Latest Price of Rabbits in Nigeria Currently (February, 2025)
Rabbit farming is not too common in Nigeria even though it is profitable. Many don’t have an idea where to purchase rabbit meat from, or even the prices of these animal. If you are looking for where to purchase hare in Abuja, or a rabbit dealer, we suggest that you read this article on rabbit prices in Nigeria to be aware of the latest prices to help you make the right choice.
Anything you desire to do with them, I will provide you with the cost of buying a rabbit in Nigeria and you can likewise get them from various dealers. Before then there are things you have to know on why individuals keep hare or rabbits.
Various Reasons Why People Keep Rabbits
There are a few reasons why individuals keep these kind of animal which you probably won’t know. Reasons ranging from eating, rearing, research, etc are just a few why rabbits, even though troublesome are special.
When you ask those into rabbit farming in Nigeria particularly those doing it as a business, the principal thing they will let you know is that it is for profit making or consumption. It is generally, an excellent protein source when compared with other types of meat. Hare meat can be handled for utilization in a few different ways; It can be singed, cooked, stove dried. It is one of the great sources of white meat with elevated level of absorbable protein. Some of the reasons why individuals devour rabbits include:
- It contains high calcium and phosphorous
- Contain no cholesterol
- Low sodium content
- It has low-fat substance
- Fills in as options for those on diet as a result of its low calories
Hare meat is consistently place one next to the other with chicken meat however to be completely forthright with you. I will consistently go for Rabbit meat in Nigeria quickly.
Hide/Skin Production
Angora and Rex variety of bunny is the main thing that strikes a chord when we discuss creation of skin/hide utilizing hare the world over. The hide is utilized on business scale in the creation of caps, covers, and toys. It is go through numerous procedures before it can become what individuals can be pulled in to it. A portion of the procedures incorporate relieving, gleaming, and cleaning.
Bunnies that are intended for creation of hide are generally left to arrive at development before being butchered. This is done to ensure the skin is appropriate and has just created for creation of elevated requirement skin.
As Pets
Rabbits are for the most part use as pet in Europe yet here in this piece of the world they are intended for utilization. They are social dynamic residential creatures that adoration to be nestled and conveyed. Commitment of time by the proprietor consistently make them to make this bond will bring time before they can be broken.
Exploratory Research
Just like we have white rodents, bunnies are saved for investigate reason particularly by schools of Agriculture in Nigeria, science schools and research establishment. They are utilized for assortment of research for various purposes. They are known to have comparative physiology to people and are anything but difficult to deal with and care for if contrast with others.
Use in Production of Manure
The hare compost is one of the best natural composts that anybody can ever lay hands on. We have an enormous and green market for new droppings of bunnies when they turn dry compost. Raising them will give you unending and expanding flexibly of droppings that you can offer to organizations that procedure and bundle them into definite items. You can too begin Organic compost creation plant.
The droppings of hares are wealthy in nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, and nitrogen. They can be applied straightforwardly to plants. In the event that you are the sort that keep a little nursery at the rear of your home, you will never needs to stress on purchasing costly manures.
Types of Rabbit in Nigeria
We have numerous types of rabbits however I will attempt to constrain myself to those that can without much stress, be found here in Nigeria:
- American Chinchilla
- Angora
- Rex
- Havana
- Clean
- English Spot
- Goliath Blanc
- Silver Martens
- New Zealand White
- Checked Giants
Current Prices of Rabbits in Nigeria Today (2025)
- Weaners Rabbit N2,000 – N3,000
- Producer Rabbit N4,000 – N5,000
- Developed Rabbit N6,000 – N7,000
- Matured Rabbit (English Spot): N5,000 – N6, 000
- Matured Rabbit (Chinchilla): N5, 000 – N6, 000
- Matured Rabbit (Dutch): N5,000 – N6, 500
- Matured Rabbit (Harlequin): N6, 000 – N7, 000
- Matured Rabbit (New Zealand): N6, 000 – N7, 000
Note: The cost of buying rabbits in Nigeria is different from one area to another, you can think that its one price today and discover its at another the following day. The costs that will recorded here are ordered base on what people are selling and those of different markets.