Responsibilities And Duties Of Nigerian Citizens & Benefits

Every citizen living in Nigeria has rights which are entrenched in the constitution and protected by the government. These rights as stated above imposes certain duties and responsibilities on all citizens. The performance of these duties and responsibilities depicts the level of obedience and loyalty of all citizens to the country and ensure the realization of common good for all.

citizen in nigeria


The duties of citizens in Nigeria include the following:

1. Obey the law

This is the principal duty of a good citizen. Laws are made to protect the interest of all citizens to the extent that if every citizen obey the law, there will be order and everybody will live in peace and government will have favourable environment to discharge its own responsibilities.

2. Protection of Public Property

Citizens are also expected to protect government or public properties from vandalisation. Citizens are expected to fight against misappropriation, corruption and squandering of public fund.

3. Payment of Taxes

Every citizen is expected not only to declare his or her income honestly to appropriate and lawful agencies but to pay his tax promptly as at when due. It is from the tax paid by the citizens that government provide essential amenities such as water, electricity, good roads, hospitals and schools, maintenance of law and order inclusive.

4. Rendering National Service

During any kind of emergency, such as during war with enemy country, citizens are expected to come out and defend the integrity of the nation. This is done by enlisting in the armed forces to fight against enemy and defend the country. The National Youth Service (NYSC) is one of such call to serve our fatherland.

5. Loyalty

Every citizen owes loyalty not only to the govemment but also to the community in which he resides and of course to himself. He must also demonstrate allegiance to the nation by supporting the government in its programme to ensure sustainable national development.

6. Respect for others rights

It is the duty of every citizen to respect others’ right and not to interfere with the others‘ right to enjoy their personal liberty, safety, security and the right to enjoy private properties.


There are also certain obligations expected from all citizens in Nigeria. These obligations include the following:

1. Civil Responsibilities

Every citizen is expected to exercise his political right by carrying out his political obligations. This is to come out during election to vote for a candidate of his choice and to stand in to be voted for during any election.

2. Respect for National Symbols

It is the responsibility of every citizen to honour the national flag, citizens must also stand up whenever the national anthem is being sung or played. Citizens are also expected to recite the national pledge.

3. Reporting crimes and Criminals

Citizens also have the responsibility to report crime and criminal activities to the law enforcement agents (Police). This is to reduce criminal activities and threats to lives and properties.


The benefits of being a Nigerian citizen if you carefully obey the laws of the land and fulfill your duties and obligations are:

1. Freedom of speech and association.

2. Government providing basic amenities for citizens when tax is payed.

3. Living in peaceful co-existence with one another.

4. Lives and properties are secured.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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