List of Natural Mineral Resources Found in Adamawa State

Adamawa state is located in northeastern Nigeria and has its capital city in Yola. It was established in 1991 and was formerly known as Gongola state before it was renamed to Adamawa.


The state is blessed with various mineral and natural resources found in the 21 local governments which is four administrative divisions: Adamawa, Ganye, Mubi and Numan. Adamawa is also one of the largest state in Nigeria in terms of landmass, occupying an area of 36,917 square kilometres.

This state shares boundaries with Borno to the northwest, Gombe to the west and Taraba to the southwest. The main economic occupation of the people of Adamawa is mostly farming. Crops like maize, yam, cassava, guinea corn, millet and rice, etc all grow there. There also exists various ethnic groups in the state.

Mineral resources are mostly raw materials that possesses economic importance, found either on the earth surface or can be dug out through mining. Many natural resources in Nigeria can be found in different states and are used for purely economic uses.

In this article, we are listing the main natural mineral resources found in Adamawa state today.


This is one of the natural resources found in the state. This solid mineral was discovered in the early 90’s and is made up of the following element – potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and aluminium (Al).

Although, Adamawa state hasn’t fully harnessed the greater use of this resources for its growth and development, we know that there are large mineral deposit of Bentonite in the state.

Bentonite is not too popular in the Nigeria but is commonly known with the local names such as Nzu or Ndom in Efik. Bentonite is used to absorb ions in solutions like fats, and oils. It can also be used as a major active ingredient in industrial cleaning agents.


Gypsum is another soft sulfate mineral made up of calcium sulfate dihydrate. It is a natural resources deposited in the soil, mined and can be used as a fertilizer. It is also used to make plaster, blackboard chalk and wallboard.


Another major natural resources found in Adamawa is Kaolin. This is a type of clay that has medical advantage. it is used for mild-to-moderate diarrhea, severe diarrhea (dysentery), and cholera.

This element can be found in commercial quantity in other Nigerian states such as Borno, Abia, Delta, Ekiti, Kaduna, Katsina, Kogi, Ogun, Ondo, Oyo, and Plateau State respectively.


Magnesite also known as magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) is formed of microscopic crystals with an unglazed porcelain appearance and characterized as a white, porous mass with dull lustre.

This is one of the few natural mineral resources that are found in the country, most especially in Adamawa State.


There was a rumor that Diamond and Coal were found in Adamawa by Russian miners but this claim hasn’t been verified. If the government can put to good use all these natural resources listed above, it can serve as an additional source of revenue to not only the people but to the country also.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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