How To Prepare Tapioca (Recipe & Procedure)

Tapioca is extracted from cassava root whose botanical name is Manihot esculenta. Over the years, Tapioca recipe has always remained the same and we shall explore its procedure in this article as well as reeling out its health benefits.


Tapioca pudding is mainly carbohydrate with low saturated fat, sodium and protein. This white starchy extract from cassava has about 23.9 grams of 105 calories. It is similar to the pap we know due to its physical appearance and the way tapioca is prepared in Nigeria.

Nutritional Facts

As earlier stated above, Tapioca is a starchy product from cassava root so we can classify it as a natural source of carbohydrate. In fact, a serving of tapioca pudding contains about 13% of our daily healthy caloric intake based on per day diet.

Health Benefits

Here are some of the health benefits of drinking tapioca:

1. It makes the heart healthy

Even though the fibre content in tapioca is in minute quantities, it has been proven to reduce the risk of heart diseases like stroke and heart attack. It also reduces high cholesterol levels when mixed with rich fiber sources like legumes and fresh fruits.

Tapioca also contains minerals such as iron, folic acid etc which aids in the development of healthy red blood cells and the formation of oxygen-containing blood.

2. It helps improve cell growth

This point is beneficial for pregnant women as all need folic acid in the body to produce new cells. Tapioca intake is very good for childbearing mothers as it will aid pregnant women provide new cells to their fetus so as to prevent major birth issues.

Medical research also suggests that Tapioca helps in the development of the brain and spine of humans.

3. Helps to build strong healthy bones

Tapioca also gives calcium which is a necessary mineral associated with building strong and healthy bones in the body. It also reduces the risk of having bone fractures.

4. You gain healthy weight

Weight loss programs and diets might be the order of the day, but those who want to gain healthy weight and add some pounds should consider tapioca.

One serving of tapioca pudding can help you add some healthy pounds to your weight naturally.

Tapioca Recipe

  • 3½ ounces large pearl tapioca, approximately ½ cup
  • 2cups cold water
  • 2½ cups whole milk
  • ½ cup heavy cream
  • 1 egg yolk
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 1 lemon, zested
  • Pinch salt

Steps on How To Prepare Tapioca in Nigeria

Step 1: Place tapioca in a medium mixing bowl along with the water, cover, and let stand overnight.

Step 2: Drain water from tapioca.

Step 3: Place the tapioca into a slow cooker along with the milk, heavy cream, and salt.

Step 4: Cook on high for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.

Step 5: In a small bowl, whisk together the egg yolk and sugar.

Step 6: Put small amounts of the tapioca into the egg mixture until you have added at least 1 cup. Then add this back into the remaining tapioca in the slow cooker.

Step 7: Add the lemon zest and stir to combine.

Step 8: Cook for an additional 15 minutes, stirring at least once.

Step 9: Transfer to a bowl and cover the surface with plastic wrap.

Step 10: Allow to cool and then place in the refrigerator until thoroughly chilled.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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