Top 5 Best Agricultural Courses to Study in Nigeria (2024)

The agricultural sector in Nigeria is one of the most dynamic with plenty of job opportunities. It is a field that constantly needs people with high levels of proficiency and experience. Students who are interested in working the land and soil in a number of ways may desire to enroll in agricultural science studies.

courses in Nigeria

This field covers a wide range of subjects, including animal care and the sciences of food and soil. Students in Nigeria now have several options to choose from when it comes to agriculture education.

The best agriculture courses in Nigeria are listed here for students to apply for in the university.


The top agricultural programs in Nigeria are listed in depth on this page. I guess you may have already had a course in mind. However, I do advise you to thoroughly read this list since I have a hunch you might reconsider your decision. So take your time and choose wisely.


Agricultural engineering is the branch of engineering and agriculture that deals with the development of farming machinery and equipment. An agricultural engineer contributes to ecologically acceptable, environmentally safe farming practices. How? They achieve this by examining new technologies and methods of doing things in order to better agricultural operations.

Agricultural engineers carry out both interior and outdoor tasks. They often put in long hours to take advantage of favorable circumstances because their work may be dependent on the weather or growth seasons. An agricultural engineer works with sectors of the economy connected to agriculture, such as equipment makers, seed producers, and food producers and distributors. Some agricultural engineers tackle problems with crops, lands, and livestock in close collaboration with farmers and agricultural technicians.


Nutrition and Dietetics is a specialized branch of Medicine. It is science that is concerned with all things dietary and how they affect our health and general well-being. Dietitians and nutritionists work to enhance people’s health and assist them in making better food decisions. They also assist patients in striking a balance between healthy food and exercise.

Many different sciences can benefit from nutrition and dietetics. However, chronic illnesses and weight management are the two most common specializations. It is important to speak with a licensed dietitian if you wish to adjust your diet.

Students studying nutrition and dietetics learn how and why particular eating and nutritional practices affect us as well as how to enhance our health. Moreover, you learn how to properly consult patients and create nutritional therapy based on each person’s unique metabolism. You can prevent illnesses in people by using this knowledge in addition to treating them.

Graduates in nutrition and dietetics can readily find employment in a variety of industries and organizations. This comprises both governmental and private hospitals, nursing homes, marketing or advertising agencies, and food production facilities. It won’t be easy for you because it’s frequently simpler for folks to form a bad habit than to break one. Nevertheless, you may significantly impact people’s lives and support them in leading longer, healthier lives.


Agricultural economics is an offshoot of applied economics. It employs both macroeconomic and microeconomic strategies to address issues in a particular field.  Agricultural economists analyze data to identify patterns and trends in economic activity. They also carry out studies to gather information and market samples. They use the forecasts gleaned from their research to guide, affect, and enhance the commercial choices made by their customers and agricultural organizations.

This type of agricultural degree can lead to hundreds of opportunities. Students who major in agricultural economics often find employment in banks, credit unions, insurance companies, law offices, and private businesses. Some people land positions with the gov’t. Some people work as business advisors or managers in the agricultural industry. Graduates in agricultural economics are prevalent in the textile sector.

Likewise, students majoring in agricultural economics might specialize on rural development. They have a worldwide perspective and understand that the food industry is now a global one.


Food Science and Technology, alternatively known as FST is one of the top Agricultural courses worth studying.

Food science is the study of how food is formed physically, chemically, and biologically, as well as the factors that contribute to food spoilage and the theories behind food processing. Food scientists and technologists use scientific disciplines like chemistry, engineering, microbiology, and nutrition to investigate food in order to increase its availability, safety, and nutritional value. According to industry standards and governmental directives, food scientists create methods for processing, preserving, packaging, and storing food.

Graduates of the Food Science and Technology program have the necessary skills to find employment. They are capable of holding prominent positions in the food industry, regulatory bodies, extension organizations, and research institutions.


Agricultural Extension is another excellent agricultural course that is worthwhile to do in the country. The agricultural field has mirrored the involvement of agricultural extension workers over the years. Agricultural Extension is a course in agriculture that focuses with educating Farmers, primarily rural farmers, about new agricultural technologies. Extension services play a crucial role in educating farmers on how to increase their output and profitability.

Agricultural extension agents are employed by numerous employers. But in essence, they frequently have connections to national, state, or local governments. Moreover, agricultural extension agents could work for research institutions, community education organizations, and universities with land-grant programs. Some agents are also professors at colleges and universities. You can travel and interact with people from many cultures while taking this highly intriguing course.


Agriculture courses had hitherto received little attention from students. They believed the programs to be less renowned and offer little prospect of financial success. As a result, students who chose such courses were made fun of by their classmates. Some were referred to as “farmers.” This misunderstanding came from the idea that everyone who took agricultural courses would eventually work on a farm. When the word “agriculture” is used, many people immediately picture a hoe and a cutlass. These people overlooked the fact that by nature, all people are farmers.

These myths are now slowly dying out since the agricultural sector is nearly completely replacing the oil sector. In many colleges nowadays, several agricultural courses are in high demand. We made an effort to list the top five agriculture courses available in Nigeria.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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