USPS Nigeria Phone Number & Office Address

USPS is one of the best postal services in Nigeria. If you have any package you want to deliver to any location around the globe, then you might want to contact them.


USPS means United States Postal Services. One thing I like about them is their tracking service which is top notch. You can track your items online easily by confirming when it is.

Although, you can send any item through them, there are some items prohibited by this delivery company.

They include:

  • Stocks
  • Processed woods
  • Passports
  • Precious stones like Diamond
  • Paints
  • Weapons like Knives
  • Perfumes
  • Ice
  • Fruit juice
  • Coins
  • Soft drink
  • Airline Tickets and Credit card blanks
  • Jewelry containing lead salt.

Apart from the following items listed above, you can send or post your packages through them if you are finding it hard to use Nigeria’s Postal Service (NIPOST) or other private delivery firms in the country.

How To Contact USPS Nigeria

Do you reside in any of local government area in the country and would want to contact USPS, below is their email, website and office location.



Email address:


If you have any problem with delay of pakage delivered, missing mail and would want to request a refund or even have any question concerning their service, their customer care agent are always willing to respond to your querries.

Depending on the parcel and country you want to send your item to, it normally takes 5 days after the company accepts your parcel to deliver to the recipient. Weekend days like Saturday and Sundays are also accepted.

With their fast delivery response time, USPS don’t have any additional surcharge fee when you use their services to forward your parcels to countries across the globe.

Although they don’t have a direct outlet here in Nigeria, their relationship with FedEx Express allows them to easily access countries covered by FedEx. Some times you can also receive your items from your local post office near you from them.

NB: Most people have complained of sending mails to their customer care on public holidays without response. Please note that their office isn’t open during public holidays as you might have to wait before receiving or sending mails to their agent.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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