Osun State Civil Service Salary Structure (2025)
What are the current salary grades and pay structure for civil servants in Osun State as of 2025?
The Osun State government recently approved changes to the civil service salary scheme, implementing new pay grades that aim to improve remuneration and retention of state employees.
A lot of people looking to work in Osun State has always ask the question of what’s the salary of their civil service workers.
This article outlines the revised Osun State civil service salary structure and pay scales for this year.
The Osun State civil service implements the national minimum wage framework, which as of 2019 mandates a minimum wage of ₦30,000 per month. Civil servants are placed on salary grade levels based on their qualifications and job roles, with graduates typically starting at grade level 07 or 08.
Annual increments help civil servants move up the grade levels. In addition, promotions to higher job roles also come with elevated grade levels and increased pay. For instance, climbing from an Administrative Officer on grade level 08 to Assistant Chief Admin Officer on grade 12 comes with over 100% salary increase.
Promotions are merit-based, with candidates needing to have satisfactory performance appraisals and pass examinations or interviews.
The Osun State government has faced fiscal challenges in recent years, sometimes struggling to pay salaries promptly despite budget provisions. The organized labor has had to lobby for timely wage payments.
Here is an overview explaining the Osun State Civil Service salary structure from Grade Level 01 to 17, including typical jobs at each level:
GRADE LEVEL 01 – ₦19,500 – ₦27,000
At grade level 01, civil servants typically hold basic administrative support roles. This includes positions like office assistants, messengers, cleaners, tea attendants, security guards, gardeners etc. These entry-level jobs provide fundamental office and operational support.
GRADE LEVEL 02 – ₦21,000 – ₦29,500
The grade level 02 salary range is for higher ranked assistants and junior clerks. Those at this level may have some specialized skills training related to record-keeping, computer operation, equipment utilization etc. They assist officials in carrying out essential organizational activities.
GRADE LEVEL 03 – ₦22,000 – ₦32,000
Osun State civil service roles at grade 03 include skilled craftspeople, machine operators, drivers and junior technicians. They are involved in skilled operative work necessary for organization operations and service delivery. These can include artisans, technicians, broadcasters etc.
GRADE LEVEL 04 – ₦22,500 – ₦35,000
Grade 04 civil servants can take on more complex technical and administrative duties like senior technicians, administrators, accountants and law enforcement agents. They implement policies and programs under supervision.
GRADE LEVEL 05 – ₦25,000 – ₦41,000
At grade 05, civil servants occupy specialized professional and managerial roles. There is more autonomy to apply distinct expertise. The job positions available in this grade level include researchers, personnel managers, engineers, economists, doctors, pharmacists etc.
GRADE LEVEL 06 – ₦31,000 – ₦49,500
Higher managerial duties are assumed at grade 06, providing direction and control over departments, units or administrative divisions. Roles requiring policy analysis andmanagerial expertise include finance managers, senior engineers, medical consultants etc.
GRADE LEVEL 07 – ₦41,500 – ₦64,000
Grade 07 civil servants take on advanced managerial responsibilities for organization branches and key programs. The jobs available here include heads of departments, local government administrators, district treasurers, chief pharmacists etc.
GRADE LEVEL 08 – ₦54,000 – ₦80,000
At grade 08, senior administrators direct organization divisions and formulate strategic policies. Examples are directors heading departments, local council executives, chief medical directors and chief engineers.
GRADE LEVEL 09 – ₦63,500 – ₦96,000
Top administrators manage entire organizations or local councils. There are many positions available in this grade level of the Osun State Civil Service. The jobs include organization secretary, hospital/institution head, council treasurer, works manager and chief planning officer. They provide visionary leadership.
GRADE LEVEL 10 – ₦73,000 – ₦111,500
Grade 10 civil servants have vast responsibilities as directors general, heads of extra-ministerial departments and parastatal chiefs. They manage substantial resources to deliver major government objectives.
GRADE LEVEL 12 – ₦87,500 – ₦127,000
At grade 12, roles involve assisting executive governors by coordinating government activities. Positions include commissioner, head of service, clerk of state house of assembly and secretary to state government.
GRADE LEVEL 13 – ₦98,000 – ₦138,500
Grade 13 is for civil service leaders appointed by governors to formulate and implement policies across the entire state. Typical roles are permanent secretaries of state ministries.
GRADE LEVEL 14 – ₦107,500 – ₦153,000
The grade 14 salary range is for the pinnacle of career civil servants. Appointments at this elite level are made by the State Civil Service Commission.
GRADE LEVEL 15 – ₦120,000 – ₦167,500
Grade 15 appointments involve leading major governmental institutions. Jobs in these positions include rectors, provosts and deans heading tertiary education institutions like universities, colleges and polytechnics.
GRADE LEVEL 16 – ₦132,000 – ₦190,000
At this grade level, Osun State appointees preside over the entire state university systems.The role provides overall vision to manage multiple campuses and ensure educational standards.
GRADE LEVEL 17 – ₦147,500 – ₦213,500
The grade 17 salary range is reserved for the exceptional few charged with administering complete state university complexes. Their expertise and experience is leveraged to enhance capacity building.
In conclusion, the updated salary scheme for Osun State’s civil servants in 2025 introduces several new grade levels and pay increases especially for entry and mid-level positions.
The changes bring state employee salaries more in line with federal wages and the rising cost of living. The revised structure strives to boost morale and performance by enhancing take-home pay, providing annual increments, and introducing new allowances.
However, it remains to be seen whether the higher personnel costs can be adequately sustained year-on-year from state revenues.
Going forward, the affordability and impact of the 2025 civil service pay reform in Osun will need to be closely tracked.