Prices of Omron Blood Pressure Monitor in Nigeria (2025)
Nowadays, most people under certain health conditions don’t like the idea of walking a long way down to the hospital just to check their blood pressure. This action has paved way for the emergence of self-checking blood pressure machines which can be used at homes in anytime. These machines are very important not only for checking BP, but it assists one with observing blood pressure level at any time without the stress of going out to meet the doctor. BP machines additionally enables more exact diagnosis of pulse related conditions like hypertension. This article will highlight the prices of Omron blood pressure monitors in Nigeria this 2025.
Omron is a brand that sticks out among the producers of blood pressure machines. This brand has its products widely used in the majority of hospitals and homes in the country. Omron blood pressure monitors have been medically tried to be exact and to a great extent dependable. In the course of this article, we will look at these their products and list the ones available in the country’s market. Also, the amount it would cost to buy these Omron BP machines will be outlined.
Features is what characterizes Omron Blood Pressure machines – as they come in various types that only differ in this aspect. Omron blood pressure machines range from the basic M2 Eco Blood Pressure Machine to more modern variations. Below, we will list the prices of the most sought after Omron blood pressure machines in the Nigerian market today.
The following are Omron blood pressure machines and their respective prices in the current market this 2025:
- Omron Standard M2 ECO Blood Pressure Monitor costs ₦15, 000 – ₦20, 000
- Omron M6 Comfort Automatic Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor Intellisense costs ₦42, 000 – ₦50, 000
- Omron M3 Blood Pressure Monitor Intellisense costs ₦30, 000 – ₦40, 000
- Omron Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor HEM 7322 costs ₦30, 000 – ₦37, 000
- Omron 10 Series Wireless Bluetooth UpperArm Blood Pressure Monitor costs ₦38, 000 – ₦48, 000
- Omron HEM-7600T Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor SmartElite costs ₦30, 000 – ₦40, 000
- Omron Healthcare Omron M2 Basic Digital Arm Blood Pressure Monitor costs ₦18, 000 – ₦27, 000
- Omron M7 Intelli IT Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor costs ₦44, 000 – ₦52, 000
- Omron RS2 Intellisense Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor costs ₦23, 000 – ₦30, 000
- Omron 5 Series Wireless Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor costs ₦24, 000 – ₦30, 000
- Omron Hem7280T Bluetooth Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor costs ₦35, 000 – ₦45, 000
The above are the prices of how much Omron blood pressure machines goes for in the current market in Nigeria. These figures shows the estimated cost of the exact price range. The prices are as accumulated in the current market and are generally reliable to use for budgeting for the product. However, there are some variables that may cause a change in these prices. It could be because of the unsteady changes in the currency exchange rate which can make these process to change whenever. Additionally, the variety in costs as a feature above could be an aftereffect of the changing currency exchange rate. Other factors like location, and time of procurement can as well be a determinant of the price of these blood pressure machines.
Just like any other machine product, blood pressure monitor come in various types with different specification and differing features. This has made it considerably trickier for expected purchasers to simply pick the most ideal choice. On the off chance that you need to pick the one that is best for you, there are a few variables to keep in mind when intending on buying on of these machines. Here are a portion of these things to consider:
- Type of Blood Pressure Machine – In order for you to know the type of blood pressure machine you should buy, it is imperative to visit your PCP or doctor. This should be before you want to purchase the BP machine as they could help you pick the correct one for you. Just as there are various sorts of blood pressure machines, you may need to pick between one that is electric or fueled by a battery. Some are manually worked, semi-mechanized, and finished computerized.
- Get The Right Size Cuff – Getting the right size cuff is really important and it is perhaps the main components to consider. In the event that you don’t get the right measured size cuff, then the pulse machine is bound to be unsuitable for it purpose. Pulse machine comes in various sleeve sizes which gives options for people to choose from. Before you get a BP machine, ensure you measure your exposed arm by using a measuring tape, to have a thought of your sleeve size. When you get to the market, ensure you check the particular machine and be certain it fits you well prior to purchasing it.
- Additional Features – As we have already said, there are different types and classes of blood pressure machines today. A few makers have chosen to add additional features that will additionally make the operation extremely simple and easy to use. Before placing your money on any BP machine, you ought to consider whether the machine has additional features like adjustable inflation levels, memory storage which helps store data for a specific period. The connectivity of the blood pressure machine should also be noted, because a few machines can interface effectively to PC systems.
Omron Blood Pressure monitors are readily available in the market here in Nigeria. If you’re looking for where to get them, they can be bought from different first class drug stores or medical equipment in the country. Also the online stores makes buying simpler, as you can just submit a request for a BP machine through the different internet business channels available inside and outside the country. That’s where we will wrap up this article on the Omron blood pressure monitors prices in Nigeria. As a review, we highlighted these prices with the product specification. We additionally gave some interesting points you should note before buying a blood pressure monitor in the country.