Top 10 Most Promiscuous Tribes in Nigeria (2025)

In this article, we’ll examine the top Nigerian states where promiscuity is most prevalent. But first what’s it about? Promiscuity can be defined as the act of engaging in multiple sexual relationships. This is incredibly common in Nigeria, where many ethnic groups continue to adhere to their traditional beliefs. Additionally, some religions do allow individuals to have as many relationships as they like. The narrative is not consistent throughout the nation, though, as some tribes uphold the one man, one woman philosophy. Let’s discuss these prominent ethnic groupings that support prostitution in the country.

promiscuous tribes in Nigeria


Promiscuity is the action of often having sexual relations with other partners. Additionally, it denotes having a broader selection of sexual partners. If monogamous partnerships are the social norm for sexual activity, the phrase may include a moral connotation. The one-night stand is a frequent instance of conduct that is regarded as irresponsible by several countries, and its prevalence is utilized by researchers as a marker for promiscuity.

The definition of promiscuity and the frequency with which it occurs vary among cultures. Distinct genders and civil statutes are frequently subject to different criteria. Feminists have long claimed that men and women are treated differently when it comes to being promiscuous. In the past, stigmatized depictions of promiscuous women have frequently been derogatory, such as “the slut” or “the harlot.”

On the other hand, there are numerous variations in male stereotypes, some of which convey acceptance, like “the stud” or “the player,” whereas others insinuate social misbehavior, like “the womanizer” or “the serial adulterer.” According to a 2005 research study, both promiscuous men and women are more likely to be judged negatively. The promiscuous Nigerian tribes that exist now are the result of all these procreant behaviors.


In no particular order,  here is a list of the most sexually active tribes in the country:


While there are more than 250 different ethnicities in Nigeria, the Fulanis are the most populated and promiscuous tribe in Nigeria today. The Fulani are paternal ancestry, patrilocal, and relatively polygynous, and they typically pay bridewealth in the form of cattle for planned first marriages. Consanguinity is common, and first or second cousin unions are preferable.

The Fulani are split based on class, and they are permitted, per Islamic law, to take up to four wifes. They engage in endogamy by choosing to marry close relatives before other spouses. The three phases of the marriage procedure are the dowry payment called Koowgal, the whipping known as Sharo, and the Kabbal.


The Hausa tribe is the biggest and among the most organized in Africa, and some of its important ethics, standards, and principles are still upheld and maintained today. One such practice is polygamy, which is a type of promiscuity.

In the past, a girl would typically marry at the age of 13 or 14, or at most 16 or 18. The majority of people in Hausa society are married. The ideal marriage is polygynous, virilocal, and patrilocal. A man is permitted to have as many as four wives at once. The Hausa word for co-wife is kishiya, which is derived from the word for “jealousy,” which is frequently but not always indicative of co-wife relationships.

Being a patriarchal family society, Hausa extended families often live in one compound, with different residences for every wife. Islam permits polygamy, but the society and land of the Hausa do not effectively use it. Arrogance or ignorance are to blame for this. Last but not least, the Hausa marriage has its charms that we treasure and adore forever.


The Wodaabe tribe is a Fulani tribal community in Niger, West Africa. The tribe is only present in small numbers in northern Nigeria. The tribe’s men are viewed as being extremely conceited since they constantly carry mirrors and think they are the most attractive group of men. The women in the tribe are free to marry as many sexual partners as they choose until marriage, and marriage is always entered in childhood.

Also, wife snatching is largely acceptable because the tribe practices polygamy. Despite this, some men refuse to join because they don’t want their women to be taken.


The majority of Irigwe people may be located in the central Nigerian state of Plateau State’s Bassa Local Government Area. They converse in the Central Plateau language of Rigwe (also known as Nkarigwe). There seem to be tribes in Nigeria that permit polyandry, despite the practice being mostly uncommon. The Irigwe people of Northern Nigeria have a custom of giving women multiple husbands, or “co-husbands.”

Nigeria’s Irigwe tribe prioritizes a woman getting numerous spouses. Their council did not decide to stop this practice until 1968. Before that, women lived in many homes and had multiple husbands. The husband whose home the wife was residing in at the time was also designated as the children’s paternal grandfather.


The Lake Chad basin is home to the Kanuri tribe. Nevertheless, Borno State, is where the preponderance of the tribe resides. Kanuri males can have up to four wives, which allows them to create sizable households. Kanuri males typically get married in their early twenties. Men frequently engage in polygamy and may have up to four partners. Teenage females get married when they’re young. A man would prefer that his maiden wife be a youthful virgin. However, a virgin bride costs a lot to marry, though.


The Yoruba people engage in a form of promiscuity known as polygamy. Men can have multiple wives in this culture. In a polygamous household, the wives as well as the half-brothers/half-sisters or Obakan still make up the nuclear family. The father has a responsibility to provide for the whole family, but particularly the children. He takes care of all of their necessities. Nevertheless, many Yoruba Muslim men today engage in lusty polygamy.


Every adult Igala is required to get married as part of their holy and traditional obligation to be “fulfilled” in life. In Igala culture, marriage is considered successful if it results in children alone. Therefore, an unhappy marriage might quickly end or lead to polygyny. Polygamy is really not prohibited in Igala conventional marriage since males are free to take as many women as they choose. Christianity, where the rule is one man to one wife, does not have this restriction.


Gbagyi is a Nigerian tribe that has a vibrant customs and heritage. Due to their distinctive traits, the Gbagyi people’s marital customs are particularly amazing. Along with the customary marriage rituals, eloping couples can also get married in gbagyi land. The Gbagyi people support polygamy, and their traditions also accepts several lovers and early marriage. A man gbagyiza gets welcomed into marriage when he is 15 to 18 years old. Within the first eight to ten years of life, a female gbagyi kid gets committed to one of her suitors.


The Tiv tribe exhibits promiscuity in the context of conventional marriage. When the Tiv first encountered Europeans, they practiced complicated exchange marriages. It was great for two males to trade entire sisters. Polygamy as a marital system was valued in Tiv society as a provider of manual labor for the extraction and sharing of resources.


Igbo marriages in the past were polygynous, patrilocal, and included paying a money in advance. The Igbo were thought to practice polygamy regularly. According to some reports, 34 percent of the total of Igbo women engaged in polygamy. Men also frequently sought to have numerous wives. However, as the majority of Igbos today practice one-man, one-wife marriage in accordance with Christian ideals, these were merely historical studies.


That’s the list of the leading ten most promiscuous tribes in Nigeria. I believe you now have the idea of which are the high sex-proned ethnic groups in the country. Also see the top 10 most promiscuous Nigerian states.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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