10kVA Generator Prices in Nigeria (2024)

With the intermittent power supply in Nigeria, a good generator might be the best way to mitigate the situation. Looking for a generator is one thing, and getting the best one that suits your needs is another. For this reasons, a 10kVA generator is preferably good for more sophisticated Nigerian homes with power hungry appliances. This kind of generators can power a refrigerator, one microwave, 6 lights, 2 televisions, 1 coffee maker, 2 air conditioners (10000 BTU), 3 laptops, 1 monitor, and a printer at a time. This is the primary electronic components of most Nigerian houses. With this in mind, you ought to know the prices of these 10KVA generators first.


Typically, a 10kVA generator has enough power to run most sophisticated equipment and appliances. This has been one of the major reason why a lot of people go for the product. Over the years, the demand for high-efficiency generators like the 10kVA has increased significantly. With the current issue of power outage in the country, this emergency efficient generators can have significant benefits to people and businesses in their quest for stable power supply. From helping in maintaining food in the freezer down to the secondary application in making life more comfortable, there are many advantages in buying this generator.

Also, the 10kVA generators are among one of the most sought after generators in the market today. It is a brand of generator that a lot of people have been relying on in the quest for effective power supply. Looking at the power output of 10KVA generators, you can see that this equipment really worth putting money on. One may wish to know how many amps does a 10 kVA generator produce? Certainly, the amps the generator produce depends on the voltage. At 120 volts it would be 83.3 amps at full load. And when the generator is at 240 volts it would be 41.67 amps.

Also looking at the power capacity of Generators, you can see that while some generators offer less than 1KVA, some others have higher capacities. 10kVA is one of the most popular of these generators. These generators are widely regarded as the “heavy weight” or collosal generators with high enough voltage to that is able to power various electrical and electronic equipment. Nonetheless, 10kVA generators comes in different sizes, shapes and also power capacities.


If you’re still contemplating on  how much these 10kVA generators go for in the market, tben you are on the right place as we will highlight the current prices of these products. Here in this piece of writing, we will take a peek at prices of various 10KVA generators that are available in the country today. Subsequently, we will consider some things to put in mind while buying this kind of generator.

Here are some of the most common brand of 10KVA generators in Nigeria and their prices.


Elapaq is arguably among the very best and most reliable brands of generators in Nigeria. The company offers efficient generators that are relatively easy to maintain and use for whatever purpose. The equipment also comes at competitive prices which are quite considerate.

This brand of generators is actually a good one to go for if you want a reliable power supply. The generators is very reliable and also boast great fuel economy. The high quality voltage regulators that is designed into the equipment allows for safe running of sensitive electronic equipment in the generator.

The manual starter is also featured in the generator which allows for easy, simple, swift rope-pull mechanism for starting the generating set.  With all these features, you can be guaranteed adequate efficiency with the Elepaq 10kVA generator. The cost of Elepaq 10kVA generators is between N180,000 and N200,000 in Nigeria.


Firman is well-known brand and probably the most popular name in the Nigerian generator industry today. Much is alluded to them due to the fact that the brand has consistently displayed quality in all forms of it. While some people may not agree to the fact that the brand is the most reliable and still pocket friendly, some others believe there are some few brands that are better.

Regardless of these views, the 10KVA soundproof generator beats most others easily due to it unique quality. You can be sure to get the best value out of this generator in terms of prices and quality. In Nigeria, Firman 10kVA soundproof generators can cost between N400,000 and N500,000 on the average.


Here are a few important variables you ought to consider first before picking a specific 10KVA generator to buy:

  • CONVENIENCE: Obviously, this is one of the most significant components to consider when purchasing a generator. As basic as this factor may be, a great many people will in general disregard it and here and there they do regret not thinking about it. Taking into account how simple the generator can be used will assist you with choosing which type to go for. There are various kinds of generators and they shift in usage and activity. Some beginning with key start while others highlight starter ropes. It is consistently ideal too with the key start plan as it makes the generator simpler to begin. Either of these, your convenience will let you settle for a better one.
  • NOISE LEVEL: The level of noise the generator produces is one factor that you should put into consideration. But you couldn’t care less about how stunning your generator is, you ought to meditate the noise level of the generator you choose to purchase. This will help you to guarantee you don’t settle for a generator that would disturb you in the future. Purchasing a soundproof generator is consistently a good thought of looking for a low noise generators.
  • FUEL TANK CAPACITY AND ECONOMY: Normally, 10KVA generators shift in fuel tank limit. To be on the more secure side, it is smarter to go for generators with bigger tank capacity as they will have the option to contain more measure of fuel. Likewise, before buying the generator, it is fundamental to enquire about the mileage level. A few generators manage their motor speed dependent on the heap interest for more advance mileage.  Also ensure to check the generator runtime before you eventually make the buy.


That’s our take on the prices of 10kVA generators in Nigeria. We enumerated these generators and their current prices in the country’s market today. This will give you a guide on settling for the best of this kind of power supply.

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