Top 5 Most Dirtiest Tribes in Nigeria (2024)

While there are many dirty states in Nigeria known to unclean in terms of environmental hygiene, there are also tribes that are known to be very dirty in Nigeria. With more than 200 million people making up Nigeria, there are many innumerable tribes making up for this populace. One of the major factors that make an area or region to be considered as being dirty is overcrowding. Though, the country cannot be wholly said as being overcrowded, but the big number of people that make up the area poses a threat to environmental health. There are much to say on this, as we will look at the most dirtiest tribes in Nigeria in this write-up.

most dirtiest tribes in nigeria

Environmental health or eco-friendly environment is one of the best thing that a growing area or region can attain. With people making up these areas, they belong to a certain tribe or ethnic group. As this article will centre on the most dirtiest tribes in the country, it can be seen that when an area fails to make a good eco-friendly environment, it is then attributed as being dirty and unclean.

There are many factors that influences the cleanliness of a particular area. They include: pollution, presence of disease(s), unhealthy environmental, poor social and health infrastructures, inaccessibility, and overcrowding.


There are many things that contributes to the attribution of a tribe as being dirty. Such determining factors include whether the group is in a healthy environment; accessibility factors; cleanliness level; and the response of the immediate government social and health amenities.

The most dirtiest tribes today in Nigeria are the Igala, Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba, Igbo, Kambara and the Idoma tribes respectively. This is due to the unclean environment of the areas of these tribes.


Using the environmental health factors and cleanliness rating of regions in Nigeria, below is the rundown of the five (5) most dirtiest tribes in the country;


Igala tribe is regarded as one of the most dirtiest tribes in the country. This ethnic group is located in Kogi state, and it’s one of the major tribes in the country. Igala ethnic group is made up of Muslim and Christian people, living on the left bank of the Niger River below its junction with the Benue River. Other ethnic groups related to Igala are Idoma, Jukun, Ebira, Esan and Nupe. The Igala language belongs to the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo family. The tribe has an Area as it head ruler.

The Igala tribe is made up of primarily an agricultural people, growing a wide range of crops which include: yams, taro, pumpkins, squash, corn (maize), manioc, and peanuts (groundnuts). Palm oil and kernels have become significant as cash crops.

Following the factors of environmental health, an entity or region may be considered as being dirty if the state’s cleanliness rating is low. Idala tribe makes up a large part of Kogi state. Deducing from the rating of the cleanliness level of the state, we can state whether or not the tribe is dirty.

In a recent report by the International NGO, Clean-Up Nigeria on the cleanliness rating of states, it gave the list of the dirtiest states in the country. The report graded Nigerian states according to their cleanliness, which was after a years study. In the report, Kogi state scored the lowest with a score of 11 out of 100, to emerge as the dirtiest state in country. With Igala tribe making up a good part of Kogi state, we can categorically state that they be attributed as the dirtiest tribe in Nigeria.


The Fulani tribe is seen as being dirty, due to the fact that the rate of underdevelopment in the area is very high. Most Fulani dominated states like Sokoto, Yobe, Jigawa, Gombe and Kebbi are one of the most underdeveloped states in the country. This has resulted to the lack of social and health amenities to improve the environmental health of these areas. They are also seen as one of the most wicked and dangerous tribe in the country.

Fulani also called or Fulbe, is a distinct tribe in Nigeria, and they are often attributed with the Hausa ethnic group. They are primarily muslim people scattered throughout many parts of northern Nigeria, and in West Africa. Interestingly, the Fulani tribe is the largest nomadic people in the world, which is seen as almost all the Fulani people are nomadic and cattle rearers. These group of people live everywhere in the country (especially the northern part) and solely rely on their cattles and farming. They carry a mobile house with them known as a bukkaru.


Hausa tribe are the people that makes up the entirety of northwestern Nigeria and adjacent southern Niger. They constitute the largest ethnic group in the area, and their language is one of the most spoken in the country. The language belongs to the Chadic group of the Afro-Asiatic (formerly Hamito-Semitic) family. The Hausa ethnic group is closely related to the Fulani tribe, and the two is regarded as a mutual group.

With respect to eco-friendliness and environmental health, the Hausa tribe is lacking behind due to the unavailability of social and health infrastructures in most areas. With a good number of Hausa states like Kano, Kebbi, Nasarawa, and others being ranked as one the most dirtiest states in the country, the Hausa tribe is seen as one of the most dirtiest.


Kambari is one the most unclean ethnic groups in the country. The Kambari people are an ancient rural tribe that is found in Niger, Kebbi, Zamfara and Yobe states. The Kambari are very primitive and local; they do not speak English or Hausa, but they communicate in their native Kambari. They stay in their small communities and their only interaction is when they meet in farms and markets.

One common thing about the Kambari people is nudity. It is a culture which was passed down to them by their ancestors and they aren’t willing to let go of. For the sake of clothing, the women covers the bottom half of their bodies with wrappers while the men do the same. The Kambari people are irreligious and they are pagans who worship a god called Magiro, which makes them to believe strongly in witchcraft and magic.

Deducing from how the Kambaris are and their interiority, it can be infered that they are one of most dirtiest tribes in Nigeria. Adding to this, the Kambaris occupy rural settlements where there is absent of social and health amenities to make the area eco-friendly.


The Idoma and Tiv tribes occupy entirely the area of Benue state. The Idoma tribe is one of the biggest tribes in middle belt region of the country. The Tivs is a related tribe to the Idoma, and the duo are the most powerful people in Benue state.

Although these people make up a small part of the country’s population, they are one of the significant tribes in Nigeria. The Tiv and Idoma people are majorly farmers, and they have a good numbers of Christian with a considerable Muslim population.

Nevertheless, the Tiv and Igala related tribes make up Benue state, which is one of the most dirtiest state in Nigeria. Unfortunately, the state is quite limited in terms of critical social and health amenities/ infrastructures, and they cannot boast of a great environmental conditions.

This is seen as most areas of the state does not look nice and clean. In parts of the state, especially in the local areas, the people are used to dumping their wastes along the roads, near uncompleted buildings and in drainages. All of these factors contribute to the cleanliness rating of the Tiv-Idoma tribes, and extending to the state.


This is our take on the most dirtiest tribes in Nigeria, as we’ve enumerated about five of them. From here, you can know which place to visit in the country, when contemplating for an environmental clean tribe.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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