Top 10 Most Consumed Products in Nigeria (2024)

Presently, there are innumerable consumed products in the Nigerian market. The vastness of demanding these products have made a lot of people, especially those doing business on them, to enquire about the marketability of these products for consumption. For most retail businesses, knowing the most consumed products in the market is a piece of valuable information. This info is also helpful for those who just want to know about the availability of their intended products in the market. For whatever reason you might want this information for, this write-up will be explicit on the top ten most consumed products in Nigeria.

top 10 most consumed products in Nigeria

The basic features which follow the most consumed products in the world includes premium performances or improved value for the same amount of money, high accessibility and convincing reinforcement to customers. In this write-up, we will enumerate and highlight about 10 types of commodities that are of the highest demand in the country right now. This information will be helpful and can make you a fortune, if you are a retailer. Let’s see what these most consumed products are and why people really need them.

Top 10 Most Consumed Products in Nigeria Today

Below is the rundown of the top ten most consumed products in the country currently;

Computers and Phones Accessories

It’s no longer news that a good number of Nigerians are great admirers of gadgets. This includes computer gadgets like PCs, mobile phones, smartphones, power banks, headphones, and all other essential extras that accompany it sell quick in the country’s market. There are other sizable gadgets which include memory cards, hard drives, earphones and headphones, screens for cell phones and hard cases, and so on, which are in high demand in the country. All these computer and phone accessories have gotten so mainstream and anybody with only a little speculation can offer these wares to people.

With the digital world becoming more advanced and prominent, there is lot of business in the computer and phone market. This is complemented with the fact that a lot of people nowadays go for modern computers, phones and accessories in their bid to stay connected.

Food Products

Food products is ostensibly the most consumed products all round in the country. This is because food is a basic and essential item at all places all over Nigeria. Food products are very vast: from the agricultural produce to the prepared foods, all of these are in high demand throughout the country. However, o the off chance that you are going into the business of prepared or fast food, watch that it’s cooked in consistence with the principles of cleanliness, hygiene and safety. This will help to make the best out of this.

Liquid, Solid Detergents and Soaps

Though this might be surprising, but it’s a matter of fact that almost the entirety of Nigerians uses detergents and soap in laundry and bath respectively. This is because, cleanliness is a key factor and significant to stay healthy. Sanity and cleanliness is something that can’t be overlook at. Its however important that people remain clean and furthermore keep everything around them clean to fend illnesses and diseases off.

The issue has been of concern not just in Nigeria, but Africa, where in some countries, individuals endure a great deal because of unhygienic conditions. With the need to maintain a good hygiene, the detergents and soaps is greatly patronised. As such, you can have a beneficial business around this by selling liquid and solid detergents, cleanser, or other washing and cleaning products.

You should begin considering retailing of detergents and other washing products if you want to make it from the product being one of the most consumed in the country.

Cooking Gas

Gas for cooking is now a fundamental product in most Nigerian homes. With the old days of using firewood gone, there is much patronisation of the cooking gas which is seen as a reliable option for kitchen cooking. This makes the process and product to be utilized in cooking similarly as the food itself.

Prior to now, many people used to offer inclination to lamp oil as fuel for their ovens. Notwithstanding, individuals presently pick gas as a less expensive and more solid equipment for cooking. In a related note, the gas ovens is good as they don’t produce a dummy and unfortunate smell, it likewise doesn’t make the cooking utensils grimy. All these has contributed to making cooking gas one of the most consumed products in the country.


Electronics involves very often products like Television, Radio, Fridges, Air-conditioners, and the rest of them. Thes products are items that are most popular in Nigeria. This is seen as each household and people utilizes at least one of these electronics in their hoi, office, shops and school. Electronic items have a huge market and are effectively sellable due to the high demand for them in the market. Top, dependable brands you can sell incorporate Samsung, LG, Sony, TCL, Canon, etc.

Some prominent electronic products that are most used in Nigeria include the following: TV and recordings – LED TVs, Smart TVs, Televisions, DVD players, PlayStation; Camera – Camcorders, advanced cameras, video recorders, projectors; Generators and other power electronics like inverters, solar panels, stabilizers, etc.; Sound – Home theater, Bluetooth speakers, soundbars.

Building Materials

Nowadays, with more people keen on building their structures, the need for building materials to supplement this, will be significant. This is likewise one of the most requested and quick selling merchandise product in Nigeria.

All materials required for another house, home remodels and reconstruction incorporate cements, blocks, and concrete. All these and a lot more like irons, frame, windows, et al, fall into the classification of building materials. These products are very much required by a lot of people and production companies in the country.

Used Clothes (Okrika) and Shoes

Due to the fact that some people can’t afford new and expensive clothing, they often resort to fairly used clothes called “Okrika”. This is another quick selling product in Nigeria. While it’s only a few rich people that avoid purchasing used clothing, the normal Nigerians are searching for the seemly best used wears at a considerable cost. Interestingly, if peradventure that you have used clothes that are still good and are of acceptable quality, you can win a great deal by selling them.

Soft Drinks

There’s no doubt that soft drinks sell exceptionally quick in the Nigerian market. Usually, this kind of drinks are consumed at get-togethers and ceremonies, for example, weddings, parties, burials, occasions, and so on. It’s interesting of note that, on the off chance that you go into this business as a distributer or retailer of soft drinks, then you can make loads of profits. This is because the product is one of the most consumed in the country.


This seemly unpopular product is perhaps the most sourced by women in the country, especially the ladies. Generally, cosmetics incorporate hair extensions or other excellence items. The trend where a lot of people love looking beautiful has resulted them to use cosmetics. In this, they employ magnificence care to accomplish this. A lot of people are prepared to go through some cash on these cosmetics due to the fact that they are alluring. This attraction of cosmetics to people have made it to be one of the most consumed products in the country.


Grocery is also one of the most consumed products in the country. It include products like toilet papers, home cleaning equipment such as detergent, beverages, etc. These are the little but essential materials that are needed in the home and which no one can actually do without. These products has become one of the most consumed because a lot of people use them almost every day and would always go back to get some more when they are finished.

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Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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