Best Yoruba Herbs For Treating Low Sperm Count in Men

Having a low sperm count has been a issue of infertility conditions among men. Normally, there is a certain amount of sperm count that will result to pregnancy. A deviation from this number is considered as low sperm count. In a more explicit way, anything less than 20 million/mil is considered to be abnormal (oligospermia) and not enough to get a woman pregnant. How can this be treated? Fertility treatments is the only solution to the situation of low sperm count. In such case, it is an option to consider using the natural herbal medicine to treat. This article will look at the top Yoruba herbs that is suitable for treating low sperm count in men.

Yoruba herbs for treating low sperm count


Typically, there are both the orthodox and natural cure for low sperm count. Here we will take a gander at the Yoruba herbs that is useful for treating low sperm count and male infertility issues. We will also include the underlying diseases that these herbs can work effectively. The usage will also make this write-up.

Without much ado, below is the rundown of the top best Yoruba natural herbs and remedies for treating low sperm count in men:


This is a popular plant seed known as ogbono in Ibo. It is also referred to as Apon aka eso Òro in Yoruba. Cissus Populnea is a very potent remedy used to treat issues associated with low sperm count.

The instructions on how to use the herb is to: collect as many fresh ogbono seed, then slice them out so as to enable you remove the stem. This will be followed by grinding it very well. After that, the grinded material should be soaked in water for at least 18 hours. The finished produce will be used for drinking.

On the dosage of the herbal mixture, it is recommended that half a glass of it should be taken daily for a period of 3 to 6 months (which depends on the duration of the problem). After this period, you should go and repeat the test of your seminal fluid analysis. By doing this process, you will notice an increase in your sperm count.

Another alternative to taking the Cissus-Populnea herb is prepare up to one cup of ground ogbono seed to 3cups of water. This will be followed by allowing it for 18hours. After the period, you should then add one cup of natural undiluted honey to the mixture. Ensure to  stir the mixture thoroughly so as to combine together. The medium of preservation of this herb is to store it in a refrigerator.


This tropical fruit-like gourd is said to have a variety of health benefits which treating low sperm count is inclusive. Bitter melon is also known as bitter gourd or Momordica charantia.  The herbal plant may be consumed as a food, as a juice (karela juice). The usefulness of this plant is due to the fact that it contains compounds that is believed to help in the treatment of a lot of health conditions.

The properties and therapeutic values of bitter melon is that it is very ideal for the treatment of low sperm count; blocked fallopian tube; fibroids; infections; ovarian cyst cancer; and arthritis.

The common names for it is Bitter Apple, Wild Gourd, Egusi Melon. The local names is Egusi elili in Igbo, Bara in Yoruba, and akòkoñ or ikòñ in Akwa ibom.

The recipe of this herb is: Bitter melon (egusi bara); and Pap water (omidun) or akaàmu.

Furthermore, looking at the method of preparation of bitter melon herb, it can be obvious that it’s quite a simple process. The part of the plant that is used is the white pulp of the fruit.

Here is how: Simply shatter or cut the bitter melon into pieces (this should be only the white pulp of the fruit), pour the pap water and put it on the fire for up to  30 minutes. On the dosage, you can take half glass of it in the morning and last thing at night. The amount of it is contingent upon your body type– you can take a full glass.

N/B: It is important to note that consuming the herb might discomfort your stomach. On the off chance that you experience this situation, don’t get freaky, you are perfectly okay. It is also advisable not to take this herb if you have a kidney or liver problems.


If getting those other herbs will be a bit stressful, then consider this one which is very common. Garlic is a powerful spice and a natural aphrodisiac that treats a lot of health conditions. The herb is very useful as it boosts healthy production of sperm. This is possible because it increases the circulation of blood which in turn increases the motility of sperm.

Garlic has an active ingredient called Allicin which preserves sperm; protects it from damage and boost it functions. In terms of the usage of garlic, it should be added to meals. Alternatively, you can as well swallow few chopped cloves of garlic on a daily basis, at least twice.


Aside from taking of herbs, there are many other ways to treat low sperm count. This includes some physical activities and maintaining healthy habits. Below is the rundown of the other natural ways to treat the situation of low sperm count in Nigeria:

  • Always try to maintain a good body condition by having regular exercise.
  • Avoid smoking and also reduce taking of hard drugs.
  • Try to reduce your intake of alcohol and avoid abuse of drugs.
  • Reduce your body stress and always try to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Increase the intake of anti-oxidant rich foods
  • Additionally, you can use fenugreek supplement in treating male fertility issues.


This write-up based on the top Yoruba herbs for treating low sperm count in men. In the course of this, we highlighted these herbal medicine which are considered as ideal for treating low sperm count in Nigeria. If you been looking for a solution to your infertility issues, then consider these herbs as a good alternative to some orthodox medicines which might not work sometimes.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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