Top 10 Best Ground Forces in Africa (2024)

Africa, a continent of diverse cultures, landscapes, and nations, is home to some of the most formidable military forces in the world.

From the scorching deserts of North Africa to the lush savannas of sub-Saharan Africa, each country has its own unique military history, strengths, and challenges.

strongest armies in Africa

In today’s rapidly changing global landscape, understanding the military capabilities of African nations is crucial for regional and international security.

In this article, we will delve into the top 10 best ground forces in Africa, exploring their military might, training, equipment, and combat experience.

From the battle-hardened troops of the Algerian People’s National Army to the technologically advanced forces of the South African National Defence Force, we will examine the strengths and weaknesses of each nation’s ground forces.

Whether you’re a military strategist, a political analyst, or simply an enthusiast of military history, this article will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the most powerful ground forces on the African continent.

So, let’s embark on this journey to explore the top 10 best ground forces in Africa, and uncover the fascinating stories, strategies, and soldiers that make them tick.


The army generally, is the military component of a country that are trained and equipped with arms and ammunition for the security, protection of the inhabitants and defense of the boundaries of that country on land.

Although the military is made up of different departments which are the land armies or soldiers (ground force), Navies (water/sea base) and the Air Force.

Land soldiers are seen to be superior, because land is where most of the wars and battles are fought.


Our focus will be on the best ground force, we shall be listing the top 10 countries with most powerful ground forces in the continent of Africa ranking them from highest to the lowest.

best ground forces in Africa


The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) rounds out our top 10 list, but don’t let that fool you – this force is a powerhouse.

With a history dating back to the early 20th century, the SANDF has evolved into a modern, technologically advanced military machine.


  • Well-trained and disciplined troops
  • Advanced equipment, including state-of-the-art fighter jets and armored vehicles
  • Experience in international peacekeeping missions


  • Limited manpower and resources compared to other nations
  • Historical baggage from the apartheid era still lingers


  • The SANDF played a key role in the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO)
  • They have also contributed troops to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)

The SANDF may face challenges, but their commitment to protecting South Africa and contributing to regional stability makes them a force to be reckoned with.


The ENDF are one of the largest and best military group in the continent of Africa with over 192,000 active men.

It’s one of the most equipped armies in Africa with annual defense budget to support the troops.

Perched atop the Horn of Africa, the Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) stands as a formidable sentinel, guarding the region’s strategic gateway.

With a rich history dating back to the ancient Empire of Axum, the ENDF has honed its military prowess through centuries of conflict and diplomacy.


  • Battle-hardened troops with extensive experience in counterinsurgency and guerrilla warfare
  • Formidable air force, with advanced fighter jets and transport aircraft
  • Strategic alliances with regional powers, including the United States and China


  • Limited modernization and equipment upgrades
  • Ongoing internal conflicts and ethnic tensions


  • The ENDF played a decisive role in the ousting of Somali dictator Siad Barre in 1991
  • They have also contributed troops to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)

From the rugged highlands to the scorching deserts, the ENDF has proven itself a force to be reckoned with, defending Ethiopia’s sovereignty and influencing regional dynamics.


Though not as equipped with sophisticated armory and weapons as the other countries listed above, the Tanzanian ground force (army) is one of the most capable armies in Africa.

It was founded on the 1st of September, 1964 with numbers of active men approximated to be 30,000 as at March 2017. They are fondly called ‘The Tanzanian People Defense Force’

Joining the Tanzania army doesn’t require much criteria, all you need do is to be 18 years of age or above; be a citizen and be psychologically fit and ready to face any emergence of war.

Tanzania army doesn’t have many record of war as its only war engagement was the conflict between Tanzania and Uganda.


  • Large and well-equipped force, with advanced tanks, aircraft, and naval vessels
  • Experience in conventional warfare, counterinsurgency, and peacekeeping operations
  • Strong strategic alliances with the United States and Gulf Arab states


  • Limited modernization and doctrinal innovation.
  • Ongoing internal security challenges


In the vast expanse of the Sahara Desert, the Algerian People’s National Army (PNAA) stands as a proud sentinel, guarding the nation’s sovereignty and shaping regional affairs.

With a history forged in the crucible of anti-colonial struggle and civil war, the PNAA has emerged as a force to be reckoned with, leveraging its military might and strategic alliances to defend Algeria’s interests.


  • Battle-hardened troops with extensive experience in counterinsurgency and guerrilla warfare
  • Formidable air force, with advanced fighter jets and transport aircraft
  • Strong strategic partnerships with Russia and China


  • Limited modernization and equipment upgrades
  • Ongoing internal security challenges, including terrorist threats


  • The PNAA played a crucial role in the Algerian War of Independence against France
  • They have also contributed troops to the United Nations Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)

From the Mediterranean coast to the Sahel desert, the PNAA has demonstrated its capacity to defend national interests and project power, serving as a cornerstone of regional stability.


In the heart of East Africa, the Kenyan Defence Forces (KDF) stand as a proud and capable force, defending the nation’s sovereignty and regional stability.

With a history marked by colonial legacy and modern-day challenges, the KDF has evolved into a force capable of projecting power and maintaining peace across the region.


  • Well-trained and disciplined troops, with experience in international peacekeeping and counterterrorism operations
  • Advanced military equipment, including modern fighter jets and armored vehicles
  • Strong strategic partnerships with the United States, United Kingdom, and African Union


  • Limited resources and funding, hindering modernization efforts
  • Ongoing internal security challenges, including terrorism and border security threats


  • The KDF played a key role in the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), leading the fight against Al-Shabaab
  • They have also contributed troops to the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)

From the savannas of the Maasai Mara to the shores of Lake Victoria, the KDF has demonstrated its capacity to defend national interests and project power, serving as a cornerstone of regional stability and security.


In the southwest corner of Africa, the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) stand as a powerful and modern force, defending the nation’s sovereignty and strategic interests.

With a history marked by colonialism, civil war, and oil-fueled growth, the FAA has emerged as a force capable of projecting power across the region.


  • Advanced military equipment, including state-of-the-art fighter jets and naval vessels
  • Well-trained and disciplined troops, with experience in international peacekeeping and counterinsurgency operations
  • Strong strategic partnerships with Russia, China, and Brazil


  • Limited transparency and accountability, with concerns over human rights and corruption
  • Ongoing internal security challenges, including separatist movements and oil-related conflicts


  • The FAA played a decisive role in the Angolan Civil War, defeating the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) rebels
  • They have also contributed troops to the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO)

From the Atlantic coast to the Congo River, the FAA has demonstrated its capacity to defend national interests and project power, serving as a key player in regional security and stability.


Also known as the Royal Morocco Army, they are ranked fourth as the best army in Africa.

The creation of this military outfit can be traced back to 1088 but it gained ground on the 14th of March 1956.

The Morocco army consist of 250,000 active troops and its motto is “God homeland king”.

They are also one of the most equipped military in Africa with weapons of war that are sophisticated.

With a rich history that spans centuries of imperial dynasties and colonialism, the Moroccan Royal Army has evolved into a force capable of projecting power across the region.


  • Advanced military equipment, including cutting-edge fighter jets and tanks
  • Well-trained and disciplined troops, with experience in international peacekeeping
  • Strong strategic alliances with the United State, France, and Gulf Arab states


  • Limited manpower and resources compared to larger regional powers
  • Ongoing internal security challenges, including Western Sahara dispute


  • The Moroccan Royal Army played a key role in the Gulf War, contributing troops to the international coalition
  • They have also contributed troops to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)

From the Atlas Mountains to the Sahara Desert, the Moroccan Royal Army has demonstrated its capacity to defend national interests and project power, serving as a vital component of regional stability.


In the heart of West Africa, the Nigerian Army stands as a colossus, shouldering the responsibility of safeguarding the continent’s most populous nation.

The Nigerian army was established in 1960 immediately after the country’s independence from the colonial masters.

Nigeria is currently ranked the 3rd strongest ground force made up of about 200,000 active soldiers.

The motto for Nigerian army is “Victory comes from God alone”

With a history marked by colonial legacy and civil war, the Nigerian Army has evolved into a force capable of projecting power across the region.


  • Large manpower base, with over 100,000 active troops
  • Diverse arsenal, including main battle tanks, artillery, and attack helicopters
  • Experience in international peacekeeping and counterinsurgency operations


  • Corruption and mismanagement have hindered modernization efforts
  • Ongoing internal security challenges, including Boko Haram insurgency


  • The Nigerian Army played a key role in the Liberian Civil War, leading the Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group (ECOMOG)
  • They have also contributed troops to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)

From the Niger Delta to the Sahara desert, the Nigerian Army has demonstrated its capacity to adapt and overcome, serving as a bulwark against regional instability.


The Libyan army are ranked as one of the deadliest elite forces in the world with over 150,000 active men. Its headquarter is located at tripoli, Libya.

In the midst of North Africa’s vast desert landscape, the Libyan National Army (LNA) stands as a force to be reckoned with, defending the nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

With a history marked by colonialism, revolution, and civil war, the LNA has emerged as a powerful force, seeking to unify the war-torn country.


  • Battle-hardened troops with extensive experience in counterinsurgency and guerrilla warfare
  • Formidable air force, with advanced fighter jets and transport aircraft
  • Strong strategic partnerships with Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Russia


  • Limited international recognition and legitimacy
  • Ongoing internal conflicts and rival militias


  • The LNA led the campaign to capture the Islamic State’s stronghold in Sirte
  • They have also engaged in conflicts with rival militias in Tripoli and Benghazi

From the Mediterranean coast to the Sahara desert, the LNA has demonstrated its capacity to project power and defend national interests, playing a crucial role in shaping Libya’s future.


At the apex of Africa’s military hierarchy stands the Egyptian Army, a force steeped in history and tradition.

This is the largest ground force in Africa at the moment and 10th in the world with more than 430,000 active men who are very agile and skillful enough to emerge victorious after wars.

With a legacy that spans millennia, from the pharaohs to the present day, the Egyptian Army has evolved into a modern, well-equipped, and highly effective force, defending the nation’s sovereignty and regional interests.


  • Largest and most advanced military in Africa
  • Well-trained and disciplined troops, with extensive experience in conventional warfare and counterterrorism operations
  • Strong strategic partnerships with the United States, Russia, and European nations


  • Limited flexibility and adaptability in response to emerging threats
  • Ongoing internal security challenges, including terrorism and border security concerns


  • The Egyptian Army played a crucial role in the 1973 Yom Kippur War against Israel
  • They have also contributed troops to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in the Sinai (MFO)

From the Nile River to the Suez Canal, the Egyptian Army has demonstrated its capacity to defend national interests and project power, serving as a cornerstone of regional stability and security.


Africa’s military landscape is a complex tapestry, woven from threads of history, politics, and strategic interests.

From the sands of the Sahara to the savannas of the Serengeti, the continent’s armed forces are a vital component of regional security and stability.

As we conclude our journey through the top 10 most capable militaries in Africa, we are reminded that military might is not the sole determinant of a nation’s strength or influence.

In an era of rapidly evolving threats and challenges, from terrorism to cyber warfare, Africa’s militaries must continue to adapt and modernize to meet the demands of a changing security landscape.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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