How Much is Bag of Rice in Nigeria? See Prices (2024)

Rice is a staple food in Nigeria, and its price is a major concern for many Nigerians. The price of rice has been rising steadily in recent years, due to a number of factors, including inflation, supply chain disruptions, and even the ongoing war in Ukraine.

rice in Nigeria

In this blog post, we will provide you with the latest prices of various sizes of bag of rice in Nigeria. We will also discuss some of the factors that affect rice prices, and offer tips on how to save money on your rice purchases.

This blog post is mainly targeted towards buyers and readers wanting to know the prices of various sizes of bag of rice in Nigeria, consumers who are looking for the best deals on rice, businesses and organizations that purchase rice in bulk and anyone who is interested in learning about the Nigerian rice market.

We intend to inform our readers about the current state of the rice market in Nigeria, and help them make informed decisions about their rice purchases.


Nigerians are passionate about rice, and there is a wide variety of types to choose from. Whether you are looking for a versatile all-purpose rice or a flavorful local variety, there is a type of rice in Nigeria that is perfect for you. There are many different types of rice grown and consumed in Nigeria. Some of the most popular types available in the country include:

  1. Parboiled Rice: Also known as “parboiled” or “local rice,” this variety is one of the most commonly consumed types in Nigeria. It is partially boiled in the husk before milling, which makes it highly nutritious and less prone to breakage during cooking. Parboiled rice has a slightly yellowish tint and a nutty flavor. It’s perfect for dishes like jollof rice, fried rice, and rice and stew.
  2. Long Grain White Rice: Long-grain white rice is known for its slender, elongated grains and a neutral flavor profile. It is a versatile rice type used in a wide range of Nigerian dishes, from plain white rice served with stews to various fried rice recipes.
  3. Short Grain Rice: Short grain rice has rounder and plumper grains. It is stickier when cooked, making it ideal for dishes like Nigerian-style sushi rolls or rice pudding. It’s also used in certain traditional Nigerian dishes like tuwo shinkafa.
  4. Basmati Rice: Basmati rice, with its distinct aroma and long, slender grains, is a premium rice variety favored for special occasions and festive meals. It’s perfect for making fragrant pilaf, biryani, or simply as a high-quality accompaniment to Nigerian stews. To learn more about the various brands of rice available in Nigeria, see here.
  5. Ofada Rice: Ofada rice, also known as “brown rice” or “local rice,” is an indigenous Nigerian variety known for its brownish hue and nutty flavor. It’s a healthier alternative to polished white rice and is commonly used to make ofada rice and sauce, a popular Nigerian dish.
  6. Abakaliki Rice: Hailing from the Abakaliki region of Nigeria, this aromatic, medium-grain rice is celebrated for its unique flavor and fragrance. It’s often used in local dishes like banga rice and other traditional Southeastern Nigerian recipes.
  7. Wild Rice: Though not as commonly consumed as other varieties, wild rice can still be found in Nigeria. It has a distinct taste and is often mixed with other rice types to add a unique twist to dishes.
  8. Imported Rice: Alongside locally cultivated varieties, Nigeria also imports rice from countries like Thailand, India, and Vietnam. These imported rice varieties, such as Thai fragrant jasmine rice or Indian basmati rice, are popular among those looking for specific flavors and textures.

The diverse range of rice varieties in Nigeria allows for a plethora of culinary possibilities, catering to various tastes and preferences. Whether you prefer the earthy goodness of parboiled rice or the fragrant allure of basmati, Nigeria’s rice market has something to offer for every palate and occasion.


Here is the information on rice prices according to brands and sizes in 2024:

Size Brand Price (₦)
5kg Mama’s Pride 6,000
5kg Royal Stallion 6,500
10kg Mama’s Pride 11,500
10kg Royal Stallion 12,000
25kg Mama’s Pride 22,000
25kg Royal Stallion 25,000
50kg Mama’s Pride 50,000
50kg Royal Stallion 60,000


The following are some factors that affects the prices of bags of rice in Nigeria:


The value of the Nigerian currency in relation to foreign currencies, especially the US dollar, greatly impacts rice prices in Nigeria. An unfavorable exchange rate can lead to higher import costs for rice, which is often reflected in higher prices for consumers. On the other hand, a favorable exchange rate can help stabilize or reduce rice prices, making it more affordable for consumers.


The cost of producing rice in Nigeria plays a significant role in determining its prices. Factors such as labor costs, seeds, fertilizers, irrigation, machinery, and land leasing or ownership all contribute to the overall cost of production. Any increase in these production costs can lead to higher prices for rice in the market.


Transportation costs, including the cost of fuel and logistics, are another factor that affects rice prices in Nigeria. Rice is often transported from the farms where it is grown to urban centers and other regions. Any increase in transportation costs, such as rising fuel prices or inefficiencies in the transportation system, can result in higher prices for rice.


The importation policies established by the Nigerian government also have a significant impact on rice prices. Restrictions on importing rice, such as high tariffs or bans, can limit the supply of rice in the market and lead to higher prices. Conversely, more relaxed importation policies can increase the availability of rice and potentially lower prices.


Government subsidies for rice production can help stabilize or reduce rice prices in Nigeria. Subsidies can be provided in the form of financial assistance, resources, or incentives to rice farmers, which can help lower production costs and subsequently lower prices for consumers. The presence or absence of government subsidies directly affects the affordability of rice in the market.


Inflation is an essential factor that influences rice prices in Nigeria. When there is high inflation, the overall cost of goods and services increases, including the cost of rice producing and importing rice. As a result, rice prices tend to rise to compensate for the increased costs associated with inflation. Inflation and rice prices are closely intertwined, and changes in inflation levels can lead to fluctuations in rice prices.


Weather conditions, such as droughts, floods, or excessive heat, greatly impact rice production in Nigeria. Adverse weather conditions can damage crops, reduce yields, and hinder the overall availability of rice in the market. When rice production is negatively affected by weather conditions, there is often a shortage of supply, which can lead to higher prices for consumers.


The market demand and supply dynamics play a significant role in rice prices. When the demand for rice exceeds the available supply, prices tend to increase due to the scarcity of the product. Alternatively, when the supply of rice exceeds the demand, prices may decrease to encourage consumption and reduce excess inventory. Fluctuations in market demand and supply can lead to variations in rice prices.


Different rice varieties have varying prices based on factors such as quality, taste, and consumer preference. Certain rice varieties, such as Basmati rice or specialty rice, are often priced higher due to their unique characteristics and limited availability. On the other hand, more common varieties like local Nigerian rice or long grain rice may be more affordable and widely accessible.


Competition among rice producers and distributors also influences rice prices in Nigeria. When there are multiple suppliers of rice in the market, they may engage in price competition to attract customers. As a result, rice prices may be lower as suppliers strive to offer competitive prices. Conversely, limited competition can lead to higher prices as there are fewer options for consumers to choose from.

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