How To Get A Job In Nigeria Despite Graduating With 2.2 Or 3rd Class

Honestly, getting a job in Nigeria graduating with a 2.2 or 3rd class can be difficult as most organizations prefer second class upper or even first class certificate holders as the least requirements that the applicants are expected to have to apply for job openings.


How To Get A Job in Nigeria Despite Graduating With a 2.2

Believe you me, this is a cruel factor on the part of these companies offering vacancies in Nigeria using this as a job requirement as anyone who has passed through a Nigerian university would know what it feels like to graduate with a good grade.

Although, the whole crux or blame will not fall solely on the lecturers or companies as you would agree with me that most Nigerian students spend the first two years of their stay in the university playing, partying and missing those important lectures then start becoming serious in the remaining two years at the university especially at their finals.

These students should have known better that once you start on the wrong note, it becomes nearly impossible to finish with a good grade in Nigeria which means either having a first class or 2.1 as a university graduate; anything short of this is considered not good enough.

Well, this doesn’t mean that graduates who have a third-class or even a pass do not get good jobs at the end of the day. It is the things done by graduates after leaving school that will determine how far they will go in getting their dream jobs.

Below are things you can do to improve your chances of getting a good job if you graduated with a 2.2 or a 3rd class.

1. Change your mindset

Finishing with a 2.2 is not the end of the world. Some graduates in the past refused to attend their convocation ceremonies simply because they did not do well by their own standards. You are who you think you are; do not allow some grade written on a paper to prevent you from moving forward and doing something meaningful with your life. You attitude towards life must change if you want to leave your footsteps in the sands of time.

2. Discover what you are good at

If you are a Nigeria you must have heard this popular phrase ‘Exam is not the true test of someone’s ability’. You might have finished with a 2.2 or 3rd class by not doing so well in a course. Most people make a particular grade by few points. Do not dwell on this grade, find what you are good at and see where it takes you to. What are your unique attributes? Lay more emphasis on them when applying for jobs.

3. Boost your confidence and communication skills

Those who graduate with a 2.1 may have a big problem getting a job if they do not know how to sell themselves. To get a good job with a 2.2 or 3rd class grade, you have to develop some skills that will be highly useful to the companies you are applying to. Improve on your communication skills and you have a great chance of convincing an employer to give you the job.


How To Get A Job in Nigeria Despite Graduating With a 3rd Class

4. Add professional certifications to your grade

Instead of drooling on the grade you have made in school, you can make plans to boost your qualifications. Take short certificate courses and improve yourself the best way you can. You will be surprised to see how far you will go when you do this. Graduates with professional certifications stand a better chance of getting jobs irrespective of their grades in school.

5. Do all it takes to gain experience

At this point, you should not focus on making money if you want to make it big. Do not let your ego overrule when offered job in smaller companies. Jump at those opportunities because they will prepare you for the road ahead. It is a learning curve; whatever experience you gain there may give you an edge over those who finished with good grades.

6. Drop your CV everywhere

Your CVs are to be shared everywhere; do not see this as a waste of paper and money. You never can tell when the hard copies would be picked by some interested employers. You stand to lose more if you do not risk taking a risk. Make yourself available for every job till you get to the stage where you can make a choice and turn down offers.

7. Network

Be opened to networking in order to meet important people in the labour market. The social media should be used as a tool for meeting important contacts that can change your life forever. Do not appear less serious on it; there are a couple of pages that you can sell yourself and make employers get attracted to your profile.

LinkedIn, Facebook and other pages can connect you with important people in the society. Be available to go for conferences and have the contacts of these people. You may need them to call a shot on your behalf one day.

8. Pray for GRACE

There are some job applications that grace will take over for you if you pray. Grace makes the unqualified qualified. Finishing with a 2.2 or 3rd class should not discourage you and prevent you from soaring high in life. Apply for jobs and ask for divine intervention at every point in time. Some graduates have gotten six figure jobs in places where they do not know anyone and are not qualified. When the world expects you to know someone, tell them you know God and see what happens next.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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