Nigerian Navy Seaman Officer Salary (2025)

Most people would want to find out how much is the salary of a seaman officer in the Nigerian Navy. First of all, the word seaman is a normal military rank that is often used in many navies worldwide. Often considered a junior enlisted rank in the Nigerian Navy, it can be either used as a single rank in most countries or simply used as a general term for junior ranks (juniorates).

Nigerian navy seaman

In Nigeria, not much is mentioned when it comes to seaman, as the ranks in the Nigerian Navy doesn’t enlist the word seaman. As earlier stated, its the junior ratings that are all called seamen  or sailors in the Nigerian Navy. And we shall list below their ranks and also their salaries as well, for you to know how much salary a seaman in the Nigerian Navy earns a month.

Ranks of Non Commissioned Officers (Seamen)

These 7 ranks in the Nigerian Navy for ratings or sailors also known as seamen are non-commissioned officers and they include:

  • Warrant Chief Petty Officer
  • Chief Petty Officer
  • Petty Officer
  • Leading Rating
  • Able Rating
  • Ordinary Rating
  • Trainee

Role And Responsibilities Of A Seaman

Normaly, naval officers who join as seaman job will entail the application of the skills and knowledge learnt from basic training. Salaries are paid according to rank and your training will help quicken your career in the Navy. Note that you must also carry out all tasks and orders given to you to do by your superiors officers.

The major duties performed by Nigerian seamen include the following:

  • Ship maintenance
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Repair of facilities
  • Storage for underway operations
  • Helmsmen duties
  • Serving as a member of damage control
  • Emergency and security alert teams
  • Actively participating in naval ceremonies
  • Working with qualified personnel to gain job training and experience.

Requirements To Join Nigerian Navy Seaman

The following are some of the major requirements to consider if you want to join the Nigerian Navy as a seaman (ratings)

  • Candidates must possess a valid SSCE cert with 5 credits which includes English Language and Mathematics.
  • Applicants has to be a Nigerian citizen by birth.
  • Applicants must fall between the ages of 18 to 22 years for School Certificate holders, while those with higher qualifications such as Nurses, NCE, OND, etc they should be betwwen the ages of 18 to 26 years.
  • Applicants have to be free from any criminal act, conviction by any law court
  • He or she must not be married or have any child
  • No physical deformities, tattoos, disease, stammering, etc are allowed. Applicants with any medical issue need not apply.
  • Male applicants should haave a height of 1.69 meters while 1.650 meters for females.

Other requirements will be posted on the Nigerian navy’s website when they begin the recruitment exercise.

How Much Is The Salary of A Nigerian Navy Seaman Officer

While the salary structure of a Nigerian navy is a classified information just like that of the Nigerian army as with the ranks and salary of the Nigerian Airforce.

A Nigerian Navy seaman salary for the least rank would be in the range of ₦50,000 to ₦70,000 per month while the highest rank for Nigerian Navy seaman would earn about ₦90,000 to ₦100,000 per month.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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