Top 5 Best Medical Courses to Study in Nigeria (2024)

Medicine enjoys a high degree of respect and importance among all occupations. Do you want to render health care and give back to the community? Then enroll in a medical program. It’s interesting how fulfilling and rewarding the course is. Moreover, one of the many factors that influence people’s career decisions in the medical industry is work security. The medical industry offers many fantastic chances that should interest you. Employment rates have increased as a result of the introduction of several new courses.

The opportunity to explore the best medical programs is now, if you decide to pursue a profession in nursing, paramedicine, or medicine after completing your secondary education. The top medical schools in Nigeria are listed in this article for prospective students. We’ve gathered all the relevant details in one part, including the best medical schools, top medical courses, and prerequisite exams.


The five most popular and well-paid medical programs in Nigeria are listed below.


Medicine and Surgery is unarguably the most sought-after course in most universities in Nigeria. This places it as one of Nigeria’s top medical educational programs.

The study of medicine and surgery is focused on the art and science of preserving and/or regaining health through the examination, diagnosis, and care of patients. Studying medicine and surgery at the university level in Nigeria requires six academic years. You will have to complete a one-year housemanship after completing your university training in order to make it seven years. The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) must then receive your registration before you can begin practicing medicine there and earning the title “Doctor.”

There are several career options in the medical industry. You have the option of entering primary healthcare and working in a general capacity or selecting a field of expertise. You will undoubtedly get the chance to practice any decision you make. Among the prospective clients for doctors’ services are, to name a few, hospitals, clinics, health centers, multinational corporations, and educational institutions. Doctors in Nigeria are also among the highest-paid professionals right across the country.


Nursing is arguably the most practiced medical field in Nigeria. It is one of the most popular and studied medical related courses in Nigeria.

The role of nursing in the health care system is important. It focuses on promoting wellness, preventing disease, and providing care for physically ill, mentally ill, and disabled persons of all ages in all situations related to health care and other communal activities. Up until now, there has been a misconception that women can only pursue careers in nursing. However, as more men enter the industry, this false notion is starting to shift over time.

Almost all medical facilities require the services of nurses, making nursing a critically important profession. The health care system greatly depends on the profession. Obtaining a degree in nursing in Nigeria requires at least 5 years of study. You will become a nurse when you complete the degree. Nurses work in a variety of industries around the country. They can do their duties in even the most remote towns without access to a local physician. This clearly demonstrates the value and necessity of nurses in Nigeria.


Pharmacy is among the best medical courses to study in Nigeria. This is due to both the prestige attached to the job and the financial stability it provides.

Pharmacy as a field of study focuses on the study of drug discovery, production, preparation, dispensing, reviews, and monitoring in order to ensure the safe and efficient use of pharmaceuticals. A pharmacy degree can be earned from any Nigerian university after 5 years of study.

With a pharmacy degree, you can work in a variety of fields. If you run a pharmacy or practice your trade, you can practice in many different fields. With a degree in pharmacy, there are numerous job options besides private practice. There are several places where you could work as a pharmacist, including a hospital, clinic, pharmaceutical company, psychiatric institution, regulatory agency, extended care facility, and research center.


Are you interested in becoming a dental surgeon? Then here is a good course to study in the university. Dentistry is a medical field that focuses on understanding teeth, gums, and the mouth. Dental students receive training in the research, diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatment of oral illnesses, disorders, and conditions. Tooth decay and periodontal disease are the most frequent health issues they treat. This course can be completed in 5 academic years in a Nigerian university.

There are several places where you could practice dentistry as a career after passing this course and registering with the NMA. You could want to start your own dental practice or look for work in dental clinics or other institutions. The range of dentistry practice includes root planning, endodontic root canal therapy, tooth restoration, and tooth extraction. Whether you decide to start a private practice or look for employment elsewhere, there are many different fields in which to work. Your professional success and financial security are likely to come from having the abilities required to be a dentist in Nigeria.


Medical laboratory science is one of the most lucrative medical degrees to study in Nigeria. You will acquire the knowledge and abilities necessary to carry out diagnostic testing on blood and bodily fluids in clinical laboratories after completing this course at the university. You will learn a lot from the scope of the university course in medical laboratory science. It will demonstrate how to check the quality of test specimens, decipher test results, record gathered data, test control items, carry out calibrations, and conduct statistical analysis to confirm the precision and repeatability of testing.

A medical laboratory scientist’s services are required in Nigeria in a number of different occupations. Hospitals and laboratories are just a few of the places they might work.


Studying for and succeeding in courses that are related to medicine requires a lot of effort and commitment. But the benefits for those who complete these medical programs are tremendous. It is still a fact that these medical programs provide their graduates with boundless and quick prospects. With this in mind, students should be encouraged to pursue these medical courses since it will improve their prospects of finding employment more quickly.

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