Full List of Agricultural Extension Programmes in Nigeria (2025)

In this writeup, we will examine the various agricultural extension programs in Nigeria, their objectives and how they impact the agriculture sector.

agricultural crops in nigeria

Agricultural extension is basically the study and practice of agriculture through logical research and gathering of new information and initiatives. This field is extensively about agricultural practices and it incorporates a more extensive way of training rural people (which practices agriculture most) about agriculture, controls, agricultural marketing, health, and business. This training is consequently put in practice by empowering the trainees with the imputs to delve into the agricultural sector.


Since the starting of agricultural extension globally which was dated hundred years back, the history of the discipline has witnessed a great extent of progress. It is a significant power in agricultural change, which has been made and reproduced, adjusted and created throughout the years. Agricultural extension programmes has been about development of the sector. It stretches out to address the necessity of this field.

Today, there are lots of initiatives to broaden and improve the capacities of local practitioners of agriculture. This aim to embrace proper and regularly new practices and to acclimate to changing conditions and general needs.

The need of agricultural extension is very broad and they are also the reason for the programs in it:

  • Conservation, improvement and utilization of agricultural resources.
  • Educating all involved in the field of agriculture.
  • Expanding the turn out in agricultural production
  • Increasing the effectiveness in advertising, appropriation and usage of agricultural information sources.

Agricultural Extension is instructive in content and purposive in approach, which means that it manages the conduct of farmers and the agricultural field as a whole. Regardless, it involves farming, health, education and training, designing, and so on on the practices of agricultural sector. It is constantly reliant on a firm information and aptitude in humanism, human sciences, agriculture, and other related disciplines.


These are agricultural projects initiated in the country to augment farming and food productivity. Our article will examine these intervention programmes that were set up to effect agricultural practices by providing the assets and materials to the sector, and also giving the training to local farmer.

Below are the various agricultural programmes in Nigeria today:


The Agricultural Development Programs is a agricultural extension programme that was initiated in 1972 in the county. The objective of the program was to bring development into the agricultural sector, through the government. Their duties includes the setting up of infrastructures, offices, schools, accessible water in the country for the accessibility of farmers and agriculturists.

ADPs began in towns like Gombe (Gombe) and Gusau (Zamfara) in Northern Nigeria, through the assist from World Bank. The objective of the program was not under-estimated as it became essential in view of the requirement for the use of information and aptitudes in all the applicable areas of agribusiness in the country.



This agricultural program called Operation Feed the Nation was very popular in 1970s, due to how it was structured to address the agonizing face of food insufficiency in Nigeria. Set up in 1976 by the the military government, it was aimed to address the issue of rising food emergency, and raising food/ agricultural products import bills. The program was to engage the population to partake effectively in agricultural production and guarantee independence in food sufficiency, also in job creation.

The program was designated to be of aid to the agricultural sector, which was to finance creation inputs, expand bank credit to farmers, foundation of product sheets and fixing of appealing costs for agricultural produce.


Another agricultural program is the Green Revolution initiative. The program aimed at supplanting and also augmenting the already existed Operation Feed the Nation programme. The program was also set up so as to realize radical changes in country’s Agricultural sector and correct the issues of progressive governments on the issue of agriculture.

The Green Revolution program was a welcome development for farmers, ranchers, and all in the field, as they got various motivations to help their creation level which was through this intervention program. The need of the program was attained by the use of domesticated animals and yield parts which were presented while the exploration foundations were re-sorted out to make them progressively receptive.


The National Accelerated Food Production Program was instituted by both the federal and state governments to augment the productivity of agricultural cash crops like grains which includes wheat, cassava, cowpeas, maize, rice, guinea corn, millet, and others.

The program was set up to improve the volume of these commercial crops, as they felt that these grains are significant to be profitable, creating wealth, alleviating hunger and related food emergency, as they will be put to check. This was accomplished through the presentation of agricultural materials like fertilizers, agrochemicals, produce stores and handling offices, and arrangement of credit outlets to farmers and the practitioners in the agricultural field.

Furthermore, the National Accelerated Food Production Program ordered some research organizations to create improved harvest assortments. These improved produce were analyzed through the aid of agricultural specialists and also by the use of broad communications to impact the agriculture sector.


This is yet another agricultural extension programme, which focuses on creating the availability of land for agricultural development in Nigeria. The program was executed as a government agency, to direct and mitigate the issues of low usage of rich and fertile land for agriculture. And in this way facilitates the productivity and yields of farmers through the extension of agricultural lands for use.

The agency was saddled with the responsibilities of working with the government in intervening for the farmers by providing hectares of land to grow their crops. The program additionally gave administration and training to ranchers in their local farming environment irrespective of the locations.

The general objective of the agricultural development program was to urge farmers to plant sufficiently and increase produce so that the surpluses can be sold out in the markets, while the remnant can be exported to bring income to the agricultural business.

These agricultural programs in Nigeria were set up by different government to meet a specific goal in the industry. By this, some of these programmes though may be on extinction, but they are still functional and applicable in the present day agricultural extension.


In summary, agricultural extension has its primary facets and aspects which are that it looks to impact the conduct of the agricultural processes in all, through trade, education and dissemination of information. The point is to help them in increasing the agriculture occupation, improving the physical degree of living, and creating a network which will include government assistance.

Of which the accomplishment of this requires the support and regard with respect to both government, agricultural workers/ laborers and the immediate people. The application and use of agricultural extension programmes is also to be as an assistance in the administration service, the schools and non-profitable organizations.

Agricultural extension is also a course in universities and other schools of learning like agricultural institutes. The discipline generally aims on the education and development of the agricultural sector.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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