African Countries: Full List of Countries in Africa and Capitals

This post will provide a full list of countries in Africa and their capitals in alphabetical order and will list the estimated total population of people living in the African continent and facts about African countries.


Africa is made up of 54 fully recognized sovereign countries. Africa is also the second biggest continent in terms of size and population, measuring about 11.7 million square miles in territorial space and harbors about 1.1 billion citizens. This vast continent is protected by water from all directions. Africa as a continent has clearly defined borders and its map is regarded as the most beautiful due to its shape.

The various seas that differentiates the borders of the African map from other continents of the world are: the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. As earlier said, the total number of countries in Africa is 54. These countries although were colonized by European countries in the past, they are now independent sovereign states. The body that unites all nations in Africa is the African Union.

Some Facts About African Countries

1. The biggest country in Africa in terms of size is Algeria. Occupying about 7% of the African continent.
2. The smallest country in Africa in terms of size is Seychelles.
3. The most populous black nation in the African continent is Nigeria.
4. The largest city in Africa in terms of population and size is Lagos in Nigeria.
5. Civilization started in Egypt.

African Countries: Full List of Countries in Africa and Capitals

  1. Algeria – Algiers
  2. Angola – Luanda
  3. Benin – Porto-Novo
  4. Botswana – Gaborone
  5. Burkina Faso – Ouagadougou
  6. Burundi – Bujumbura
  7. Cameroon – Yaounde
  8. The Republic of Cabo Verde – Praia
  9. The Central African Republic – Bangui
  10. Chad – N’Djamena
  11. Comoros – Moroni
  12. Democratic Republic of Congo – Kinshasa
  13. Republic of Congo – Brazzaville
  14. Cote d’Ivoire – Yamoussoukro
  15. Djibouti – Djibouti
  16. Egypt – Cairo
  17. Equatorial Guinea – Malabo
  18. Eritrea – Asmara
  19. Ethiopia – Addis Ababa
  20. Gabon – Libreville
  21. Gambia – Banjul
  22. Ghana – Accra
  23. Guinea – Conakry
  24. Guinea-Bissau – Bissau
  25. Kenya – Nairobi
  26. Lesotho – Maseru
  27. Liberia – Monrovia
  28. Libya – Tripoli
  29. Madagascar – Antananarivo
  30. Malawi – Lilongwe
  31. Mali – Bamako
  32. Mauritania – Nouakchott
  33. Mauritius – Port Louis
  34. Morocco – Rabat
  35. Mozambique – Maputo
  36. Namibia – Windhoek
  37. Niger – Niamey
  38. Nigeria – Abuja
  39. Rwanda – Kigali
  40. Republic Arab Saharawi Democratic – Aauin
  41. Sao Tome and Principe – Sao Tome
  42. Senegal – Dakar
  43. Seychelles – Victoria
  44. Sierra Leone – Freetown
  45. Somalia – Mogadishu
  46. South Africa – Pretoria (Executive), Bloemfontein (Judicial), CapeTown (Legislative)
  47. South Sudan – Juba
  48. Sudan – Khartoum
  49. Swaziland – Lobamba (royal and legislative) Mbabane (Administrative)
  50. Tanzania – Dar es Salaam (Traditional capital) Dodoma (Location of legislature)
  51. Togo – Lomé
  52. Tunisia – Tunis
  53. Uganda – Kampala
  54. Zambia – Lusaka
  55. Zimbabwe – Harare


Below are all African countries, their capitals, flags and various languages

DZ Algeria Algiers Arabic*, French Algerian
ANG Angola Luanda Bantu, Portuguese* Angolan
DY Benin Porto-Novo (official),
Cotonou (de facto capital)
French Beninese
RB Botswana Gaborone English*, Setswana Batswana
BF Burkina Faso Ouagadougou French * Burkinese
RU Burundi Bujumbura Kirundi*, French*, Swahili Burundian
TC Cameroon Yaoundé French, English Cameroonian
CVD Cape Verde Praia Portuguese, Criuolo Cape Verdean
RCA Central African Republic Bangui French*, Sangho, Arabic, Hansa, Swahili **
TCH Chad N’Djamena French, Arabic Chadian
CMS Comoros Moroni French*, Arab*, Shaafi Islam, Malagasu Comoran
RCB Congo Brazzaville French*, Lingala, Kikongo Congolese
CGO Congo, Democratic Kinshasa French*, Swahili, Lingala, Ishiluba, Kikongo Congolese
CI Republic of the Côte d’Ivoire Abidjan/
French **
DY Djibouti Djibouti Arabic*, French*, Afar, Somali Djiboutian
ET Egypt Cairo Arabic Egyptian
WQG Equatorial Guinea Malabo Spanish*, French*, English, Fang, Bubi, Creole Equatorial Guinean
ER Eritrea Asmara Afar, Bilen, Kunama, Nara, Arabic, Tobedawi, Saho, Tigre, Tigrinya Eritrean
ETH Ethiopia Addis Ababa Amharic*, English, Orominga, Tigrigna Ethiopian
HGO Gabon Libreville French*, Fang, Myene, Bateke, Bapounou/Eschira, Bandjabi Gabonese
WAG Gambia, The Banjul English Gambian
GH Ghana Accra English Ghanian
WIA Guinea Conakry French Guinean
WIB Guinea-Bissau Bissau Portuguese Criolo Guinean
EAK Kenya Nairobi English*, Swahili Kenyan
LS Lesotho Maseru English*, Sesotho*, Zulu, Xhosa Basotho
LB Liberia Monrovia English Liberian
LIBYA Libya Tripoli Arabic, Italian, English Libyan
RM Madagascar Antananarivo Malagasy, French Madagascan
MW Malawi Lilongwe English, Chichewa Malawian
RMM Mali Bamako French Malian
RIM Mauritania Nouakchott Arabic*, French Mauretanian
MS Mauritius Port Louis English*, French*, Creole, Hindi, Urdu, Hakka, Bojpoori Mauritian
MA Morocco Rabat Arabic*, French, Berber dialects, Spanish Moroccan
MZB Mozambique Maputo Portuguese*, Bantu languages Mozambiquean
NYA Namibia Windhoek English*, Afrikaans, German Namibian
RN Niger Niamey French*, Hausa, Songhai, Arabic Nigerian
NG Nigeria Abuja English*, Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo, Nigerian
RWA Rwanda Kigali Kinyarwanda, French, English Rwandan
STP São Tomé and Príncipe São Tomé Portuguese **
SN Senegal Dakar French*, Wolof, Serer Senegalese
SY Seychelles Victoria English*, French*, Seselwa Seychellois
WAL Sierra Leone Freetown English*, Mende, Temne, Krio Sierra Leonean
SP Somalia Mogadishu Somali*, Arabic, English, Italian Somali
ZA South Africa Pretoria
Cape Town (legislative)
Bloemfontein (judicial)
Xhosa*, Zulu*, English, Afrikaans, Ndebele, Sesotho sa Leboa, Sesotho, Swati, Xitsonga, Setswana, Tshivenda South African
SUD Sudan Khartoum Arabic*, English Sudanese
SD Swaziland Mbabane English, Swazi Swazi
EAT Tanzania Dodoma (official)
Dar es Salaam (administrative)
Swahili, English Tanzanian
TG Togo Lomé French*, Ewé, Mina, Kabyé, Cotocoli Togolese
TN Tunisia Tunis Arabic*, French Tunisian
EAU Uganda Kampala English*, Swahili, Luganda, Ateso, Luo Ugandan
Z Zambia Lusaka English Zambian
ZW Zimbabwe Harare English*, Ndebele, Shona Zimbabwean

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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