How To Pass US Visa Interview At The American Embassy Easily

A lot of Nigerians imagine how a trip to the United States of America would be, at least once in their lifetime. We all know that there are other better countries to dream about touring, but America is classical. Everybody wants to set foot on that land someday. Reasons for wanting to travel to the United States of America can range from “ academic to marriage, or even business! who knows?

How To Pass US Visa Interview At The American Embassy

The United States of America has several types of visas which include: Diplomatic visa, employer, temporary work visa etc. All these visas, fall under two broad categories, the non-immigrant and Immigrant visa.

Non Immigrant visas are issued to individuals who are on a temporal visit to the states. These visits could be business, tourism, employment, studying or family visit. Immigrant visas, on the other hand, are given to people who want to permanently move to the USA. Their immigration reasons could be related to investment schemes or family reunion. The interview procedures can prove to be quite a nervous call. The reason for this is the ripple effect of fear, passed on by people who were once denied a visa.

With the aid of this article, you would be provided with useful tips that would help you pass the US visa interview in no time. You would also be better prepared and feel very confident on the day of your interview. Please kindly take note that the office of the consular has the power to decide whether you get your US tourist visa approval or not.

What you need know before making an appointment for your US visa

Before you make an appointment for your USA visa, you need to have a very valid reason for making your travel. If you plan on a tourist trip, you need to know about your tourist plans, like the tourist centres you would visit. Endeavour not to forge any document. If you are found doing such, your visa would be denied. To avoid falling into the hands of scammers that vendor fake documents, follow through the visa document processing by yourself.  Also, make sure that your documents do not contain any errors.

How To Pass US Visa Interview At The American Embassy In Nigeria

In your interview process, you have to state whether you have visited the United States of America previously. If you are asked any questions, Endeavour to respond with appropriate documents.

Here is an additional tip, you might be asked about your ties in Nigeria. The purpose of this question, is to know whether you intend to come back to Nigeria, and not hide out in the USA. Also provide enough evidence to prove that you have the financial capacity to maintain yourself for the duration of your visit in America. No nation on earth wants extra burden.

When you are interrogated about your ties in Nigeria, be ever ready to present documents that back up whatever response you make. This ties can be dependent on a job, family members, etc. You should also have a valid medical and police report. This report should be gotten two weeks before the scheduled appointment at the American Embassy. Your medical report is valid for just 6 months, while the police report validity expires after one year.

Useful Tips For Your USA Visa Interview

  • Appropriate dress code should be observed.
  • Try to be punctual
  • Try to appear calm no matter what
  • Be respectful and polite
  • Try your best to appear confident
  • If you have no clue of what the interviewer said, just be scared to ask” I beg your pardon”.

Things You Shouldn’t Do At USA Visa interview

  • Try not to be too evasive in your interviews. The only aim of the interviewer is to get authenticity and clarity of the information found in your application. If you skip answers, you would be seen as been shady, and most likely, your visa would be denied.
  • Do not give off false information no matter the condition you appear to be in. As stated earlier, if the information you provide appears to be faulty, your visa would be denied.
  • Watch your body language, most interviewers that work in the American embassies have a Diploma in Psychology. Your body language sends a lot of signals to your interviewer.
  • Before the interview date, rehearse possible questions that you might be asked, and try to be honest at all times. It pays to be very honest and calm. Being polite can also be a huge boost. Avoid any stance of over impressing the interviewer with bravado. Endeavour to always appear calm, polite and sure of your responses.
  • Don’t ruin your chances of getting your visa by saying too much, the fewer words you say, the better for you.

FAQs During Interview At The US Embassy

  1. What would you do if you won a jackpot in a gambling casino in Las Vegas?
  2. What if you were offered a job with a fat salary?
  3. What would you do if you were offered a business partnership?
  4. What if would you do if a beautiful man/woman proposes marriage?

These questions are used to find out your intentions as the applicant. A lot of things would be passed from your responses to the questions you are asked.


The Approval of your USA visa application depends most of the time on the success of your interview. After the USA embassy grants you a Visa, try not to overstay the visa. Try to stay true to your words. Like I stated earlier, you should have all the documents that are important. Ensure that the documents you are looking for are notarized.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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