Category: Government


Types of Pressure Groups in Nigeria

Pressure groups have grown to be a crucial component of public administration and governance. These organizations strive to exert pressure on a government’s administrative and political structure. They seek to either advance their interests...


Types of Citizenship in Nigeria: Full List

Nigeria has various types of citizenship categories. The three ways to become a citizen of Nigeria are through birth, registration, and naturalization, as stated in the 1999 Nigerian Constitution. An individual must fulfill certain...


Importance of Political Parties in Nigeria

Nigeria is a democratic country in which political parties play a crucial part in this democracy. All of the political figures in the nation are chosen by the public populace in open elections. The...


Importance of Federalism in Nigeria

If you read the Nigerian Constitution closely, you’ll notice that the country is referred to as the “Federal Republic of Nigeria.” Our country’s federal system is defined by this phrase. While there are other...


Top Reasons Why We Need Government

The ancient Greeks were the ones who gave us ideas about the need of government in any given society. Plato and Aristotle referred to the art of government as “steering the ship of the...