Types of Grasses in Nigeria

Grasses has some importance, though they are classified as unwanted plants. Animals rely heavily on the grasses of natural grasslands for their food supply. They are also grown for pasture and lawns. The various types of Grass found in Nigeria are listed here, despite the fact that the grass family is commercially significant for a wide range of uses. There are grasses in every part of the nation. Some are cultivated for food or ornamentation, while others spread on their own and endanger other plants. Even certain grasses have therapeutic properties and can be used to treat certain diseases. The sorts of grasses that can be found in Nigeria will be discussed in this article.

grasses in Nigeria


Below, we’ll talk about the many species of grass in Nigeria.


Bahama grass is referred to by its botanical name, Cynadan dactylon. Europe is where this grass first originated. It is a particular variety of grass that grows in Nigeria. There are numerous uses for bahama grass. This plant has therapeutic characteristics, thus it can be used to induce diabetes in addition to constipation. This grass includes nutrients including calcium, phosphorus, fiber, and others. These elements make it a wholesome source of food for grazing animals.


Elephant grass is known scientifically as Pennisetum purpureum. The grass is also referred to as Uganda grass and occasionally Napier grass. Elephant grass is no longer only used as a source of food for grazing animals. Elephant grass is now grown close to other crops only for pest control purposes. Elephant grass also improves soil productivity and prevents soil erosion. If it is positioned adjacent to corn for the sole aim of preventing moth damage to the maize plant.


Cenchrus macrourus is the name of this grass in botanical terms. Perennial grass called African Feather grass is often referred to as veld or bedding grass. This grass features thick, fibrous roots as well as strong-looking, ribbed-looking leaves. The stem of the African feather grass can irritate skin if it is contacted. No matter the climate or soil topography, this grass can thrive anywhere. It is possible to feed grazing animals using African feather grass.


This grass’ scientific name is Axonopus compressus. In contrast to other grasses, carpet grass thrives in moist soil. Additionally, carpet grass is not shade-resistant. If erosion is a problem for you as a farmer, you should think about planting carpet grass because it helps to fend off erosion. No matter how fertile the soil, carpet grass could be grown there. Walkways, parks, and other places can be decorated by planting carpet grass. Additionally, they can be fed to grazing animals.


Buffalo grass is referred to by its botanical name, Stenotaphrum secundatum. Africa and the countries of tropical America are home to buffalo grass. The grass has rough-looking leaves. It has long, thick crimson stems and is a perennial plant. Buffalo grass is resilient in all conditions. Despite the dry season, it can still flourish. It can be found primarily in shrubland, coastal regions, and bare land. This grass also doesn’t want any shade.


Couch grass is referred to by its botanical name, Digitaria abyssinica. It is perennial to find couch grass. This grass has long, bluish-green leaves that are of average size. Couch grass is not suited to be seen next to crops since its roots create a kind of mat beneath the soil.


Spear grass has the scientific name Imperata cylindrica. Speargrass is a species of grass that develops into a highly attractive and tall plant. Additionally, it features thin stems and puffy flowers. In Nigeria, speargrass is viewed as a dangerous plant since it can kill other plants if it coexists with them. However, spear grass is decorated in other nations.


Cyperus rotundus is the scientific name for nutgrass. The fact that the stems of this grass resemble nuts is how it received its name. It can be quite difficult to get rid of nutgrass. They may grow in any kind of weather, however dry weather is preferred. Animals that graze can be fed on this grass.


Tridax procumbers is the formal scientific name for the Nuke-doh plant. Nigeria is home to this weedy plant. It is incredibly therapeutic. People think that because it has healing capabilities, it could be utilized to cure diabetes. It could be challenging to get eliminate of this plant because it is tough to accomplish this task.


The Siam weed plant is known scientifically as Chromolaena odorata. It also goes by the name “devil weed.” This plant will grow in the land if you leave it fallow for a period. This particular plant makes it challenging to eradicate other weeds since it inhibits them from flourishing on the soil.


This plant’s scientific name is Euphorbia heterophylla. When cut, a plant known as milkweed exudes a milky liquid. It is called milkweed for this reason. People who are allergic to latex may develop dermatitis by handling milkweed, thus it must be handled with extreme caution. The plant has blooms as well.


Asystasia gangetica is the official botanical name for this plant. The creeping foxglove is a plant that grows along roadsides and in garbage dumps. This plant is safe for people and other plants because it can be used as medicine. It’s a gorgeous color.


The wild sunflower plant is known scientifically as Aspilia africana. The wild sunflower plant serves a variety of functions and advantages. The herb is useful for treating wounds and stopping bleeding if you are hurt. Wild sunflowers can also be used to cure bee and scorpion stings, according to a different wild sunflower facts.


This plant’s scientific name is Justicia flava. It is primarily present in our complexes and waste disposal areas. This plant can be used to manufacture vegetable salt and prepare soups, therefore it is edible. The entire plant can be used as medicine because it has therapeutic characteristics.


Selaginella kraussiana is the name of the plant in botanical terminology. This club moss plant is indigenous to Africa and has a lovely appearance.


There are weeds and grasses all around. Some, on the other hand, are well renowned for being able to grow in tropical climates. We’ve featured a few of these typical Nigerian grasses in this page, along with their botanical names and applications. This knowledge, in our opinion, is beneficial.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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