T-Shirt Printing Business in Nigeria: Guide on How To Start (2024)

The fashion industry in Nigeria is a lucrative industry to start a business in Nigeria as you will be producing for a thirsty audience that would never get their love for fashion quenched. One of the ways to get your own part of the pie in the fashion industry is to start a T-shirt printing business.

t-shirt printing business

T-shirt printing business is mainly focused on creating custom printed T-shirts. However, you could extend it to include a service where you produce “custom printed gifts” for corporate organizations. The gift business is complementary for those who use heat presses to print T-shirts. With a quality heat press, you can print on number plates, glass-works, blankets, wood or any other flat surface.

Follow the steps below to start your own T-shirt printing business in Nigeria:

Research and Planning

Before you get into this business, you need to do extensive research and see if it will be profitable for you. You need to research your target market and how you can penetrate it. You need to know all the required equipment and how much they will cost you and how you will get the start up capital. Simply put, you need to research everything about the business before starting. The result of your research will be prepared into a business plan. Check online articles on how to write a good business plan and follow the writing style.

Getting Start Up Capital and Training

You need money to start your new business. It could be money from your savings, a gift from someone, loan from family members, cooperatives or banks. How convincing your business is will go a long way in helping you get a start up capital.

Aside the start up capital, you also need training on how to print on the shirts before you can start this business or probably, get your staffs trained if you know you wouldn’t be available to take care of the business.

Get A Suitable Location & Buy Equipment

After getting your capital, the next thing is getting a suitable business location and site your business there. After this, buy all the necessary equipment you will need to carry out your T-shirt printing business. Make sure they are of high quality.

Advertise Your Business

After everything had been setup, the next most important thing is advertising. You need to let people know your business exist. Advertise online notably Facebook. Go to schools and speak with excos of student association. Go to churches and organisations and tell them about your business.


It is important to note that the quality of the blank T-shirt you are going to be printing on is very important. Blank shirts of high quality usually leads to a quality work, earning you happy customers that will lead to more sales and referral.

Oluchi Chukwu

Oluchi is a seasoned Information blogger, content developer and the editor of Nigerian Queries. She is a tech enthusiast who loves reading, writing and research

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