All Nigerian States Implementing Sharia Laws

Sharia law, also known as Islamic law, is a legal system that is based on the principles and teachings of the Quran and the Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad).


In Nigeria, the implementation of sharia law has been a contentious issue, with some states fully adopting it while others have only partially implemented it, as others argue that it is discriminatory and undermines the country’s secular legal system.


Sharia law has been practiced in Nigeria for centuries, but it was not officially recognized by the government until the late 20th century.

In 1999, several states in northern Nigeria began to fully implement sharia law, sparking widespread protests and violence. Since then, several other states have also adopted sharia law in some form.

Sharia law in Nigeria has a long history going back to the precolonial era. During this period, Islamic practices were largely confined to the northern regions of the country.

Sharia law was practiced in varying degrees and forms depending on the particular region, but typically provided guidance on areas such as marriage, divorce and inheritance.

With the emergence of British colonial rule in the 19th century, Sharia law was largely replaced by British common law. However, in some parts of northern Nigeria, Sharia law continued to be practiced and is still used in certain areas today.

In 1999, the Nigerian government enacted a law that allowed for the introduction of Sharia law in several of the countrys northern states. This was met with significant opposition from those who felt that Sharia law was incompatible with Nigerias secular constitution.

Over the years, Sharia law has become increasingly entrenched in northern Nigeria, and it is now used to adjudicate certain civil and criminal matters.

This has led to controversy in certain cases, particularly those involving issues such as adultery, homosexuality and apostasy. Despite this, Sharia law continues to be practiced in Nigeria and is likely to remain an important part of the countrys legal system for the foreseeable future.


Currently, there are 12 northern states in Nigeria that have fully implemented sharia law:

  • Zamfara state
  • Sokoto state
  • Kebbi state
  • Niger state
  • Kano state
  • Jigawa state
  • Katsina state
  • Bauchi state
  • Yobe state
  • Borno state
  • Gombe state
  • Taraba state

In addition, several other states have adopted sharia law in a limited capacity, such as in the areas of marriage and personal injury lawsuits.


In the states where sharia law is fully implemented, it is used in both civil and criminal cases. This includes issues such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and criminal punishments such as amputation for theft and stoning for adultery. In states where sharia law is only partially implemented, it is typically used in family and personal injury cases.

In Nigeria, Sharia law is implemented in the 12 northern states that are predominantly Muslim. These states are referred to as the “Sharia states”.

In the Sharia states, Sharia law is used in both civil and criminal cases. Sharia law is used to settle disputes over marriage, inheritance, and other civil matters. In criminal matters, Sharia law is used to punish crimes such as theft, adultery, and apostasy (abandoning the faith). These punishments are often very severe, and can include public floggings, amputations, and even death.

In order to ensure that Sharia law is applied correctly, the states have established Islamic courts and appointed Islamic judges. These judges are expected to follow the principles of Sharia law when ruling on cases. In addition to the Islamic courts, Sharia law is also enforced in the Sharia states by a system of morality police. These police officers patrol the streets of the Sharia states and enforce Sharia law. They have the authority to arrest people for violating Sharia law, and can even sentence offenders to a punishment.

Despite the presence of Sharia law in the Sharia states, it is important to note that these laws are only in effect in areas where Muslims are in the majority. As such, non-Muslims are not subject to the same laws. Additionally, Sharia law is not enforced in the same way everywhere in Nigeria. Each Sharia state has its own set of Sharia laws, and the punishments and enforcement can vary significantly from state to state.


The implementation of Sharia law in Nigeria has had a significant impact on the legal system in the country. On one hand, it has provided a system of justice that is accessible to many Muslims living in northern Nigeria who may not have access to the formal legal system. On the other hand, it has also led to concerns about discrimination against non-Muslims and women, as well as potential conflicts with the country’s secular legal system.


The implementation of sharia law in Nigeria has had a significant impact on the country, both positive and negative. On one hand, it has provided a sense of cultural identity and religious freedom for Muslims in northern Nigeria. On the other hand, it has also led to human rights violations and discrimination against non-Muslims and women.


Sharia law has been heavily criticized by human rights organizations and international bodies for its strict punishments and lack of due process. There have also been concerns about the unequal treatment of women and non-Muslims under sharia law.


Sharia law is a complex and divisive issue in Nigeria. While it has provided a sense of cultural identity and religious freedom for Muslims in northern Nigeria, it has also led to human rights violations and discrimination against non-Muslims and women. It is important for the government to ensure that the implementation of sharia law is done in a fair and just manner, and that the rights of all citizens are protected.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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