JAMB UTME Subject Combination For All Courses (2024)

Are you preparing to register and write the Joint Admissions and Matriculation examination? It’s not entirely about writing the exams that guarantees your admission later into an institution.


One of the reason is having the correct subject combination for the course you’re intending for. As such, we’ve compiled the full list of courses and their respective subject combination.

Comprehensive List of Courses and UTME Subject Combination

Some unlucky candidates are oblivious about what subject combination to choose for their Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), and this can lead them to have complicated issues which may result to termination of admission or being offered another course that is different from your desired.

To be on the safer side, we have sourced the corresponding UTME subject combination for all courses from JAMB Brochure, all for your convenience.

Here is the right subject combination for JAMB UTME examination;

Faculty Courses JAMB Subject Combination
Administration Accountancy Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any other Social Science subject.
Banking and Finance Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, plus one of Government and Geography.
Business Administration Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one of Government and Geography.
Business Management Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one of Government and Geography.
Cooperative and Rural Development Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.
Human Resources Management Use of English, Economics, Government and any other relevant subjects.
Industrial Relations Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other relevant subject.
Insurance English, Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.
International Relations Use of English, Economics, Literature in English and Geography/Government/History.
Marketing Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one other relevant Subject.
Mass Communication Use of English, Literature in English, Economics and Government.
Tourism English, Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.
Agriculture Agriculture English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and any of Mathematics or Physics.
Agricultural Economics English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Mathematics or Physics.
Agricultural Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Agricultural Extension English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.
Agronomy English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.
Animal Production and Science English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and Mathematics or Physics.
Crop Production and Science English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and Mathematics or Physics.
Fisheries Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and any other Science subject.
Food Science and Technology Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics and Agricultural Science.
Forestry Use of English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Physics or Mathematics.
Home Science Use of English, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture and Mathematics or Physics.
Nutrition and Dietetics Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and Mathematics/Physics.
Soil Science English, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science and any of Mathematics or Physics.
Arts and Humanities Christian Religious Studies Use of English, two Arts subjects including Christian Religious Knowledge and any other subject.
English and Literary Studies Use of English, Literature in English, one other Arts subject and another Arts or Social Science subject.
Fine and Applied Arts Use of English Language, Fine Art and two other Arts subjects or Social Science subject.
Islamic Studies Use of English, Islamic Religious Studies plus two other Arts subjects.
Languages and Linguistics Use of English, One Arts subject and two other subjects.
Literature in English Use of English, Literature-in-English, one other Arts subject and another Arts or Social Science subject.
French English, French and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
Hausa English, Hausa, Lit in English and any of Economics, Government, History and Arabic.
History Use of English, History and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
History and International Studies Use of English, History and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
Igbo English, Igbo and two subjects from Arts and social Sciences.
Linguistics English, Any Language and two other subjects.
Mass Communication Use of English, Any three Arts and Social Science subjects.
Music Use of English, Music, one other Arts subject plus any other subject.
Theatre Arts Use of English, Literature in English and two other relevant subjects.
Yoruba Use of English, Yoruba and two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.
Education Adult Education Use of English, Government/History, one Social Science subject, and any other subject.
Agricultural Science and Education Use of English, Any three subjects from Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Physics, Economics, Geography and Mathematics.
Computer Education Use of English, Mathematics, Economics/Commerce and one of Chemistry/Physics/Biology.
Education and Accountancy Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus any Social Science subject.
Education and Biology Use of English, Biology and two other subjects from Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.
Education and Chemistry Use of English, Chemistry and two other subjects chosen from Physics, Biology and Mathematics.
Education and Christian Religious Studies Use of English, Two Arts subjects including Christian Religious studies and one other subject.
Education and Computer Science Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry and Geography/Physics.
Education and Economics Use of English, Economics, Mathematics and one other subject from Geography/Physics, History, Government and Lit. in English.
Education and English Language Use of English, Literature in English and one Arts and any other subjects.
Education and Mathematics Use of English, Mathematics and any two of the following Science subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Education and Physics Use of English, Physics, Mathematics or Chemistry plus one other subject.
Education Arts Use of English, Subject of specialization and any two Arts subjects.
Guidance and Counseling Use of English, Any three subjects.
Health Education Use of English, and three other relevant subjects.
Human Kinetics Use of English, and three other relevant subjects.
Physical and Health Education Use of English, Biology and any two relevant subjects.
Vocational and Technical Education Use of English, Technical Drawing, a subject of specialization and Mathematics or Physics.
Engineering Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
Civil Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Chemical Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Computer Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Electrical Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Electronic Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Marine Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Mechanical Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Mechatronics Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Petroleum and Gas Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Production and Industrial Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Structural Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Systems Engineering Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
Environmental Sciences and Technology Architecture English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.
Building Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry.
Estate Management Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.
Quantity Surveying Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.
Surveying and Geoinformatics Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics.
Urban and Regional Planning English, Mathematics, Geography and one of Economics, Physics, Chemistry.
Law Civil Law Use of English, Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.
Common Law English, Literature-in-English and any two other Arts/or Social Science subjects.
Criminology And Security Studies Use of English and anyny three subjects.
Islamic / Sharia Law English, Any three Arts or Social Science subjects including Arabic or Islamic Studies.
Law Use of English adding with any three Arts or Social Science subjects.
Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Anatomy Use of English, Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry or Physics.
Dentistry Use of English, Chemistry, Biology and one Science subject.
Medical Laboratory Science English Language, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Medical Rehabilitation Use of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Medicine and Surgery Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
Nursing Use of English, Physics, Biology and Chemistry.
Pharmacy Use of English, Physics, Biology and Chemistry.
Physiology Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
Physiotherapy Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
Radiography Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
Veterinary Medicine Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
Sciences Biochemistry Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics or Mathematics
Biological Sciences Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics.
Botany Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and any other Science subject.
Chemistry Use of English, Chemistry and two of Physics, Biology and Mathematics.
Computer Science Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agricultural Science, Economics and Geography.
Geology Use of English and any three Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Geography.
Industrial Chemistry Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics and any of Physics/Biology/Agricultural Science.
Industrial Mathematics Use of English, Mathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology and Agricultural Science.
Mathematics Use of English, Mathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry and Economics or Geography.
Microbiology Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and either Physics or Mathematics.
Physics Use of English, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology.
Plant Science and Biotechnology Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and any other Science subject.
Pure and Applied Mathematics Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Biology or Agricultural Science or Chemistry or Geography.
Statistics Use of English, Mathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry and Economics.
Zoology Use of English, Biology and any two of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
Social and Management Sciences Demography and Social Statistics Use of English, Mathematics, Economics/Geography and any other subject.
Economics Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any of Government, History, Geography, Literature in English, French and CRK/IRK.
Geography Use of English, Geography and two other Arts or Social Science subjects.
Library Science Use of English and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.
Mass Communication Use of English, and any three from Arts or Social Science subjects.
Philosophy Use of English, Government and any other two subjects.
Political Science Use of English, Government or History plus two other Social Science/Arts subjects.
Psychology Use of English, and any three subjects from Arts or Social Science.
Public Administration Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.
Religious Studies Use of English Language, CRK/IRS and any two other subjects.
Social Works Use of English Language, Mathematics, Economics/Geography and any other subject.
Sociology and Anthropology Use of English, Government or History and two other Social Science/Arts Subjects.

The ‘Use of English’ is a constant subject for all candidates irrespective of the course you chose. The minimum and maximum number of subjects is three, adding with the mandatory Use of English to make four subjects as your subject combination.

That’s our take on this, you can read more on the additional requirements for admission into any of these course you intend to study.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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