventilated, this can cause suffocation resulting to accident.


  • Move the affected person away from the surrounding for adequate ventilation.
  • Use mouth to mouth i.e. Artificial respiration.

6. ELECTRIC SHOCK: This is when one is using faulty electric appliances.


  • Switch off the current.
  • Free the person by using dry wood, rubber or dry cloth
  • Artificial respiration should be given if breathing has stopped.
  • Seek the medical attention.

7. FAINTING: as a result of long standing or waiting in an overcrowding or badly ventilated area.


  • Move the victim to an airy place.
  • Raise the legs of the victim slightly above the level of the head.
  • Make sure victim is free from any tightening i.e. shoes. socks, tie and buttons.
  • Seek medical assistance if need be.

8. ACCIDENTAL POISONING: It can occur when one mistakenly drank poison such as bleach, kerosene in place of water or when food items are stored very close to chemicals.


  • Victim should be given palm-oil
  • Seek medical assistance.

Causes Of Kitchen Accidents

  1. Disorderliness: when an individual is not well organized, not arranging the kitchen properly.
  2. Uneven Floors: when kitchen is not evenly floored, one can easily miss his/her step.
  3. Lack of concentration: when one is not paying attention on what he/she is doing.
  4. Excessive Haste: when one is so much in a hurry to do something.
  5. Poor Lighting/Burred Lighting: When kitchen is not well illuminated or lighted, this can cause accident.
  6. Poor Ventilation: when the kitchen is not well ventilated, it can cause suffocation.
  7. Slippery Floor is when kitchen floor is wet either from spills of water or oil. This can cause accident.
  8. Failure to wear correct shoes and clothes.
  9. Failure to abide with the safety rules
  10. Failure to use the correct equipment and tools for different tasks
  11. Distraction: it can be caused by not concentrating on the job at hand through lack of interest, personal worry or distraction from someone else.
  12. Items of equipment not properly stored.
  13. Broken glass not wrapped up sufficiently before being placed in the bin.
  14. Forgetting to unplug electrical appliances prior to cleaning.
  15. Stacking trays incorrectly.
  16. Carpets edges turned up.
  17. Faulty wheels on trolleys or Castors on the sideboard
  18. Overfilling of coffee pots soup tureen glasses and the likes.

Prevention Of Kitchen Accident

  1. Kitchen floor must be well arranged, free from any obstacles or obstructions to allow free assess or free flow.
  2. Wipe off any liquid spilled on the floor immediately they occur.
  3. A notice of warning should be displayed for slippery floor.
  4. Little children should not be allowed in the kitchen.
  5. All peels must be emptied into the dustbin.
  6. Label all ingredient correctly especially the ones in the bottles and cans.
  7. Always wear hand gloves while removing hot cooking pot from cooker, stove or oven tray.
  8. Store cleaning agent away from food.
  9. Do not pass a hot pot over a bending person.
  10. Avoid overloading; do not use too many appliances from one socket.
  11. Repair faulty electrical appliances, sockets immediately.
  12. Never pull a flex of wire to remove from the socket.
  13. Do not place hot water or hot oil carelessly In the kitchen.
  14. Do not touch switch or plugs with wet hands
  15. Replace blown fuse and never repairs.
  16. Read the instructional manual of any electrical appliances before operating.
  17. Do not leave knife or cutting utensils in washing up sink or bowl.

Remedy Of Kitchen Accident

1. First aid treatment should be given, if it is not a serious accident.

2. In a serious situation, the following steps should be taken:

  • Call the emergency number; visit the nearest hospital to you.
  • State the exact location of the incident by giving the correct address and telephone number.
  • Describe the quicker route to the place of the incident.
  • Describe the accident, if heart attack is suspected, indicate the age of the victim.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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